This is something that get seriously overlooked. It is part of the power we had to Web 2.0 corporations.
In this video I discuss the idea of digital identities and how sovereignty is crucial. What happens if some company kills your digital identity or a large portion of it?
▶️ 3Speak
It's annoying to find my account on the Web 2 platform completely deleted and evaporated.
We don't own our digital identities in full, we give them to companies that can take them away from us at any moment, so the solution was Web 3.
digital identity- well it's indeed a "big subject", i'm not sure how much most people know about that "process" as most of them seem not know or not to care about how their data accumulate with every move on the web & how these data being used- maybe they like the personalized adds instead of the random ones- specially after social media platforms emerged where u will find hundreds of millions of profiles filled with tons of personal photos starting from early school age where everybody only care about getting more likes & more followers, the thing is with a small effort each person's data when combined can give an amount of info that can b threatening f misused, govs seems to enjoy that game as it make it easier to keep everyone under surveillance- some countries using these hacks & taking it to other levels where peoples faces getting scanned all the day n every corner of streets & of every facility n the city, much left to b said but anyway great video-subject & have a great day