Word is starting to spread. If we remain consistent in our activities, focusing our attention on building and expanding, things will work out.
After all, they cannot ignore us forever. Hive has a lot of cool things under development that are going to be well received in due time. When someone shows up, having a broad cross-section of offerings is important.
As this takes place, others are going to notice. While it might be more akin to a drip out of a faucet instead of a dam breaking, steady growth has its benefits. This provides everyone the time to adjust and implement what is needed. Scaling is a major issue in the industry and, thus far, except for a weekend due to Splinterlands growth, we have not see any problem with that.
Nevertheless, it is always good to be able to stage up.

Ivan On Tech
The name Ivan on Tech is one of the most recognizable to those who are in cryptocurrency for any length of time. He is one of the leading blockchain/cryptocurrency influencers on YouTube. His channel has near 500K subscribers.
We often wonder why the bigger names who are promoting cryptocurrency always overlook Hive. They talk about every new project out there yet seem to omit Hive from the discussion. This get even more ironic considering they are often talking about what needs to be done, something that Hive usually already accomplished.
Nevertheless, this ecosystem still does a good bit of flying under the radar. Most do not pay it much attention even if they are aware of it. After all, the community's fight with the "now-departed-from-crypto" Justin Sun was headline crypto news. Now, 20 months later, we are buried in the cycle.
That said, Ivan on Tech was able to put together a write up about Hive that covers it in a fairly detailed manner. In reading the article, you would think he is a long-time Hive user. Whoever provided the information did an excellent job.
Here is an example of some of what is contained in there.
Hive aims to create a robust, enterprise-grade blockchain solution that lowers operational costs and constantly strives to improve. Also, the project commits to developing an extensive suite of libraries, community resources, and development tools to make integrating blockchain infrastructures frictionless.
Nothing that was written should be new to any ardent Hive user. The article does give a good summary of what different components of the ecosystem are. It is interesting that 3Speak was not mentioned yet the Proof-of-Brain tribe was. Perhaps Ivan on Tech does not want to face having to get in congruence with his activity on Web 2.0 while ignoring this new application. Either way, we are happy to have the coverage and be tied to his name even if it is in a blog post.
This is how the article summarized Hive:
The Hive blockchain aims to promote mass adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology by incentivizing engagement with various decentralized applications (dApps) throughout the Hive network. Furthermore, the platform provides a broad range of tools and services for developers, content creators, and enterprises for creating exciting dApps and decentralized social media platforms.
Also, with zero gas fees and super-fast transaction confirmation times, the Hive blockchain is highly-scalable, with a low entry barrier. Moreover, the Hive network is home to over 126 projects, including many exciting decentralized social media platforms, crypto gaming platforms, and NFT projects. These applications are helping to create decentralized communities by rewarding users for participating in discussions and creating valuable content.
You can read the full article here.

Hive Promotion
This is one of those pieces that is timeless. Looking through the article, there is nothing that really is time based. What is meant by this is that it is general enough to be distributed even a year or two from now.
Since Ivan on Tech is such a big name in the industry, it is helpful to use that to promote the entire ecosystem. For this reason, this is something that could be very valuable in our efforts down the road.
It also is a terrific primer for people who are not familiar with Hive. How often have we been asked "what is Hive?". Here is an article that can be forwarded to the person which does a good job explaining it. After reading this, someone should have a decent snapshot of what is taking place.
Anything that is complimentary to our quest going forward should be utilized. Leveraging mentions by big names is always helpful. Influencers have the ability to get their followers to take action. That is what makes them influencers.
Is this necessarily the magic bullet that Hive was seeking? Not at all. It is, however, another pieces that is in the arsenal. This could be sent all over Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and NoiseCash. At the same time, we can email it to people who are looking at being targeted by centralized social media.
This is one of those ideas which can be followed up by the proverbial "call to actin". Why not email this to 3 non-Hive blogs that you follow? They usually have a "Contact Us" page, even though it isnt public, will allow the information to be passed on.
Sometimes the idea of guerilla marketing is a worthwhile approach. We never know when a pocket will be tapped into where someone joins Hive with a large following.
These are some easy steps to take that can benefit everyone involved. We soon will have most of the social media tools that will enable us to provide a nice bundle of options for content creators. An article like this could go a long way, if distributed widely, in priming people for what Hive is offering.
Let us utilize it to our advantage. How often has we seen something promoted with the "As Seen on TV" logo with a clip of the television appearance? All of this is basic marketing. A piece this what Ivan on Tech wrote has its value enhanced it time it is passed out. Plus maybe, over time, he notices that article getting a lot of traffic and decides to do a follow up.
Again, we just need to keep focusing upon open the spigot a little more each time.
For now, it is great to see Ivan on Tech write up an article that casts Hive in a positive light.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
gif by @doze
logo by @st8z
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
He used to be active here (steem) in his early days, forget what his account is called, though and cba to look it up on my phone now.
Yes, he was active in 2017 and 2018. His posts are here:
He still has about $10K of HIVE assets, untouched for a while.
I've watched his videos for a while. He's a programmer and thinks logically and rationally. Usually tries to present the upside and downside of whatever topic he talks about.
Lately he has a project called Moralis, which is a nice tool for programmers who want to code web3 dApp projects on various Ethereum Virtual Machine blockchains.
It would be very cool if he integrates HIVE into his Moralis project. I think we here on Hive could use Moralis for Hive projects even now, to handle some common dApp features. It's on my To Do list to look more into Moralis again.
I didnt know that. That would likely put him further ahead than many of the crypto influencers.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even though I have very little respect for this guy as a person and a business owner, free promotion is always welcome.
He had a lot of controversies in the past and I'm not sure how much of his influence is actually left in the crypto space. He has been dumping on his followers, he is known for doing anything for money and I remember that last year a writer had a hard time getting paid for the work that got published under Ivan's name with no compensation for the writer.
Highly doubt that he wrote this one but whoever did is great at understanding Hive, there is no question about it. I even learned a thing or two just from reading that article.
Don't want to be the guy that can't even enjoy a piece of good news but I felt the need to point out the obvious.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh man well that's not shocking to read. Lots of people with high followers will shill anything for money sadly.. Sometimes any news is good news! I'd take this guys write up instead of news of another Justin Sun type shit lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We actually leveraged the Justin Sun situation for gain. It is also part of our history that can be revisited and put forth. Imagine if it does eventually get made into a movie.
These are the events that can be captures in video or in a blog post and used for even greater exposure.
I think that is a piece that many miss.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That all might be true but I come from the school publicity is publicity. He is still a big name and the article does cover Hive well. It is something that we can leverage and push out there. I am going to send out about half a dozen emails to some bloggers who were recently demonetized. The link to that article will be included in it.
Leverage all we can even if the person being leveraged is a bit tarnished.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Couldn't agree more. I just spend too much time in this space and can't forget the bad things that went down over the years.
I don't mind leveraging this as a great opportunity. If anything the JS event you mentioned is proof that any situation can end up on a positive note if you manage it correctly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
By the way, I am not disagreeing with the main premise of your comment. There is no doubt that the "crypto influencers" do not do much for the industry, yet a lot for themselves. The fact they talk about Web 3.0, crypto, blockchain, while living in the Web 2.0 world is the epitome of hypocrisy in my opinion.
That said, people do follow them and pay attention to what they say for whatever reason. To me, the insight provided on Leofinance and Hive about crypto is much greater since it is done by people living it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is the only reason why I can't stomach anything they have to say. So many great things are built on the blockchain and you are still using a centralized service because it brings in more money and requires less effort.
They found an easy way out I guess.
I feel like it's the same people that are desperately looking for hope wherever they can. I spent enough time on Reddit and Twitter to learn that not even 1% of crypto investors actually invested what they can afford to lose.
When the markets are down even Ivan on Tech and Bitboy are a viable source if they are calling for a pump. Occasionally they will put out great pieces of content like now but those moments are truly rare.
Again, no reason for us to not play the reverse card and leverage their "success" for our own cause.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bitboy. Had to look that one up.
I thought I heard of him. Turns out I did. He was making some obscene Ethereum calls earlier in the year (more like $40K instead of $4k).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are missing out on pure gold good sir.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
the fact he didn't load it with a lot of tech terms makes it an excellent overview for normies. I just shared it on my FB profile with a tag to a friend who was asking me about the chain.
I am not a fan of his either and I feel very stressed watching his videos. I also don't like how he raves about a project and then makes a complete 180 and then talks trash about them. Either way, I do think it's a net positive for HIVE and another notch on a very long belt
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This guy sounds like a nasty piece of work.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's pretty awesome! It shows that sometimes it's good to keep your nose to the ground and just keep doing what you're doing, trying to get as best as you can. Eventually people will take notice and give it a try!
We can't let this go to our head though! Attention is great but we can't slack on trying to keep improving the environment and the chain here. The recent price spike was great for sure but if we can manage to keep things going, that could be the norm!
That is true. We cannot let this go to our head. Nor can we rest on our laurels. Hell, for all we know someone might have paid Ivan for that piece (that as was mentioned, he likely didnt write himself).
When all is said and done, it is up to all of us to promote what is taking place here. Send out the link to the article to a thousand people (collectively we do that) and we should garner some interest.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It would be great if this was at a later stage accompanied by a video! That would have quite a decent spin-off I think. Back when he did "Good Morning Crypto" it was evident to see how committed the community was and how they take his opinion quite seriously, perhaps a little too much.
The "cultish" element always seems to arise along with prominence... but yes, great exposure nonetheless!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not sure we will see a video but that is okay. Even if he did one, unless we actively sought to promote it by spreading the link, it would accomplish little.
That is why, with a community, we need to keep pushing things like this out there. Here is what I consider to be a decent primer and something that helps to introduce people to Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is why i don't believe in marketing crypto. It's a snowball effect that takes place, or a self fulfilling prophecy. The more the price gains, the more people notice it, the volume gains more people notice it, the more people use it, and so on. High price and marketcap leads to higher prices and a larger market cap.
I think marketing is a Layer 2 function. Few care about the back end stuff which is essentially what Hive is.
Promote what is built upon it. That can target the proper user base for each application, adding to the collective.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
He has a large audience and is very influential. I myself cannot watch his videos. I really just don't like his presentation style and I actually feel stressed when watching him. I can and do watch all of your videos as I prefer a calm cool collected presentation style. Never the less, this is really fantastic news. I am going to read his plug for HIVE. I think it's great that this promotion will get new eyes on HIVE as well as new sign ups but I fear it can still be a bit to overwhelming. Is their any programs for new sign ups to request a "Big Brother or Sister" to help get new users over the initial hurdles and challenges of figuring out how everything works here? We need an easier interface as well as real people helping these new users and coach them to become active users that stay. I'm very stubborn and figured out a lot of this stuff out myself but I think many will give up and leave after getting stuck.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just read his article. Or whoever wrote it. It's decent, but there are some mistakes in it. Normal for someone who barely came in contact with something new. Here's one example:
I believe who wrote this didn't really understand how this works for Hive, and is under the influence of how other blockchains work, where staking on a block producer is rewarded.
About time. At last. I always wondered why HIVE is so overlooked when it already solves most of the problems in blockchain and already does DeSoc or decentralized and tokenized social media for years now.
The crypto market is only waking up to web3 social media and paid blogging via crypto next year...watch and see. We already have NFTs, Splinterlands,dApps, 3Speak, etc.
I honestly believe #ProejctBlank will radically alter things going forward. If we can get that out in the first quarter of next year, that will give us all something to flood traditional social media with.
Then we can hammer the "crypto influencers" as to why they are not using it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's awesome to hear. Hive is a sleeping giant with loads of upside to come.
I am actually surprised he covered it. Not the biggest fan of his, but he does have some of the better coding tutorials and such.
The problem is that we do not pay these influencers to cover Hive, so if they are not getting paid, they overlook it completely. Happens with other true decentralized projects like Digibyte as well. Another project that is amazingly decentralized but completely overlooked. Same reason we don't get a Coinbase listing. Most of these 'influencers' wouldn't know true decentralization if it slapped them in the face.
That is true. Give them money they will do something.
Shows how they are not interested in advancing cryptocurrency as much as their pockets.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Tweeted though my Twitter account is just 5 month old. Also shared on Facebook. As you said, "We never know when a pocket will be tapped into where someone joins Hive with a large following."
It is like fishing: just cast a line and see what results.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's a nice article for those who want a summary so I bookmarked it. I do see quite a few shameless promotions to his articles mixed in that made me wonder what is happening through the article though.
Any publicity is good but I think we are doing fine and I don't mind us being a little under the radar.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is true. His promotional stuff was mixed throughout. But then it adds some more validity in my opinion since it isnt not us promoting.
But it was kind of annoying every 2nd paragraph was his stuff.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is awesome. I don't usually watch much YouTube unless I am trying to fix something, so I have never heard of this guy before. It does feel like a lot of his phrasing is quite technical and might go over the head of the general public. I guess that doesn't matter too much if his target audience is fellow crypto holders.
It's just nice to see our name getting out there!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
He was someone I followed early on. Not sure how much of an influencer he is anymore in the sense of I havent paid attention. Who are the biggest names is a mystery to me these days.
But his name could still carry some weight so we go with it. Push the article and get the Hive name out there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's bound to happen at some stage. We are the no3 blockchain for transactions. Host the number1 blockchain game.
Have a community if thousands creating content and shilling.
If your in crypto long enough and haven't hear the name HIVE then something is very wrong. You can ignore something like this for so long but when the name keeps coming up in your face again and again. Eventually you have to take a closer look.
And we all know how much is happening here for anybody that takes a proper look will be massively surprised.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We just have to keep making it easier for people find all that we have to offer.
There is more showing up each day which is going to make it easier.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's only marketing for us to go to his new project 😅 I doubt that few have seen that article.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes that is true but that does not mean we cannot use it to our advantage.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not too excited about this because Ivan on Tech is a borderline scamster. Having said that, any publicity is good for Hive.
You can say that about almost all the crypto influencers.
They all operate according to the same playbook. None of them are really genuine about the crypto movement or blockchain. It is just a path to a buck for them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I always wonder why people choose to pretend as if hive doesn't exist. Hopefully this is just the beginning.
I would say many act that way because they truly do not know about it. And if they do, it is not on their radar.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Any plugs are welcome as long as they are positive and tell it like it is. crazy to think so many ignore hive as they all know about it. Maybe we are a threat to their end games and they are scared of losing out to something that is growing by the week.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Attention is needed, we need to let people know that hive is the origin of web3.0
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
We need to get the kick ass app on the market. I believe that is #ProjectBlank. Get that going and we have something to scream about from the rooftops.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great, my only concern is that, I wish he has a Hive account. I don’t want him to end up like the advertising lady who was paid to inform people to buy bitcoin at $10 and ended not buying bitcoin for herself. She didn’t even listen to herself passing the message
What he does or does not do is not relevant in my opinion. At this point, I could care less if he posts on Hive or not. Sure it might be better if he did but, on the other hand, it carries some weight that he is not. He is not schilling for personal gain (other than to sell his programs off his blog).
Nevertheless, it is up to us to leverage this piece. That is why sending it out and passing the link to the article is crucial. That way others see it and get a decent idea of what Hive is.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Whether he omit hive or not it is a blockchain where everyone wants to be and definitely will be among the top list in the coming years.
Good to see a YouTube influencer talking about Hive.
We need to spread the word about Hive accross the crypto community and if we did it, this could be big
Good to know we are gaining some attention from the big boys.
With consistent growth and value, we will become known..
Yeah we are avoiding the hype by developing first and promoting second. We have a decent foundation yet are adding more.
In another 6-9 months, I believe Hive will be ready for prime time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can't wait.
You are going to have to. Unless you have a time machine, we all are sitting here for the next 6-9 months. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You were right. Development is the best marketing we could have.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Development and using what is here. That is the key thing. How many of us are using multiple applications that are offered?
I would say there is a core group that does and here is where we are different from much of what is out there right now.
The key is just for us to keep telling others about it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Hey @taskmaster4450, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Happy to hear that
This feels like a promotion of Ivan rather than Hive.
Such promotion can do wonders for Hive and if we build up a solid number of influencers endorsing it we should be set for a great future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Being here from the beginning will certainly pay off when the masses discover what we already know. !BEER
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Hey @taskmaster4450, here is a little bit of from @fiberfrau for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Any publicity is good I would say ! Even if I am not a fan of the guy (I do not hate him either).
Great for Hive ecosystem as a whole. If even a few dozens users took the time to create and interact instead of just speculating, that would be a big achievement.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
The article mentioned POB but not LEO, I am outraged! 😂
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
It is interesting to see somehow we are coming out of the shadows
About time
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Hey @taskmaster4450, here is a little bit of from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.
I like Ivan on Tech. Obligatory shilling aside, his daily morning shows on Youtube were well-produced, entertaining and mostly informative. This thing with Hive (which he had briefly mentioned, IIRC, during the Steem split in Spring 2020) would help us, although it could have been much better if he has done it on video.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great News
I think this is great news, and great publicity.Hi @taskmaster4450
I think many people are critical of centralized platforms like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook… but that’s where the potential recruits to Hive live, so we can’t just …preach to the choir, as my dad use to say, we have to leave our little community and go out into the larger community of the world and connect with people who don’t know about Hive.
This guy is really a big influencer, and as a software developer, what he says carries a lot of weight with normies.
I agree it’s great news, just like our Justin Sun situation was good news because it bought use publicity and notoriety we wouldn’t other wise have… even the famous Vitalic Buterin heard about our plight and commented on our community.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta