The Next Step In Hive's Evolution

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Many question what is it going to take to make Hive excel? What is going to draw people, and money, in?

These are valid questions that are worthy of answering. Fortunately, I think we are already in the process of seeing the development which provides the tools for this.

Hive came into being as a blogging platform. That was a fine starting point but that is all it was. This might upset some of the "traditionalists" yet that is the way it is. Evolution and growth is vital.

Blogging is a major market. It also accounts for only a small portion of the Internet. Most people are not serious writers, journalists, or long-form content creators. Certainly there are enough to make this place excel yet, as we know, there is a great deal of difficulty in pulling them over from wherever they are present posting content.

That does not mean, of course, that there is no place for it. There definitely is. The foundation should not be forgotten nor overlooked. Hive has a distribution system that is not common which does allow for people to get rewarded for their content. That is something that should continue. Of course, with more layer 2 solutions, that only grows.

However, that should not be the end of our focus. Hive is already a lot more than just blogging. We are seeing a thriving gaming culture starting to form. This is a market that far exceeds the bloggers of the world. With an estimated 2 billion gamers globally, we are talking about 40% of the Internet traffic.

But again, that is a small part of the puzzle.

When it comes to brass knuckles, here is the real deal that is captured in this headline.


Money network more valuable than social network. Is it any wonder that DeFi is starting to garner so much attention?

Bitcoin obviously operates in a world unto its own. This coin has many different attributes to it that separate it from everything else. Bitcoin is looking like it is going to be a reserve upon which a lot of financial networks will be build.

However, that is not the only game in town. Other blockchains, like Ethereum, are excelling because of the financial applications being built. Through the use of Smart Contracts, we are seeing a completely new financial system being erected.

Cryptocurrency offers the possibility for outsized returns (called Alpha in the financial world). This is something that Hive needs to tap into. Growing the wealth basis is a certain way to attract attention and draw in users.

As stated, there is some development underway that is moving in this direction. We know that Smart Contract capability is being looked into. We already have it with Hive-Engine, however, the goal is to head towards more decentralization. With all the tyrannical steps undertaken in the world over the past 10 months, it is a good idea to try and limit the points of vulnerability.

Is Everything About Money?

The answer to that is no.

Cryptocurrency is about embarking upon a journey to provide more freedom to people around the world. It is also about laying the foundation for further entry into Web 3.0. Everything that is being developed on Hive, as well as other blockchains, feeds into this.

However, we cannot escape the fact that the world is still monetarily driven. Thus, we cannot ignore the potential markets that are already established yet looking for disruption. Certainly, not many are bigger than the financial services industry.

After all, how many industries talk in terms of trillions.

Of course, what really makes this concept even more powerful is that it is an industry that is merging with another that deals in trillions, technology.

While not quite at that level, we are seeing the potential for Hive to carve out a niche in a similar manner. We see Ethereum making great strides yet hindered by its inability to scale at the moment. Transaction fees can get outrageous very quickly. The same holds true for Bitcoin.

Hive offers the ability to solve both those problems, at least to a degree. When we understand that this is a system driven by Resource Credits, not individual transaction fees, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Consider it this way. Hive essentially offers a "subscription model for fees". If one spends $50 at today's prices, he or she will never have to worry about transaction fees again at the blockchain level. That will provide more then enough ability to trade and transact on a daily basis, no matter how active the trader.

To contrast that, $50 was one transaction on Ethereum last week.

The Exponential Factor: Layering

This is something few look at when it comes to the financial world but here is where the numbers get absolutely sick.

I like to use the term layering to denote what takes place. Essentially, assets serve as an underlying layer for what is built on top. It is similar to what we see with technology such as where an application like 3Speak laid on top of Hive.

The best example of this is index funds. This is ideally suited for people who do not have the time, nor inclination, to study individual companies. Therefore, they simply buy a unit in the index fund which goes out and buys all the stocks that is part of the fund.

Sadly, too much of this can lead to zombie assets being propped us, a situation we see today. Funds of this nature buy based upon algorithmic determinations, not looking at the individual companies. Nevertheless, until the state of over exposure in this form is reached, it is a powerful way to build financial value.

With cryptocurrency and the ability to operate in a peer-to-peer fashion, we no longer need Wall Street institutions to do this. Anyone can set up a fund of this nature. We already see a number of them on Hive with more on their way. Thus, just like anyone can create a currency, anyone can leverage the power of a fund to help others generate wealth.

For example, gaming is starting to really take shape on Hive. How about the idea of having a gaming fund that focuses upon the best gaming assets tied to this blockchain? One could buy tokens in that which then are used to buy the gaming assets, whether fungible or not, to provide the value to the fund.

We are starting to see this in the crypto world with Wall Street setting up funds to buy into different crypto mixes.

Here is another idea. How about tokenizing the authors on Hive? Each could have his or her own token which represents a certain portion of the earnings. This could all be written into a contract with the percentage being allocated as backing for the author token. Then, people could set up funds based upon different authors which would allow for people to buy into.

Of course, the value of Hive is that people will be able to start their journey of investing in some of these types of funds with rewards they earned for different activities on Hive.

Basically the opportunities are endless. It is up to individual innovation and creativity. Over time, with more open source solutions available to us, our abilities individually will expand. At one time, getting a web site up was a major technical undertaking. Now, most over the age of 10 can set one up.

Hive has the ability to really tap into this and make a nice case for itself. All we need is the tools to accomplish that.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


@taskmaster4450le and @davedickeeyyall, you're funny, both of you 😂

Taskmaster token and StonerDave? 😂😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He prefers DDY.

I guess StonerDave is available for someone else.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 39 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

I'm really excited about Hive's possibilities. Like you indicated, not everyone is a professional blogger (me included) so the blogging aspect only helps so much. But we see that Hive's blockchain can be used for much more and applications like #dcity are making great use of the "free transactions". I hope we see Hive get some love soon. I think it is really undervalued.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Change is good as it shows development and we haven't even really begun yet. Value is being added all the time and once we have the right mix people will see what the opportunities are. I am staking more than ever on Hive as one can never have enough. Patience is the key and we will be rewarded at some point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have no idea about any games or whatsoever on Hive.
Though I have been going through some publications that talk about games such as hinterland and dcity but then, I can't get a grip of anything on it.
But if what you are pointing out can help Hive grow to a standard that will make people awed, then why not give it a try.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Here is another idea. How about tokenizing the authors on Hive? Each could have his or her own token which represents a certain portion of the earnings. This could all be written into a contract with the percentage being allocated as backing for the author token. Then, people could set up funds based upon different authors which would allow for people to buy into.

I come in here from left field, as we already have the badge and to tokenize it under a smart contract would be dream.
Only trouble is that we would need somebody with your experience to do it.

Gaming Industry is playing in this world. If Gaming Ecosystems start building on Hive then in my opinion Sky Is Also Not The Limit. Stay blessed.@taskmaster4450, I don't have to specifically mention what role

I agree with this. dcity and splinterlands will show the rest of the industry what can be achieved on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sounds true. Stay blessed.

With that in mind, Hive has all the tools available. The gaming industry is truly an excellent area to explore to the fullest. The future will be incredible with Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sounds true.

I think games and gaming on the Hive Blockchain have to potential to take Hive to amazing heights.

I agree. There are some things being formed that really could make a difference.

We are going to see a lot of changing in the gaming world in 2021. It will be fun to see what the developers on Hive do to tap into that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree too. That is where all of my Hive ends up now days (the Leo gets staked!)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly!!! I agree with every word. I would only like to add that many diverse games have already started on HIVE, each with its own potential. I really want others to follow @splinterlands' successful example.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt there are a lot of diverse games already here and growing. It is a fascinating field to watch.

We are going to see a lot out of that arena. Liquidity that comes from a gaming type fund could really help the development of the gamers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yes, but liquidity won't come right away. The first and very important thing that games give is the number of transactions that confirm the relevance of the system.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great article! I read your post with pleasure.
My thoughts on the prospects for the development of the project agree in many respects.
I am just writing a similar article on this topic.
The only difference of views is that I am writing about the HIVE joint project based on the work of a consumer cooperative, where the main investors are shareholders.
On the basis of shares and circulation of bills within the company, it is possible to develop the economy of the HIVE platform and the Ecency and LeoFinance applications.
I have already written several posts on LeoFinance, although I am preparing them for the future involvement of people in the HIVE and LeoFinance project who will enter the consumer cooperative and become participants in the entire HIVE project.

Layering is a good and current word these days. Why should we have only the second layer, maybe once we'll have the third or fourth with various apps and services...

That is effectively what happens. Like a pyramid but upside as compared to the hierarchical one was are accustomed to.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If Hive reaches great heights and is worth a lot then we can say -

" money network is equal to social network "

Hive was born as a blog but from the April HF it has reached a greater awareness of being many more than a blog: Dapps, DeFi, Smart Contracts ... there is no limit to Hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is a ledger at its core. We need to remember that. It stores data.

However, the token that is tied to it can be leveraged in many different ways.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wanna invest in the Taskmaster token..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I certainly will buy some of yours...StonerDave token has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

DDY token..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Both of you already have an investor interested ! Don’t wait for too long guys or I will buy more LEO instead ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL go for the LEO, probably a better bet in the long term.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Silly question, but does LEO need hive-engine to survive, probably not no?

Leo is already on Ethereum as wLEO. I would not be surprised to see it on other blockchains also.

So the answer is no although it is based there now. If H-E went down, moves could be made. A daily snapshot of everyone's holdings is taken.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think games will benefit from this the most and then I think small plans/companies will benefit the most afterwards. They will be able to get more funding so long as they can convince a few people rather than needing to go to a bank or big institution. And the best benefit of this is that all they need is to use some RC and everything is transparent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Having liquidity adds massively to the potential of what can be done.

At this moment, there is not a lot of liquidity floating around in the entire ecosystem, not in terms of fiat. That is something that will have to change and the described DeFi arena is where a lot of liquidity can be drawn in. Investors are attracted to outrageous Alpha. That simply how it is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive has a lot of potential and most importantly it has a lot of features that other platforms don't have.
You have explained well all the unexpressed potential that will allow Hive to explode in the future and at least I hope so.
Also interesting is your point about the possibility of tokenizing author activity...hey I'll book myself to buy a piece of your author activity!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

...hey I'll book myself to buy a piece of your author activity!

You are using Leofinance to learn about good investments, not charity cases. LOL

But thank you, appreciate the vote of confidence.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Consider it this way. Hive essentially offers a "subscription model for fees". If one spends $50 at today's prices, he or she will never have to worry about transaction fees again at the blockchain level. That will provide more then enough ability to trade and transact on a daily basis, no matter how active the trader.

No way that the RC costs won't be higher in the future, if this blockchain reach its potential and we have let's say a million users the RC cost will rise up or we will have enormous traffic problems.

Also RC is a resource that should increase its importance in order to make more attractive to power up Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No way that the RC costs won't be higher in the future,

They will but how much higher. $50 gets one more than 400 HP today. That is a lot of transactions.

Plus, as the price of RCs goes up, hopefully actions are being taken to push them back down by making the blockchain less expensive to run.

Optimization and ongoing development in that area is key. If not, you simply get Ethereum in another form.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes Ethereums gas fees are huge and RC shouldn't reach to that levels but if that has to be a problem will be because we have a lot of users, anyways Hive has much faster transactions than Ethereum so this blockchain has more advantages from ETH than just transactions with no cost.

Anyways your point is very valid in the sense that this moment is a huge opportunity if Hive has success, I remember when STEEM was at 1$ back then wasn't so easy to build an account from zero.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I started at like $1.30. Buying like 200 STEEM at a time.

Your are right it was a slow process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely, my mind has already been blown with the stuff I'm hearing about being developed on Hive. I just think we need to honor the blogging/social aspect of hive because it is what gets so many people's just something anyone can do, and even if some don't stick with it, it helps even developers get their foot in the door. If we ever do move blogging entirely to front-ends, it has to be done gradually, only after we have a variety of vibrant second layer blogging with many users already. I don't know if that will ever be necessary but my point is, the bloggers always need a comfortable place at Hive because they bring they make it accessible to anyone and everyone.

Great article

All blogging is done through front ends. You to use either Peakd or or whatever to post.

So it is already there. But having the base distribution is still vital in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will totally get in on taskmaster token

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If one spends $50 at today's prices, he or she will never have to worry about transaction fees again at the blockchain level. That will provide more then enough ability to trade and transact on a daily basis, no matter how active the trader.

To contrast that, $50 was one transaction on Ethereum last week.

I think you just made the biggest selling point about Hive for the general consumer. They may manage to wait few extra seconds (& Tx can be handled on backend while front end shows operations already completed). They may not care about decentralization or changing the world.

1 Time $50 Fee You Can Get Back With Interest vs $50 Fee You Never Get Back

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very true although I think it takes on a much bigger connotation in the world of finance.

Because traders spend a lot more than $50 on transaction fees. Think of what it costs to send money electronically.

Hive really has a lot to offer on the fee-less end of things. Why do people still put up with PayPal's percentage? Success merchants are paying them a fortune.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Games, a marketplace for all products are just a few areas that need to happen on Hive among many others and will see these happen and bring more traffic and value to Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You have said it all the opportunities on hive are endless, it seems we'd even unlock some of these opportunities in the near future like tokenizing an author directly, imagine a tokenised Taskmaster. Hahaha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

imagine a tokenised Taskmaster. Hahaha

That wouldnt be on the level of Stephen King or Brad Pitt but it might be a solid niche market. 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha a solid market indeed if you ask me, this is obviously not impossible by all means

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

outsized returns (called Alpha in the financial world).

Now I understood the meaning of site "alphaseekers".

Gaming token is a nice concept that might interest many.

I do my splinterland's report , I am amazed that APR of my mid level account is more than 40% and I am sure a high level account is yielding much better APR than mine account. If someone put this token and share 25% APR many investor I guess will happily join and owner will also make nice 25% APR profit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is common. Someone posted earlier that their BRO token was yielding 30% APR.

All over the place we see that.

And Treasuries are trying to get over 1%.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, 30% is a lot!

That's what fascinates me about cryptocurrencies, especially tokens on Hive. We can find very interesting APR that we would hardly see in any traditional market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are all over the place on here. That is what is so promising.

A lot taking place which will help people to growth their holdings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Look like those who are paying attention to Hive Second layer are the most happy ones.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good numbers for your secondary account. The cool thing about this is that besides having fun we can profit. Although in Splinterlands we have to make a good investment in the beginning, but over time, we started to see some interesting income.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, 40% is minimum . Tt was 121% when I pulled Gold foil Epic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very good friend, a good part should be leasing right? This is a type of investment that I have not yet attended in Splinterlands. I know you have a market for that, but I never tried.

It would be nice to pick up some repeated cards or ones that you don't use to receive some daily income. I will research more about this. Thanks!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

BEERHey @taskmaster4450, here is a little bit of from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Most people are not serious writers, journalists, or long-form content creators

To add to that, i think that makes us different from other platforms in a good way. I don't actual journalists, long term creators and stuff cause the majority of them are corrupted, care only about money and their sake.
Instead, i would like "everyday" people which can actually become all of the above and at the same time stay true to themselves and their values.

For example, what is amazing in this community is that if you ask somebody a question you most likely gonna get an honest answer, from simple things that you need help,to actual investements queries. For instance, many people in this platform will share their crypto-portfolio and not just mention cryptos just because they get paid to market them!

Also, i totally agree with everything mentioned and the opportunities are endless. It's nice to see so many different tribes, games to start their journey in Hive!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For example, what is amazing in this community is that if you ask somebody a question you most likely gonna get an honest answer, from simple things that you need help,to actual investements queries.

That is part of Leofinance. I found that most questions when directed through other hive front ends tend to go unanswered.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

it's happening in other tribes as well but not so many. ofc if you write it on hive and use a generic tag like "hive" then i don't believe you will receive an answer :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was more valuable at $5 per coin.

Is there a single spot to get updates about work being done on the HIVE network?

Not really. This is still a problem. The best is blocktrades weekly update (sometimes he misses a week here and there). There is the offical hive blog, I think hiveio or something like that.

But for the most part, it is just trying to follow the players in the different applications who have an idea of what is going on. Some have official accounts, many do not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's true, what I find interesting about Hive are the myriad of things we can do on its blockchain. There are countless ways to be able to grow financially.

I believe that in the not-so-distant future we can witness that the sleeping giant will finally be able to wake up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

as you say opp is endless when you get creative


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