
1/ People look at blockchain and only think of cryptocurrency. However, when we look at AI and autonomous agents, it seems like it was created just for this.

2/ The future is DAOs. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations is what is going to house our data. This will be the way autonomation occurs with the DAOs interacting with each other. We can see hundreds of agents operating together.

3/ How will this work? Blockchain is the answer. Taking a number of nodes and getting them to agree (consensus) is what every network does. This is ideal for a federation of DAOs that are interacting.

4/ With personal assistants and other autonomous technologies, the idea of corporate ownership is going to diminish. We are going to see a spreading out in directions few can envision.

5/ It also shoots a hole in the theory of one coin or token ruling them all. This is a stupid concept that falls in the face of technology and how things are advancing.

Web3 and AI will drive us into a new future. Love to be a part of it.

Yes they are, and have been for years now. Getting closer with tools, resources, education, adaption, and moar every day.

they really are