Hive is an ecosystem. It is alive. That means is grows and changes with time. Over the past few months we saw a lot added, a trend that we can expect to continue.
This is the beauty of open and decentralized. We are at the whim of the community and whatever ideas that come to mind. Whereas centralized entities have a system that all follow, a platform like Hive presents the opportunity and it is up to individuals to forge their own paths. They have the freedom to create as they see fit. Ultimately, the user base decides what will succeed.
Some have a vision while other simply start down a path to see where it takes them. Collectively, this makes us our ecosystem. A bunch of individuals who are pursing their own interests while following the parameters outlined by the code.
The collective is protected by said code. It is what makes the commons hold up. Traditionally, commons had difficulty scaling since, ultimately, individual self-interest overrode all else. We often ended up seeing the Golden Goose destroyed.
Blockchain answers some of these issues. No longer is localized trust required. The blockchain acts on behalf of all and protects the collective interest. Whatever is coded into the blockchain is what all must adhere to. It is within this context that we can scale and grow.
Individuality is thus formed from this basis. Each are free to create, add, and build as he or she sees fit. Within the open context of software, one can also take what is created as a basis, add to it, and develop something else for others to follow.
Many feel the identity does not change over time. To me, this is an impossibility. Anything that is alive must evolve. It is a law of nature. Nothing stays the same. Over the last 4 years, Hive has changed a great deal.
Again, this is something we can expect to not only continue but also accelerate.
There was a post the other day by @blocktrades that provided an update to some that is being done. What really caught my attention was a couple of comments that were made by him.
The first is with regards to SMTs. This is something that many of us were looking towards for far too long. As of now, the community has nothing concrete on this end. Hive-Engine was developed to fill the void, which it did to a degree. Token creation is available on Hive. That said, it is not the same as being available at the base layer.
Nevertheless, this was addressed.
Obviously, this would be a major game changer (as well as a relief) for the Hive community. While nothing is certain at this point, it is evident that it is going to be pursued. Some type of token creation at the base layer is vital. What is interesting is the code for all that is out there is going to be looked it. The presumption that the SMT protocol is the best might not be accurate. Since that project was started, a lot of software was developed within the industry that might provide a better solution.
Ultimately, if we do not keep evolving, we are dying.
Another comment was one that I did not give much consideration to yet could be of great appeal. The Hive blockchain has a reward system built in. This is what makes it specialized since that is coded at the base layer. Thus far, that model was followed by the other projects developed on Hive.
However, does that need to be the case? Once again, we see a comment that helps to explain this.
The intent is to build a layer 2 solution that offers a different reward system. Bear in mind, the base layer system would still be the same. This would not replace what is already being used. Hive would still operate as always and the tribes could continue as they are. However, it appears that another alternative would be provided, giving projects a choice as to how they approach things.
Hive evolving over time through development.
Of course, this is not the only manner which things are progressing. Individuals are starting to find a path that suits them. Many are using Hive as a means of potential wealth creation outside the base token. In fact, it appears, based upon the posts I see, many are concentrating efforts in this direction. Whether it is Splinterlands, DCity, LEO, NEOXAG, or eXode, many are finding success in these different applications.
In fact, the Leofinance team put out a post about a week ago that compared the payouts that individuals were getting in LEO as compared to HIVE. Not surprisingly, there are many authors who are earning as much, if not more, in LEO than they do in Hive.
NFT Showroom is a recent addition to the Hive community. It allows artist to post their digital works for sale and provide an opportunity for buyers to acquire artwork they like. Using NFT technology, the entire path of ownership can be traced. Ultimately, this concept is going to be expanded into many rooms, with the next created focusing upon photography as explained in this post.
The identity of Hive is expanding. What was once solely a blogging platform now is so much more. Ethereum started out trying to become the virtual computer of the Internet. It might still reach that end. On the path towards that, however, it became the defacto place to put together an ICO. During that time, we saw some of the potential of NFTs with CryptoKitties. Now, we see Ethereum swallowing up the bulk of the DeFi activity.
Hive is following a similar path. While not at the same level as Ethereum, it is changing as more is added. Individuals are finding that Hive is a place to get involved with different applications or communities and start to experience Web 3.0. Unlike Web 2.0 platforms, consumers can actually be producers, thus getting rewarded for their participation. This is true whether one is blogging, curating, playing a game, or simply being involved in a community via delegation.
All have the ability to be rewarded through many different means. A again in popularity could end up making some of these rewards very valuable over time.
And best of all: It is safe to say that more is to come.
Hive keeps growing and evolving.
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gif by @doze
Posted Using LeoFinance
Very inspirational!

But we also shouldn´t neglect the fact, that we have some serious issue with user growth and adoption!
If Hive would be really growing, we would not see a flat curve on postings over several months now:
Too many new users give up. They get some nice rewards from their introduction post, but then the community turns away from them and back to their usual circle jerk voting routine. I know, newcomers should not have unrealistic expectations, but I just wanted to share the observation. Not sure how to handle this.
Certainly we want to see more adoption. Sadly, that is going to take time it seems. Few DApps in the blockchain world are killing it.
The early days of the Internet didnt see a mad rush to sign up. Development needed to take place to provide ease of use. We are at the same point with Web 3.0.
Mark my words at some point most will be involved with Web 3.0. That is the direction. Certainly not all will be on Hive but I have a feeling, with continued improvement and app development, we will see our fair share of growth.
In the meantime, it is an opportunity for those who are here.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Early days of internet didn't what?
If by "sign up" you mean social?
Then maybe you have no clue about IRC, BB boards, P2P filesharing, mass movements of savy users seeking to upload world's existing data.
Regulation and corporate takeover is what has evolved Internet to what it is now. So like every tech, Big Money pushes development.
The People however DID take to it from the get go.
The people however, ARE NOT taking to Hive. That's what gets presented to you clear as day yet you dismiss it.. and with falsehoods.
I find you embarrassingly comical.
Specially since you're attempting to maintain morale here.
At least do proper research.
Very inspirational many thanks buddy, I appreciate the breakdown and clarity. Wow Hive as a base layer like Ethereum for so much more, really is inspiring. New tokens are emerging constantly on Hive.
Yeah Hive is a nice base layer although not as versatile as Ethereum due to the smart contract capability on the base layer.
That said, there are pros and cons to that as explained in one of the blocktrades posts. Hive being a specialized blockchain means we have a more efficient base layer yet can offer most other services on the second layer.
Posted Using LeoFinance
I for one can't wait until SMT mainly because I think it will bring a ton more active users. I wonder when SMTs come out how it will work with current H-E tokens, airdrops?
I would surmise they are two separate systems. HE tokens operate apart for HIVE. We need to use a HE token to bridge between the two.
That said, HE will still have NFTs which will not likely be a part of SMTs. Some HE tokens might use SMTs or stay where they are.
There is room for both.
Posted Using LeoFinance
I guess it will be interesting to see how things play out. I anticipate some creative ideas will be found in connection to existing HE tokens.
I mean, I didn't see anything like dCity coming at all!
Posted Using LeoFinance
The prospect of what hive brings is insurmountable and the most amazing is individuals being able to create projects and build under the ecosystem creative unique value and empowering tokens to showcase utility.
It's totally amazing what we have here. Anyone can build at their own pace and that's the truest form of decentralisation
Very important information 👌
Speaking for myself, being at Hive every day always brings me something new (and this is awesome).
Keeping the community motivated is one of the important task and u have been doing it very well and regularly. Thnx
Hive is not just a blogging platform, we can do a lot of things and get rewards for the contribution. For example, Splinterlands and recently dCity is doing better. And we are excited about it.
Posted Using LeoFinance
I have been one of the biggest advocates for SMTs, but the recent developments towards second layer makes me wonder whether we even need them in the base layer...
I guess that if communities get too big, and their token marketcap is huge, it would definitely be good to have the added security of the base layer, but currently, Hive Engine seems to fill the whole perfectly.