Why are we rapidly heading for abundance? What is it that changes things so much that we can completely transform our entire economy in, perhaps, less than a decade?
This is an answer that contains a few different pieces. One way to sum it up is that we are shifting towards "the creator economy".
Obviously, this is something that many people discuss yet it is really not in the way they talk about. In fact, it is something that is much bigger.

There is little doubt that cryptocurrency, in its many different forms, is changing how we operate. Digital ownership is now taking on new meaning with the introduction of these assets. No longer are we tied to a system which was established in the physical realm and is now trying to transform it into this one.
Here we see the paradigm shift which sets us on a totally different path.
Presently, the focus is upon traditional online content creation. People think social media to the degree of making videos or blog posts. Yet, when we step back, we see it fits into a much larger picture.
This is something that is not novel to anyone involved in cryptocurrency. Naturally, we are witnessing the "digitization" of money. Of course, one could make the case this was happening for decades since cash, i.e. physical money, is rarely used anymore.
However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. The digitization of money is more expansive that just transactions. Instead, it is the digitization of all asset classes. Over the next decade, we are likely to see most physical assets represented digitally. This means that it is has a host of characteristics not presently available. Suddenly, it will be liquid, able to be traded freely and near instantly. We can fractionalize it so ownership can be spread over thousands of people. Finally, the entire history from the point of digitization will be available, providing an ownership tree that all can follow.
We must keep in mind that digitization is happening everywhere. This is not relegated to just this arena. Our physical world is being sensored. In fact, some are calling it the "trillion sensor" economy.
Enormous Data
This is nothing that should surprise anyone. We do not need to go far to come across someone writing about how the amount of data we are producing, collectively, is exploding. It is only going to keep growing as we progress forward.
By putting sensors everywhere, we will be generating even orders of magnitude more data than we are today. If we thought there was an explosion last decade, we best hang on. As they say, "we ain't seen nothing yet".
By the end of the decade, it is probable that we will be creating data in most everything we do. At the same time, things that we own, since they will have sensors, will also be churning it out. This will happen on a 24/7 basis.
Here is where we truly see what the "Creator Economy" is.
Tokenization of Everything
Since we will see most things digitized which turns then into data generating hotspots, then the next step is to tokenize it.
Tokenization allows us to assign monetary units to whatever we desire. Through this, we then are able to allow market forces determine a value. Hence, the entire data generation process can be monetized.
It is where we see a growing abundance. Since the amount of data created is only going to keep expanding, we see built in growth rates that far exceed what we have now. When it is monetized, this has an economic impact far beyond anything we can imagine.
This is how yearly global growth rates of 25%-50% achieved.
Thus, what we are really looking at is an economy that is data driven. By tokenizing all the data that is created, we have an expanding economy that has more intrinsic value than what we could dream up to this point. After all, we know data is required to feed the massive amount of algorithms being built. The demand is there and only going to keep growing. The billions of individuals on this planet along with all their machines are going to be required to keep producing this. Fortunately, we are well on our way.
All of this is a done deal.
Nothing mentioned thus far is unheard of. In fact, we can do a simple web search on each of these topics to see where things are now and how they are progressing. All this was set in motion long ago.
Hence, we know what the outcome is going to be. We are rapidly moving to a more digitized world where enormous amounts of data will be generated. Through the tokenization process, everything is going to have a digital representation which provides many more characteristics than what an item has in its physical form.
The only question that remains who owns all this?
Obviously, this is where the battle is taking place. Those who are in control wish to remain there. It should be clear this is an exponentially more powerful system than what we have now. Thus, those who presently run the show are going to do all they can to take control of this too. We already see this taking place with Bitcoin.

This is the thought process behind "The Great Reset". It is a concept of where a few people amass even more power due to an exponentially growing system which they own most of the assets, providing access to the masses.
Cryptocurrency allows for creators to enjoy the financial benefits of their work. This is something that we already see happening. However, as we can see, it is going to take on a larger meaning in the future.
The protocols are being put in place. What we are developing today will be the foundation for this down the road. As we fill in the gaps, a powerful system is emerging which will bring abundance to everyone on the planet. Of course, that is contingent upon the idea that it is not all in the hands of a few people.
It is where the concept of open source and decentralization enter the picture. This is what distributes power. As things spread further out, it becomes harder to control. Hierarchical systems are best for the few in power. Instead, we are establishing one that is horizontal as opposed to vertical.
In the future, everyone will benefit in the creator economy as this system keep expanding.
Hang on gang, it is going to be a fun ride.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Seems like if you were looking to get into an emerging tech sector right now one of the better bets would be storage. I remember reading a long time ago about how they were looking at storing data in crystals because it would allow a huge capacity because of all the facets or something like that. I wonder if they actually got anywhere with that or they gave up on it. Maybe it was just something I saw on Superman and it doesn't really exist!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No. I remember something like this, too, that claimed a fifth dimension was created within a crystal that would allow just one to hold the entirety of human writing to date (back a few years ago). I hope they're still advancing it but I haven't followed up or even thought about since.
I don't remember anything about a fifth dimension, but I could be remembering wrong. Quite honestly, I am thinking it was probably closer to 25 years ago that I heard this. I think my brain might be fried.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh. No this was definitely within the last decade... maybe last 5 years.
Crybersecurity is also likely another good area. As we find ourselves more dependent upon technology and, if you will, merging with it, security is going to take on greater importance. It is an area that is not likely going to find a reversal in terms of its relvancy.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true! I kind of wish my degree had been more specialized like the ones today. Back then it was either Computer Science (Programming) or Computer Information Systems (Everything else).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL well whatever it was in, things have changed a great deal since you were getting your degree. It is an industry that does not standstill at all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh, yeah, for sure. I went the Computer Information Systems route with a minor in management. It has worked out pretty okay for me, but like I said, it would have been cool to just specialize in security or networking like you can today.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hard to see that security would become the issue that it did today but it has. And it will only keep pushing forward as we get more stuff taking place in this realm.
Imagine when we have nanobots that are within us (and our brains). The security is going to be crucial. We can already see this with autonomous vehicles. Do not want an autonomous lawnmower hacked and going through the neighborhood like Edward Scissorhands.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't think I am quite ready for all of that. I will probably be one of those who has to be dragged along kicking and screaming. I don't even allow an Alexa in my house!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
💪 realmente mi estimado estamos en la era de la automatización, todo absolutamente todo será digital los procesos, el dinero, las actividades los empleos la economía y la misma raza humana tendrá miembros y órganos robóticos, es solo el comienzo
I fully support tokenization,it is the future of monetary system..
That is good. So do I.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I loved your information I will try to follow your blog to comment later, a pleasure to be part of this hive community
Thanks for reading. I am glad you find it helpful and informative.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The future is crypto is not an understatement. Although it might be blurry, it will surface.
I guess all we can do is gather as fast as we can till we can have a little control
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We do need to keep working on the idea of decentralized and distribution. There is no doubt about that. The more each person accumulates, the greater the diversification across the entire spectrum. We can all do our part in this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We are entering the Age of the Entrepreneur and blockchain will be the mechanism that makes that happen.
Blockchain will eliminate the middlemen, which will allow all types of entrepreneurs to emerge -- many of those will be content creators, as you describe.
However, it will not stop there. The ability to reduce transactions costs to near zero through blockchain and Web 3.0 (coupled with the elimination of middlemen) will enable entrepreneurial action at a level the world has never known before.
The elimination of 3rd parties is one of my favorite aspects to this entire movement. I understand 3rd parties have been necessary throughout the ages and I understand why, but they've also been a severe hindrance and these days, more often than not, exist solely to get a piece of action someone else earns. This is one of the biggest advancements as far as I can see.
They extract a huge toll economically. For providing the service, a lot of money is taken out. This was okay when there were no other options but the fact that it is being eliminated means a lot of money is freed up for other purposes.
We need to keep pushing this forward.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Couple that with the future potential of AI being able to rapidly create code for any idea that one has and it materializes as an application, and we could see a massive explosion in what humanity creates.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I thini cryptocurrencies will make an abundance in the world, esp for poor people. Perhaps, we can overcome poverity.
Yes we will be able to do that. People just needs to get active.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Also, completely off topic but have you seen this?
No I have not. I would not give the couple much of a chance although that doesnt mean they are wrong. It would, however, upend the entire taxation of the financial sector.
I naturally hope they win.
As I said, we are seeing things change completely and the governments are ill-equipped to handle all this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That’s why I thought you’d appreciate it. With all the talk of what’s a currency vs security, or “property” I have no doubt this will either set precedent or just cause the whole thing to meltdown. 😁
Yeah it will be groundbreaking whichever direction things go.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just got home from work and have a minute to sit down and I wanted to add something.
"No I have not. I would not give the couple much of a chance although that doesnt mean they are wrong"
I mostly agree with you here. I do think the general nature of bureaucracy might accidentally get them a refund, since there isn't a law that can be pointed to for the gov to dismiss this claim out of hand, but then again they already have their money, so...
However, having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a Supreme Court decision to figure it out. I am about 99% positive that if a lower court rules in favor of the couple the state will appeal it, and again from personal experience, the appellate courts have no respect for the law if it isn't generating revenue for the state and in these times and in this environment I don't see any evidence that they need to. No one on that side of any issue seems accountable to anyone.
This is all very exciting. I think one day we'll be able to look back to this day and realize that we were among the pioneers of the new system that changed the world.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It will certainly be a fun ride at a certain point but right now it's more like running a marathon, it can be painful at times and some will quit along the way, but we all hope the finish line ( financial freedom) is worth it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The ownership battle is definitely the most interesting right now. But I do hope the people do win out in that fight.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We might become a sort of data as well, although I hope I'm wrong on this one. I love the concept about the tokenization of everything and the first time I thought about it was in spring of 2018 when I was talking to a friend and was telling him about Steem and the apps such as actifit and dtube and so on. That's when I realized that at some point we will be able to generate tokens with all sort of activities. I don't like Schwab's concept of happiness by not owning anything. It's a communist idea and some of us who have lived under communist regimes recognize that easily. I want to own everything in my life experience, my total freedom included.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If you think about it we really don’t own anything right now. The banks own it all or have title to almost everything including the issuance of the Fed note. Mortgages and car notes give the illusion of ownership. However, I agree with your assessment concerning tokenization. If enough purchasing power can be created via crypto the people can rid themselves of this parasitic relationship with the banks.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks to blockchain & crypto, the creator economy will get a huge boost. How easy it is to sell your artwork through NFTs and they are a very small part of the larger crypto revolution. Also, the concept of social tokens is amazing. Getting paid to comment is genius and it will go a long way. Finally, the creators will not be the product anymore and they will get what they deserve for their own content.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's impossible not to read all of this and be even more convinced that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are really the future of things. There is no point in neglecting or ignoring this future because it's already here and it's more and more real.
You would be a light of optimism in a concentration camp. I hope we end up in the same one.