The Real Value Of Web 3.0: Portability

in LeoFinance3 years ago

History is littered with examples of people having to start over with nothing. This most often occurs during times of war yet we do see it in "peaceful" times.

The story goes something like this: people located in a particular area are forced to pick up and leave. They do this by embarking upon a journey to a foreign land. Often they leave behind all wealth they acquired. The only items they are allowed to take are clothing and, perhaps, some food.

While we tend to romanticize the idea of people moving to someplace new with nothing, such as the immigrants who filtered through Ellis Island, the reality is a very difficult life. It is not easy to start with nothing. Anyone who had to go through this knows the horror. Not only it is devastating financially, the emotional and interpersonal toll is often great. We see this situation presently with Venezuelans who are crossing into Colombia.


Digital Refugees

This concept is less obvious but equally as fatal in the digital world. Over the last couple decades, we saw the rise of platforms that became "home" to billions of people. Unfortunately, those individuals can have their world changed in a matter of moments.

It is a situation that is only going to worsen as we see the merging of our digital and physical worlds. Ultimately, we could see people in even greater danger than before since more organizations can exert total control.

Under the first example, banks and governments serve to pillage individuals of their money. As this spreads throughout a country, the population is made poorer as a few are enriched. Those who do leave, are basically robbed of their financial belongings.

Obviously, this is where most of the assets are located. Even today, the comparison between the physical (real) world and digital is heavily tilted. Very few have much wealth tied to the online realm. That is changing a great deal.

Many have businesses that are, in some part, dependent upon Facebook or Twitter. Hence, a closing of an account can have enormous impacts upon one's business. We know how these entities are apt to do a purge, often wiping out large numbers of accounts without an explanation.

To make matters worse, it does not even require a banning. We all heard about the stories how an algorithm change by a Facebook resulted in a drop of 90%-95% in the traffic to one's business. This can have catastrophic financial effects.

When one is banned from a platform like Facebook, they effectively become "digital refugees". They lose all connection with family and friends through that medium. Any commerce or business that was on there is instantly eradicated. In fact, there is no evidence of the person even existing. His or her digital life, as it pertains to that platform. is wiped away.

The "Metaverse"

We hear a lot about the Metaverse and how someone like Mark Zuckerberg wants to build it. Here is a prime example of how the concept we are discussing can turn dark very quickly.

Let us take the idea of what was mentioned about Facebook and add in the layer of having money there. What if, instead of just a feed to our business, we actually had a wallet with thousands of dollars? Or, to go one step further, consider the idea of millions in game assets. There are many who are starting to fall into this category in the #Play2Earn realm.

Suddenly, the line between digital and real world refugee is not so different. Instantly, one could have his or her entire asset base taken. There need not be a warning. Facebook (or whatever entity is in control) could simply decide to lock on out of his or her assets.

This is where many are pushing back against the centralization of the likes of Zuckerberg. Even without the Metaverse coming to life, we can see the dangers that are posed. In fact, it is something that many who suffered under tyrannical regimes experienced for centuries.

Therefore, it is up to us to prevent billions from being put in a position of becoming digital refugees. It is not enviable when someone leaves everything behind, moves to a foreign land, and starts over. Rather, it is tragic. Since few do this under their own choice, the circumstances that cause it are sickening.

Here is where our efforts with cryptocurrency can make a difference.

What Web 3.0 Truly Offers

Many attack cryptocurrency by claiming it solves no real world problem. This is where we can vehemently disagree.

Web 3.0 is now a buzzword that is garnering attention. Fortunately, it is more applicable than "Metaverse" since we can see the foundation for this being laid. That aside, one of the key benefits that Web 3.0 is going to provide is portability.

The essence of this new iteration of the digital world is the concept of account ownership. When one cannot be locked from his or her account, something magical happens. No overriding entity can enter and take the assets from that person. Nor can it hinder the accessing of them. As long as the individual has the keys to get into the account, what is there remains in his or her control.

We also see how interoperability is starting to enter the picture. This is causing different projects to bridge together. Here is where we see the ability to hopscotch around the digital world arising. As people move around, they are able to take their "data" with them. This is impossible with the walled platforms of today.

Many are making jokes about Web 3.0. Even when they are not doing that, it is being questioned as a gimmick. This is unfortunate and comes from a lack of understanding of what is taking place.

Web 3.0 is one of the main tools being built to battle tyranny. Throughout history examples where governments and banks simply went in and robbed people. Over the last couple decades, we can assign the same behavior to the major technology companies. Web 3.0 is the answer to this.

Even in its infancy, we can see how the security of assets along with the portability is being given to people. As this expands, the monetary and financial assets that people accumulate will be out of the reach of these entities. This is something that plagued humanity for centuries.

It is also something that we are in the process of correcting. Hence, in the future, when someone picks up and leaves a particular area, they will not be starting with nothing. Whatever digital assets they acquired are still theirs.

This is the power of Web 3.0.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Web3 is great and all, but Moxie Marlinspike pointed out a huuuge issue that most, if not all, the web3 platforms we use are actually centralized.

The point of Web3 is to be able to interact with a blockchain regardless of interface, but because not everyone can or is willing to run it's own node and it's own interface we rely heavily on centralized servers and services that can, for example, simply ban something or someone from their interfaces, and because they are the gateways to the blockchain (if Infura at a low level) the person is in practice banned from the blockchain until the person runs it's own node.

The potential is there, but there is way too much centralization. We have distributed databases but they are mediated by centralized databases and services.

His thread elaborating on the issue:

Then is it really Web 3.0. Or is it something being passed off as Web 3.0 and really is just another face on Web 2.0?

My view is that what the VCs and others are putting together is not truly Web 3.0 but another layer that they can control.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know about you, but most stuff I use have a gateway to the blockchain, and this gateway can become a point of failure. For Hive I have my own node running and I cloned the code from so that is an exception, but other than this everything else, browser extensions and websites I use, depend on third party centralized servers

Metamask, for example, is centralized and connects to their server and to Infura, allowing them centralized control (that is how they banned that NFT)

Most websites, from games like splinterlands to block explorers and "dapps" are centralized because in technical terms it is much faster indexing the blockchain into a centralized database, and just like in the example of the NFT that was banned, if they decide to censor something it is in fact censored

But yeah, we will be on Web2 for a long time. Web1 is still the technology that is broadly used to transmit e-mails for example. When we use e-mail clients and services it looks like web2.0 but behind it the protocols are all web1.0

Without a doubt, the internet is a point of failure since mega tech went and centralized everything. We have to add to the list just the access through some ISP. Add in google or apple through our phones and we see how it is all eligible to shut someone down.

So there is a lot of work to be done in many different areas.

In the meantime, we just need to keep moving things in that direction like with the parts of podcasting that is being disrupted right now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is not enviable when someone leaves everything behind, moves to a foreign land, and starts over. Rather, it is tragic.

I've done that two times between the ages of 20 and 30.

WEB3 has completely changed it for me and it's going to do that for many individuals around the world. It's is imo far greater than Bitcoin. Bitcoin is somehow limited in impact while WEB3 can literally take over the world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bitcoin is what opened the door to a lot of this but it is far from the mechanism that is going to bring it to fruition. This is going to have to come from other protocols that are designed for that purpose.

We are going to see Bitcoin in the hands of Wall Street, Governments, and Banks in my opinion. Outside of that is going to be where the rest of the world lives.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Portability indeed is one gain from Web 3.0 and digital nomads are expanding in the world as a way of living and embracing all its benefits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It does truly open a lot doors to many different things in the future.

We are altering the path of humanity with each innovation that is brought out.

A lot going on which leads me to believe that we are going to see a major difference over the next year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same with you tube bro you work hard give your years on that platform and when time come it suddenly bans, or changes algorithm and make channel dead.

Any of them fall into the same category. So does Amazon and Apple.

We simply cannot get around it on the Web 2.0. That is why we need to build the entire new layer outside of their reach.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes bro Web 3.0 is the way

Well I won't actually blame people who seem to berate web 3:0, it's because they haven't fully understood the prospect, one of the reason why a person like me is looking towards it, is because of how unsteady it is to build a home, build a standing, a dream job on a place like facebook and still stand the chance of losing it all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is little doubt that we are in the early stages. This is the embryotic phase.

Nevertheless, we see how things are starting to shape up. Getting #ProjectBlank will really be a huge step forward in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Projectblank should probably happen this year, hopefully it'll set a different pace for hive

I don't want people to know that Metaverse is created by facebook. Therr could be such sense.

It also wouldnt be the Metaverse. Instead it would just be a VR world by Facebook (or Meta).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Before I participate on Facebook metaverse, they must promise us they will not block our account any how.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You will be waiting a very long time.

Metaverse, YES.

"Meta," NO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Before joining Hive, I honestly didn’t know what Web 3.0 was or how important it is. I really didn’t know using Facebook, Twitter and other Web 2.0 applications was subjecting me to being controlled. So people that laugh at Web 3.0 have no idea and that’s based on being ignorant, if they are willing to learn, good for them. People laughed at the internet during its early stage.

I really didn’t know using Facebook, Twitter and other Web 2.0 applications was subjecting me to being controlled.

You didn't realize but those who were banned from those platforms understood fully. It is something that makes one step back when it happens to them.

Extrapolate this out further and we see how this can have horrific results. We need to develop that around the outcome.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah exactly, after joining Hive and realizing the importance of Web 3.0, I found myself preaching Web 3.0 to my sister when she complained of being banned by Facebook from advertising

It is very interesting that once we start to understand, we see it all over the place.

If that happened before you were in Hive, you might have just shrugged your shoulders and said that sucks.

But now you have an alternative view and understand that something completely difference is being built.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Web3 equally comes to give power and control to individuals other than the governments. Web3 also brings freedom and true ownership to individuals. Many don't know that the money in their bank accounts isn't theirs because both the government and banks can decide to do anything with your money without seeking for your permission. Your crypto asset will always be yours and in your custody until you are careless.

For those making a joke out of web3 or noting that cryptocurrency solves no real life problem, I guess it's ignorance because crypto solves a lot of real-life problems like unemployment issues, ease of transactions and the likes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. Money in a bank account is only yours with the permission of the banks and government. There are many instances where this permission was removed, where governments claimed it as theirs.

Web 3.0 offers the option of changing that completely. It is not going to spring up overnight. We need to keep decentralizing each layer of everything.

The illusion of Web 3.0 that is being promoted does not match the reality of what some of us are building.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly! Many perceive web3 to be all about the "MetaVerse" and maybe NFTs. But I think that, web3 goes beyond these few areas. The impact of web3 should be felt off the internet.

On another note, the applications of blockchain technology is so enormous to only be centered around buying and selling of cryptos, metaverse and NFTs. It's hightime we began channelling blockchain technology towards the medical sector, educational sector to mention but a few.

Like you stated, it won't happen overnight. It's indeed a time-taking process but it can be achieved

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I view the Metaverse as Web 5.0. That means we are building something that will be incorporated into it yet Web 3.0 is not that.

That said, we are seeing it emerge now and going to extend in many different areas. We did not expect Web 2.0 to move in the directions than it did.

It will be interesting to see what sectors it truly does enter into. I think it will be more than we can think about right now. The impact is going to be great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, it's impact will really be massive and revolutionary.

That's being said, we should count ourselves lucky that we have this knowledge and are also part of the early adopters of this world-changing move.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt, the ones who are here now are the trailblazers. We are going to need patience for things to develop. Nevertheless, we are the ones building for the next wave of people who enter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly! As early adopters, we need to position ourselves well in terms of investments pending when things get fully developed. This will enable us make better profits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's going to be a long time and a lot more work if we want web3 to really be successful. The options we have now that should be replacing these tech giants like twitter, facebook, youtube etc. are rather primitive at the moment or over complicated.

That's not to say it wont or can't happen but it shows how much more committed and serious we need to start getting about it if we want it to become a reality.

About Facebook creating the metaverse we kind of brought that on ourselves. Over the years a majority of people wanted ETFs and other outside sources of revenue to come into Bitcoin. What's happened? Mega companies now control the mining of bitcoin squeezing out everyone else. The exact people bitcoin was invited to overthrow for some reason most invited them in thinking only of price and not the devastating ramifications of doing so. Hopefully that will be different as we do advance into web3.0

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right about Bitcoin and how many were screaming for Wall Street to enter those their tokens could moon. Well the next article I am going to write is on this subject, about how it is now in their hands (or soon will be).

Web 3.0 will be different because, by design, it is decentralized. Hence, the platforms that are claiming to be Web 3.0 but are fully centralized (like what the VCs are creating) are not Web 3. It is truly just Web2 repackaged.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure how the web3 structure will look like in the near future. But, i am beginning to think it won't be as straightforward as the experts and crypto twitter is saying it would be. The problem lies in the fact that designers are beginning to create web 3 designs based on the structure web 2 provides. And, that's a true problem that needs to be corrected. Social ranking, likes, ratings, followers and many other characteristics should not be as prominent on web3. The portability that you mentioned is such one idea which could help alter the web2 ideology. Let's see how all this will pan out.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

We are still in the era where we are dealing with reference points. What is being created is based upon what we already know. Thus, take Web2 and alter it a bit.

The real change comes when the second and third generation Web 3.0 innovation starts to unfold. That will not look like what we know now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didn't know anything about this web3 since I was only on facebook an other applications,there are many features of the web 3 and am gradually learning it here,such an insightful post.

I would surmise that is the case for the masses right now.

We just have to keep building and expanding. Eventually we will have enough to hand to them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have hear alot about the METAVERSE and I haven't seen it in this version though I know mark is a monopolist and would do all to gain and impose web authority except we keep pushing for this not to be , so I agree

We are not going to see the Metaverse for a while. So what is being espoused is nothing more than hype and rhetoric.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Like many others, I still have trouble wrapping my head around what Web3 means or how it works. Hive is the only web3 application that I know about and love. There is also Metamask but for me, it's nothing more than a crypto wallet

Thanks for the informative piece....keep it up, mate

It is still early and there is not a lot out there yet. The infrastructure is being built at this point.

Of course, do not overlook the fact that wallets are important. It is a piece of the foundation that is required.

Over the next few years, I hypothesize you will see a lot more rolling out in terms of Web 3 applications.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

with this explanation, we all see that we own this ability to leave life in here without borders and the power build a business without fear of ban, the only problem is who are taking advantage of this, many here about things like this and don't seems to look it as a big thing, some see others making it in this centralize platform and with that in mind that do there best be like them not see that they can take there own path. Well, we do our best possible to make them see, it's up to them to come or forever stay there and one day get blocked.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Web 2 can block people. Web 3 cannot. It is really that simple.

On Hive, there are a lot of opportunities and choices. For anyone to focus upon one single aspect and conclude it is the direction of the ecosystem is a mistake.

We need to step back and look at the totality of it. There is the opportunity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Probably the most overlooked aspect of Crypto if you ask me. Some people simply can't see the value of portability and some will just hate on it for no specific reason.

The reality of the situation is that with personal accounts that are portable across many (hopefully all) blockchains comes tons of benefits for account owners and businesses.

Awesome write-up, as always.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right, it is overlooked and not discussed about. Yet for anyone who was in the situation I described, the point is clear. The problem with crypto is it is still full of people who never truly suffered to the degree others have. Most who are involved lived fairly "comfortable" lives.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup but I feel those will come and go with every new hype wave. Only the ones that actually need to use crypto will stay in it long enough and that's probably a good thing.

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Any commerce or business that was on there is instantly eradicated. In fact, there is no evidence of the person even existing. His or her digital life, as it pertains to that platform. is wiped away.

In a way, it's even worse than that. Not only does the "offender" get wiped out, the data accumulated over time to build a profile on the platform is still monetized for them. The company still makes its money off the deplatformed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Being born and raised in America it is pretty easy to live with my head in the sand. Having portable wealth, will this be enough to stop the tyranny of government especially when we consider they can just mint their own crypto?