The Evolution Of Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It is happening before our eyes.

The future unfolds as time passes. Each day we get a glimpse into what things will we like. Hive is no different in this regard.

Over the past couple years, we saw incredible advancement in the Hive ecosystem. For those who are here on a regular basis, this is both obvious while also being hidden in plain view. Things do not seem to be changing when here daily yet, if we step back, we can see marked differences.

At present, the ecosystem is going in many different directions. This is the power of a complex system that is expanding organically. We can get excited by the thought of where things will be in another couple of years.


Hive Backed Dollars Making A Statement

We all read the news that the Witnesses decided to increase the interest on Hive Backed Dollars (HBD) that is placed into savings. It now sits at a robust 20%. This is one of the more aggressive payouts on any stablecoin.

Of course, if we think back 12 or 15 months, where was HBD? Many were still claiming it should be removed from the blockchain. There were people openly proclaiming there was no point to it and that Hive would be better off doing away with the "extra token". To them, it served no purpose.

Actually, it was hard to argue that point. When we look at things then, HBD didn't have much use. Certainly, when it comes to acting like a stablecoin, it was not even in the right time zone. The range of fluctuation was anything but stable.

Then some innovation entered the picture. The HBD Stabilizer came into being and started to do its thing. Over time, the range HBD moved tightened up. The coin became somewhat "stablish".

Today we see a completely different perspective. HBD is not at the center of Hive's foray into the fixed income market. The return is aggressive, putting it up there with any stablesoin project. This also operates at the base layer meaning a lot of the risk associated with third parties is removed.

HBD certainly is making a statement.


Blogging No More

The original use case for the blockchain was as a blogging platform. It certainly is used for that. However, we are quickly seeing it evolve away from that being the sole purpose. We now have other use cases that can penetrate the mainstream in due time.

Not only are we see Decentralized Finance (DeFi) become a standard, there are other projects that can have serious impact. Take @podping. This is a protocol, developed on Hive, which is changing how podcasts are indexed. Using the immutability along with fee-less transactions on Hive, we see podcasting updates being sent out without the use of a centralized service like Apple or Spotify. This could help to break the stranglehold major companies like Google have on this industry.

We are also at the forefront of the #Play2Earn revolution. This is, naturally, being led by Splinterlands. However, we have a host of other games under development that could be very interesting. Ragnarok, PsyberX, and EXODE all have potential in different gaming genres. The development teams are taking a multi-year view of things.

Finally, we have Leofinance and its associated applications. While the flagship site, is a blogging platform. the development team is working on different projects that extend beyond it. However, even focusing upon that application, we are seeing it quickly transforming into Web 3.0. The most recent announcement that advertising revenue would be shared among the different Leo Power holders is transformative. It is not a company or centralized entity that benefits from the ad dollars (Bitcoin in this instant).

What is exciting about that project is the community is focusing upon doing the things to generate better rankings with the search engines. This includes a push into optimizing articles. SEO is an important criteria for generating traffic. It will take a while but we could see a major difference over the next year. The stakeholders are not financially incentivized to increase the traffic flow.


Digital Cooperative

We often discuss this. Hive is now epitomizing the idea of a digital cooperative. We all live in the same neighborhood and any success in one area can benefit the whole.

Anyone who is holding Hive Power is now part of this. One immediately has a vested interest, financially, as soon as that Hive is powered up. It is an act of dedication. Of course, simple financial commitment is not enough. Those who also dedicate themselves emotionally become part of a growing movement. Hive has a lot to offer and many of us aim to keep it growing.

Community is a word that is tossed around frequently. To me, this is the core concept of a cooperative. The difference between what we are seeing unfolding and what took place in the past is the fact this is operating in the digital world. We are not constrained by geographic limitation. Also, scaling was always a problem with cooperatives. In the digital realm, this is eliminated. Hive can scale to much greater heights as compared to its present level.

Each of us has a stake in what is taking place. In other words, it is in everyone's best interest to aid in the growth. For years, the average person complained he or she did not have "a piece of the pie". Web 3.0 is changing that. With Hive, each has a slice. The question is are we going to take responsibility for having it. That means engaging in certain behaviors. Having an "ownership" mindset is a transition people will have to make. We are no longer just users (or the products) like on traditional social media.


Guerilla Warfare

Hive keeps flying under the radar. To many, this is a problem. The reality is the exact opposite. Hive is completely overlooked. Few are taking it seriously as a major player. This is to our advantage.

When outgunned, one might not want to go head-to-head with the opponent. It is best to utilize guerilla tactics, striking without them noticing. This is what Hive is doing.

What are the tactics we employ? It simply comes down to building. Hive goes about its business, developing on a regular basis. While other projects get the headlines, Hive just keeps plugging along. This is what creates results.

One of the main benefits to this is we can watch and learn. A lot of innovation is taking place within the cryptocurrency world. Not all of it is successful. We can learn from the errors others make. Hence, when we incorporate something, we do it in a way that gives us a much greater chance of success.

We don't have the "face of Hive" out there hyping things. To many, this is a negative. What Hive has is stability. Our foundation keeps expanding, providing a more resilient system. As new applications roll out and start to have some success, wealth builds. This helps the entire ecosystem since the Hive economy is diversifying. This is a basic premise in economic resiliency.

Growth is slowed as compared to other ecosystems. That said, the goal is not necessarily to be the first. The first one diving into a river of alligators might not end up in the best position.

Many look at other blockchain (cryptocurrencies), wanting to be like them. The reality is that Hive has the chance to usurp them. There are a few unique features that Hive offers which can put it in rather elite company. When it comes to replacing the true power center running the world, Hive actually offers an opportunity. We can eventually target the core of the global banking system, replicating it in a way that favors all of humanity. Not many chains can make that claim.

It is difficult to be patient. However, if we realize how big the fish are that Hive could be targeting, we see that time is required. Things are not going to happen overnight. That said, if we keep making the moves at the base layer, we then can build the heavy artillery at a secondary level.

Hive is evolving. Right now it is so much more than just a blogging chain. What we can presume is that, come a year or two from now, it will be more than it is today.

This is how evolution works.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


While Hives Primary focus is still Blogging there are starting to be a few use cases outside of it. Not too many though yet.

Besides that the ecosystem for sure has been growing for web3 here on the Hive blockchain and to be honest I feel we are only at the very start of it all. I'd love to see some devs and applications being talked about and using the DAO funds for something like that ASAP.
As more applications come online though I have a feeling they are going to need to be divided up from how they post. For example if someone builds an application that works like Facebook that runs on the Hive blockchain. I for sure don't want everyone of those posts going to my blog front of hive or a Twitter like front end I don't want every post, comment etc there posting to my blog front.

The Hive layer will be less important if what you describe comes true. We are going to see the blockchain used as a back end for many things. They might tie in via Custom JSON.

It is all part of the evolution. Hopefully the HAF will encourage more development. In the meantime, we just keep pushing things in many different directions.

The HBD savings account made DeFi a part of the platform, albeit in a novel form. But hey have to start somewhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

just having the developers and a more or less competitive price is all the chain needs to move forward, it is a matter of time before it becomes mainstream.

More development is vital. The Hive Application Framework should help with that.

However, there are a lot of other things required to move this forward. The increase in HBD was a big one. We are seeing progress.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We all knows that change is the only constant thing in life, since it is so, I am happy seeing what HBD is achieving. I have always prayed for Hive to have something more better than blogging and right now we are beginning to see that. More goodies awaits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We keep building, more good stuff will come. It is all about the individual these days and what each person does. We all have roles in this cooperative.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive got all it needs to surpass many blockchains (cryptos) out there and we're working so hard in silence to make this statement a reality and not just words. Thing is, we're getting some crazy recognition with every passing day, we just don't see it much yet. It's just a matter of time till the Hive blockchain explodes.

Flying under the radar is a good thing for now. There are a lot of things in the works that could really help Hive to break out. Of course, it is possible we see a lot of them roll out within a couple months of each other.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You spoke about the HBD rates going up for a while now and it is good seeing this come into fruition. There is more incentive to hold Hbd at this point. Read leofinance is working on a liquidate pool for hbd on Polycub. Everything is happening simultaneously and it is beautiful to watch. While hive might be under the radar of many, it will be here for a long time. I love how the ecosystem is evolving.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Those two things working almost in tandem is great. We will see how much liquidity is put into the pool. Hopefully they can get a lot so that it will turn into a viable resource for HBD.

Then we can start to attract some outside attention.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The greatness of it all is that being so anchored in this ecosystem we benefit from the new changes right away. Look at HBD, we were shilling it and expecting the APR% to increase and it happened while we have built some good HBD portfolios.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah didnt really come as a surprise. Now we just need to add to the HBD project. Hopefully the next up will be the release of pHBD and what Polycub is doing. If that could get 1 million HBD in it, that is a great start.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Having been around here since almost the beginning, it’s fascinating to have seen this place grow and I’m grateful to also have a front row seat in the development of the ecosystem.

This latest change of HBD to 20% APR is MASSIVE. I am so happy to see this go through. In my opinion, HIVE was a top 50 crypto in terms of tech and value prop. This change which essentially just put our algorithmic stablecoin at the top of the value prop list just also put HIVE into the top 20 IMO

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was massive. Now we need to compliment it. There is so much other potential out there. One thing we need to see is the addition of Hive Savings Bonds. That would add another layer that allows for a great deal more growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm really looking forward to the newer games being developed, especially Ragnarok I'd say. I have no chance in Spilterlands, that's for sure haha. That's why I plan on being a part of the newer games quite early on, I'm quite ready to put in some proper grind time. 🥃

I got some EXODE holdings. That is another one that has some potential.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think I've seen a post about EXODE before, I'll have to look for it and check it out again. Thanks for reminding me haha. 🍻

The developer behind it will be on CryptoManiacs in May. It is always a great interview.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I should look out for that and give EXODE a look.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes be a worthwhile look if you like Space Colonization games.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will have to keep that in mind then. I'll surely be on the lookout for the interview. I'm quite eagerly waiting to learn more about these gaming projects on Hive.

They are rather varied right now. It is hard to see which ones will come out first. A lot of development from what I understand.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With the little time I have use on hive I have seen many changes am happy for that and I know many changes is coming,the best one am anticipating for is hive application,I hope on day the team will come up with that

Hive has definitely done a lot of evolving and with that comes growth. I can't wait to see how the next year plays out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am excited for what is going to come the rest of this year. 2022 could really be a change in Hive. A lot in the works it seems. We will have to see what rolls out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great stuff as usual. That bump to 20% was quite a welcome sight. I thought we still had a bit more time before the witnesses were even going to consider doing that. It is nice to see they are forward thinking and implemented it. I'm pretty happy right now that Hive is my largest crypto holding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

By far my largest holding also. I am so excited for the future. Too many good things being developed. We just need to see some of it starting to roll out.

The benefit is we get to watch it all happening in real time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, like I have said before, I have my bowl of popcorn and I am totally ready! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No time to sit on the couch. Get off your duff and get in the game. There is work to be done. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

:) If only I were a developer... I can post from my couch!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is a good point. Just keep the posting going on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive used to be a blogging platform but different features and opportunities have given more individuals in the blockchain to benefits from which is definitely a way forward to achieve success and to promote the blockchain to another level.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are looking at changing the narrative completely. Different projects are taking things in different directions. We are going to see this keep expanding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I tend to prefer Hive being under the radar. It's much better than having other people interfere. So far the development has probably caught the eye of some investors but I think many more will follow and I think the short-form content market is bigger compared to long-form content. It's because of this I am looking forward to Project Blank.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Short form is a lot larger than traditional blogging. That is going to be a game changer also, when that rolls out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What do you think will the impact of this HBD % rise be on the planned HBD Savings Bond?

We dont know when we will see the Savings Bond layer added. When it is, the witnesses will have to determine what the levels are for each in terms of the payout.

The might simply add a bigger payout for a lockup or lower the liquid. It is hard to know which way they will go.

Until we see it coming out, it is just conjecture. Once the code is in place it is available, then the Witnesses can position it as they see fit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The stakeholders are not financially incentivized to increase the traffic flow

I don't understand why they wouldn't be incentivized and just in the next paragraph you mention that everyone who owns HP will get a piece of the pie XD

That meant to say "now" instead of "not". Typo.

Thanks for pointing it out. I will correct it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I got scared lol XD

LOL sometimes the typos get to me. Either way, fear not young Skywalker.

The Hive Force is with you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The first one diving into a river of alligators might not end up in the best position.

Hahahah, I can't stop laughing at this one, it is almost certain the belly of alligators have a enough room for the first

A lot is happening on Hive that is so inspiring, the growth is evident unless one fails to look deeply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahahah, I can't stop laughing at this one, it is almost certain the belly of alligators have a enough room for the first

This is close to home since I live in gatorland. We have lots of them. I learned long ago, swimming with gators not a good idea.

A lot is happening on Hive that is so inspiring, the growth is evident unless one fails to look deeply.

Fortunately it is becoming easier to see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's definitely exciting to watch the ongoing evolution of Hive!

I just hope the "blogging function" of our ecosystem isn't completely done away with, since it still remains one of the absolutely easiest ways for "Jane and Joe Average" to get their first experiences with crypto.

On a more personal level, a large part of what keeps me interested isn't just being part of it, but also talking about it with fellow community members.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It wont go away. It is an essential part of the ecosystem. Plus many of the tribes (along with front ends) are still focused upon that. Even Leofinance is built around blogging.

Plus we have microblogging coming with ProjectBlank. So a lot of good stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Saving HBD every day, especially now is 20% for one year,is alot of money. Thanks for the information.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

20% a year, compounding for 20 years is a lot of money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes boss

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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the way I could describe what hive is becoming is like this
A powerhouse that brings light to all areas that are connected to it.
It's like a hybrid of both BTC and ETH and more advanced abilities.
Slow and steady wins the race but it's not too long before things start changing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Blogging is still a big part of the Hive but as the saying goes, "We have come a long way baby." It is so much more and growing every day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta