Here is a case where everyone is looking left when they are looking right.
There is a lot of information spewed about how the Metaverse is the next big thing. We see the videos online of "Top 5 Metaverse Stocks You Need To Own Today". Each day we see Fortune 1000 corporations with their "Metaverse plans".
It seems everyone wants to be a Metaverse company.
We are seeing a repeat of the "Information Superhighway". Remember that term? That was what people were calling the Internet in the early days. How many still use that term. Does anyone even know what it means anymore?
This shows how far off the projects where. The Internet became a lot more than an information mechanism. Also, companies that took the approach of being major players in that area are no longer around. Within a short period of time, the Internet went from an information medium to one based around communication.
So why is the Metaverse fluff and what is truly evolving.
Web 5.0
This was something we covered before. The Metaverse can be viewed as *Web 5,0. In other words, it is down the road a fair bit. While we cannot discount the potential, it likely will not look how we are envisioning it today. We can expect things to unfold, perhaps in the 2050s. We simply need too much improvement in computing and our communication networks.
Unfortunately, there is no way to speed up the process. Computation seems to take a consistent and standard path. While our systems are getting more powerful, the progress is steady. Thus, many charted how fast things will progress.
That is not to say that we are stuck waiting around for it to take place. Actually, we are going to see some amazing things between now and 2050. Again, how it all will look is going to surprise most of us. Nevertheless, we are going to see society change in many ways.
If we keep the Web 5.0 idea in mind, then we can eliminate a great deal of the noise that is being spewed. After all, where does the Internet of Things (Iot) stand? Remember that one?
As we move further down the path, edge computing will be something crucial to watch. For this reason, we can safely say that the Metaverse is not around the corner. Until this type of architecture arrives, the Metaverse is nothing more than a marketing term.
Also, latency, or a lack of, is going to be crucial. We will need to get that down exponentially lower than we can today. When that happens, then we can start to discuss the idea.
Web 3.0
The next big thing, and what everyone should be looking at, is Web 3.0. This is where the videos are required. Instead of 5 Metaverse stock to buy, people should be doing videos about the "Top 5 Web 3.0 Opportunities". Here is where things are heading.
What is Web 3.0?
While there is no clear definition for the next generation Internet, it will be the merging of our physical, digital, and biological lives. In other words, everything is going to become data. Once anything is digitized, it enters a completely new realm.
For example, we are already seeing the concept of digital twins coming into being. This can apply to physical things such as a factory or to humans. People are going to have many "versions" of themselves. Eventually, we will be doing a lot of interacting via avatars.
We already see this to a degree. Each of us already has a digital life. What we do online is being accumulated, sorted, and profiled. Sadly, it is by mega-tech companies that are seeing to control all. Web 3.0 is a different data structure that destroys this model.
The digital world is a state that is nearly infinite. We are limited by bandwidth and computational power. Both are expanding over time. This means we are in a realm with enormous growth rates. Nothing we have seen before rivals this. As more of our physical world is represented in this arena, it too will see similar results.
This is a basic characteristic of Web 3.0. We are dealing with abundance. Since data is being generated at an accelerating rate, we see how things grow exponentially. Atoms are now bits. This makes everything more a great deal faster than it does in the physical world.
Most Technologies Will Feed Into This
Another key point is that most technologies are going to feed into Web 3.0. As it becomes a larger part of society, other breakthroughs will assist the development and growth. For example, it only makes sense that all progress in the field of energy is going to help this along.
One of the obvious technologies is artificial intelligence. Without getting into a debate whether we are moving towards "intelligence" or not, we all can agree that our algorithms are getting more advanced and powerful. Bots are starting to become a larger portion of the traffic. Transactions are handled by computers, often with no human intervention.
The challenge is who owns the benefits from these technologies. Here is where Web 3.0 is seeing the development of new business structures. The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is truly a Web 3.0 concept.
So we have a world of abundance with a business structure that is more inclusive and allows for the participation with only a few clicks of a button. It is a radical notion when you think about it. This is also something that is going into place as these words are typed. It is not futuristic pondering. The infrastructure is being coded right now.
Another way of putting this is the Internet will become spatial. It is not going to be something that we access on a flat screen. Instead, it will have dimension. While virtual reality will be part of it, the true breakthrough will be the fact that we will be living in mixed reality.
This has powerful implications. The fact that we are already developing the ability to monetize this entire realm means that society will be forever changed.
Of course, as stated, it all will probably look radically different as compared to what we envision today.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree the real metaverse is still years, many years away before some real adoption happens. It is getting some baby steps in so it doesn't hurt to be in the know and be a part of it. But web3 seems more like what you're saying a retokenization of everything and our digital and real world becomes blended in such a way it just becomes a part of everyday life. DAOs should also be huge this year.
I agree. This is something that I think will take off in 2022. It will be the year of the DAO.
People are going to realize that it is best to get things out of the hands of VCs and centralized entities.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When I see that the best known metaverse projects are running on Ethereum, I have my doubts about whether these will be really successful. It's all about the token value and which big names join these things but in the end just because they run on ethereum they won't be accessible to a big population because of scalability and transaction costs issues... We should build a metaverse on hive ;-)
We kinda have one already.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
VrChat is/was probably one of the closest experiences to an immersive metaverse in the past years. But even that has little to no inclusions of human senses. Sense of taste, smell, touch, etc.
As you said, Web 3.0 is what we should focus on now. Improve it, adopt it, and benefit from it. We have barely embraced that as a society, let alone what the future holds.
Yes and how much time does one spend in that? How long are people in immersive experiences? VR is growing but it is not going to take over, at least not anytime soon.
We will see a lot more MR before that. Sure some will immerse themselves but I foresee more of the Halolens concept from Microsoft taking over.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agreed, augmented reality is much closer within our reach.
The need for people to escape actual reality is there. So there is a psychological argument to be made. But then again, there are many alternatives (drugs, alcohol, sports, social media, etc) and VR is not for everyone, yet.
That is true about the escape. And while people will binge Netflix, how many people fully "immerse" themselves in it?
We see the escapism as part of this entire thing but the utility is going to be far more important. And that is where we see MR more than fully VR.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Facebook is so advance! It skips 3 and 4. lol!
The most simplified idea I read about Web 3.0 is the cow metaphor by brianoflondon. As for DAO, I consider it a more specific answer to the confusion that surrounds the Web 3.0 question.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We likely will not have a clear definition until after the fact, just like Web 2.0. The difference is, at that time, we weren't really aware of what was taking place. We are now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, and that's a good thing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for your daily dose of sanity and common sense. It's a welcome relief from the hype all around us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are welcome. Doing my best to keep everyone on an even keel. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
its kind of terrifying.
Not sure how good this will all be for peoples mental health!
But hey....thats never stopped us before.
Lets digitize
x x
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Their mental health doesnt seem to good to begin with so, could it really make it much worse?
I guess if Facebook is in control, it could.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
haha. youve got a point there!
I suppose I just have my concerns about our willingness to walk in to a more and more cerebral world where genuine human contact becomes too easily avoidable
As a dream, the metaverse is cool. I know you weren't a Star Trek fan, but many were. Metaverse is more science fiction now than reality. At some point it will become reality, as most of the revolutionary machines at the time from Star Trek are now reality (still need to create a viable transporter which can transform a human or anything else up to a size to energy and back, at a different location).
But for business, one should probably focus on the next big achievable thing. And that's Web 3, not Web 5. Plus they might be dead or very old by the time Web 5 arrives.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am waiting for the Replicator from Star Trek. That is the coolest feature in my opinion.
Just create me a steak.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep, that's missing too. I heard there were some sort of initial experiments in that area. Emphasis on initial, and there's a long way to go.
Technology is not an overnight process. It is more an evolution than a revolution. Even the IPhone, which blasted things into orbit was really just the convergence of a number of evolved technologies. That is the major difference.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I think the metaverse hype is similar to every big company like Long Island Iced tea changing their names to include blockchain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
With technology, we see a lot of hype. This is natural because the technology is there, at least in part. However, scaling is vital to all that is taking place. That is where the challenge comes in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep, scaling will always be a challenge
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not with Blocktrades obsessing over it. Scaling is taken care of on Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
But Zuckerberg has cracked this. 🙃
Jokes aside, it's more like a gimmick right now. Although I am pretty excited to see the development happening. Digital lands are seeing an insane rise in sales.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah and that is what is scaring the crap out of people. I think one thing humanity can agree upon, maybe the only thing, is that it does not want Zuckerberg running the world.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I honestly learned a few things reading this post, thank you!
I had no idea the metaverse is something that will be truly developed in many years. And neither did I know it's called web5.0 :)
Wondering, what's web4.0? :) I mean 3.0 is clear. But what's in between?
Oh, I came from Listnerds, #justsaying it worked again!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It isnt. That is something I made up. Many feel that Web 3.0 is the Metaverse. I disagree. A big part of all this is the communication systems we are utilizing and I dont see them being able to handle what is being proposed.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ok, well, I don't know who's right, to me it doesn't really matter either as I see things changing quickly, it's hard to keep up with everything as well :)
Yes you are very right about the web 3.0!!!
I was watching videos on YouTube about it just yesterday and I'm so glad about the next big project on group.
You get to be your own boss, how cool!!!
I couldn't agree more.
I see the news all over the place about all sorts of companies joining the so-called Metaverse and all I can think is "do they even have any idea what the Metaverse is going to be?"
I don't think they get it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just a me too marketing ploy.
State it because everyone else is. After that figure it out later.
Like I said in the past, if you liked Microsoft as a company before they started to claim they are a Metaverse company, then invest in them. But dont by Microsoft or any other company because they claim to be that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think play-to-earn games will be more important than metaverses for the next decade as IT requirements are lower. AI may flourish in the circumscribed environment of play-to-earn games.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
#Play2Earn is going to be huge in my opinion. The only question is how big and quickly. We see a market of over 2 billion people that are, for the most part, technically advanced. They are also accustomed to using in-game tokens and digital assets.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is absolutely abundance which web 3.0 offers.
There is infinite opportunities for everyone, its just been laid out perfectly putting power in the hands of its users that utilize it.
We are already starting to see it forming at this moment. A lot of things falling into place.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The society will definitely change for good because the mission towards that is in a progressive state
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't exactly see the metaverse as web 5.0, although I agree to the fact that there are a lot more work to be done to make it a thing
Judging from your perspective on Web 3.0, the metaverse pretty much feels like the web 3.0 structure, and what I mean by that is;
If everything becomes data, an immutable data for a fact, to promote this model of communication or networking, businesses will require a medium to create this bridge, so nothing works better than a virtual world powered by this( tokenization) right?
How about that?
The Metaverse is Web 3.0, so the blockchain, crypto and all the developments including DAOs are more like a foundation, don't you think?
Maybe we are dealing with semantics but people are looking at this as a fully immersive environment where VR is the main medium of access. If that is the case, we are a long way away.
Plus, the Metaverse cannot operate in a cloud based world. Massive amounts of Edge computing is going to be required, something we are still a long way from achieving. As long as latency is as big a problem as it is today, we cannot have the experience they are talking about.
So, as many are framing it, I disagree that Metaverse is Web 3.0. All that you stated is the foundation for Web 3.0 and will, ultimately, place into the Metaverse but they are not the same in my opinion.
But a discussion that could go on forever since there are no true definitions for each.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Now, you have a point here, I can recall reading through a certain article about Wikipedia and some other shits, where Web 3.0 was the subject matter, this was the same thing layed out there that the term "web 3.0" has more people talking about it but less people actually defining it, it's quite funny but true. Same thing with the metaverse, it's far bigger than we imagine it, probably require quantum computers to function properly.
However, I would immediately stop talking about the metaverse if VR should be the only medium of access, that won't exactly be efficient, thus not so affordable for the average population, definitely a blow off...
That might be the case now but it will probably not be so in 5 years. We tend to see technology improve and prices come down. Of course, that is not always the case.
And in my view of the Metaverse, based upon how many are framing it, VR is the access point.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Today I saw a professor's post on non-blockchain based social media endorsing a comment through his like of "Interesting ...! Criticism is always useful." For nobody criticism is useful as long as it's destructive and it makes me sick to see people pretending to support entrepreneurs by allegedly criticizing for polishing their Proof of Concepts while actually they are preachers of scepticism, they should read more often your helpful and constructive blogposts and I like the tone of this one in particular
Very much agree with your point of view for metaverse timeline and what it will look like. It is the hot buzzword at the moment, but will look different than being advertised currently.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Technology always happens that way. We have a vision yet it turns out to be something totally different.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have to agree. What people should be looking at is the opportunities available. For some reason, I think AR/VR is going to play a huge part if we want so many different avatars. However that technology seems to be improving quite slowly so I am unsure how things will play out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Metaverse is not the big things. Every company want to have a metaverse as if is the biggest things. I believe is not. But is good to invest on it now, every body want it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have no doubt that one of the notable changes will be Web 3.0. Metaverse can be a great success or a great loss for many, time will tell the real events.Very original post, I congratulate you @taskmaster4450
Too early to get involved in Metaverse stuff as WEB 3.0 is first. I was put off anything Metaverse because of facebook man making such a big song and dance about things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah and doing so at a time when he was under attack. Thus nothing more than a distraction.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I had this discussion with a friend too, metaverse is still down the road, we should just be chewing on Web 3 and what it’s offers for now.
From what I have read, Metaversa is years away. All we can do is wait and see. It would make the world interesting. Web 3.0 is approaching much faster in my opinion. Thanks for your post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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im also thinking not ...
Everything you say is very interesting. I always think about Web 3.0, but I never imagined what the concept of Web 5.0 could mean.
And I think you're right, it's very true that we are currently very limited by the speed of computing in many things, but I think that the development of technology is going to be faster and faster. I believe that the development and improvement of quantum computers will solve computing speed problems at a rate never before seen or imagined, and that Web 3.0 will shape the global Internet in a way that is geared towards constant improvement in connection speed. and the distribution of the data.
I also think that the next 10 or 15 years will be vital in everything you mention. I honestly can't imagine what the world will be like in 50 years.
Very good Post. Regards!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Few do since we really didnt have reason to before. But now that we know that Web 3.0 is taking place, there is a progression. Wouldnt it stand to reason that we will see Web 4.0 and 5.0? Now to figure out what they might look like.
I really dont have to because, without some radical life extension stuff, I wont be around.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Let's decentralize the web before moving to the meta verse. We need to walk before we run.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Got here via listnerds lol. Now I get it. Nice job.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This 'future' is actually scary. But theres always good sides on everything. Lets see
Before we can even begin having a serious conversation about the Metaverse, we need to seriously build out Web 3.0. This is the foundation that will have a major impact upon the ensuing development.
Decentralization is going to be key. For that reason, blockchain is going to be one of the main default database structures we see. With commerce, it is hard to say that cryptocurrency is not going to swallow that up.
We also have NFTs operating as the ownership mechanism.
Much of the talk about the metaverse is on how it is accessed. While that is vital, we are now see the more important basis being erected. With wallet systems, ownership mechanisms, and the infrastructure around digital assets, we are entering a completely new realm.
This means that Leofinance, with all that it is seeking to accomplish is in the ball game. It could be the equivalent to a major company in Web 2.0.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta