One of the most important applications that Hive has seen is now in beta.
This might seem like an overstatement at first but, by the end of this article, everyone will see the potential of what we are dealing with.
Veews is now live. This is an application that brings content discovery to the Hive blockchain. Since the early days, most were aware that one of the drawbacks to Hive is finding content relevant to our likes. The only way to filter the information was through the following of others. While this could help us to stay on top of authors we enjoy, this made discovering new content an issue.
At the same time, we have the situation where people are diverse. Hence, a blog might have different areas of focus. One might like the posts about cryptocurrency yet detest the individual's politics. Veews is a way to come across the crypto content while leaving the politics aside.
In this article we will not go through the mechanics of the site. There is a video on the front page that covers it along with other articles popping up. What we will focus upon is the potential for Hive and the impact it can make.
Content Discovery Mechanism
Veews mirrors Stumbleupon, an application that was popular in the early Web 2.0 era. Along with Digg and Reddit, they were the second tier behind Facebook. Over time, due to a poor business model, the company ended up folding, taking the app with it.
The idea is being revived, with a focus on Hive. For the moment, only new content (within the 7 day vote window) is applicable. Eventually, we are going to see all content on Hive since the genesis block be incorporated.
It is a system that uses machine learning. This is how it was summed up.

Basically, the process starts with users selecting from a list of commonly used tags which are on the home page. From there, as people use the applications like/dislike system, the machine learning starts to build a personal profile in an effort to deliver content that is preferred.
Over time, as more people use the system, the ML engine will improve, providing better results for everyone.
The key to this is we will come across many authors previously overlooked. It is impossible to scan the mess of Recent posts on a front end like PeakD. Hence, Veews handles a lot of this for us. As our preference is learned, more pages tied to that topic are shown regardless of who the content creator is.
This is operational at the moment. Now, it is up to everyone on Hive to help train the system by Veewing.
Evergreen Content
One of the other issues with Hive is what happens to content after it is more than 7 days old? Basically, we have a decentralized database of information that goes back 6 years yet we only really see what was posted in the last week.
Veews will end up changing this. Once the bugs are worked out and the basic training occurs, we will see the entire database opened up. This means that content which is outside the voting window will be accessible.
This is important for recognition. There are authors who only post a couple times a week but did that for years. With the one week timeframe they might be overlooked. However, the culmination of their work might stand out better over a wider window.
The other factor in this is rewards. We all know Hive inflation only pays out over the 7 days. The tokenomics of the system are not released at this moment but there are going to be other ways to reward older content. This breathes new life into what was done before.
Since it is a layer 2 solution, there is the flexibility to adopt payment mechanisms that are not at the base layer.
While we have no idea what it will look like, focusing in this direction can add another element to the Hive ecosystem. We have years of data (posts) that is just sitting on-chain, not being utilized. In terms of return as a content creator, if older posts are eligible for some type of reward, that could add to those who have spent years filling Hive up with content that is of interest to people.
Perhaps we will see life pumped into these older articles over the next few months.
Veews: Content Delivery System
This is something that struck me last night when going through the application.
Veews is mostly a reader. What this means is the front end is designed to provide content that people view. There are some Hive-based functions such as the voting on the article along with commenting. However, one cannot create an article from the application.
Since we are accessing content on Hive, one of the keys could be to turn Veews into a distribution hub. Since the article is already in front of us, how hard would it be to access a few buttons and distribute.
For example, there were a number of times I found articles that I would like to post on LeoThreads. To do this now, the article had to be opened, address copied, and then carried over to Threads. Why not do it right from the application itself?
The same would hold for Listnerds. This is an opt-in email marketing program that is available on Hive. Why not have a button that enables the same thing?
Of course, we have traditional social media. Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit are areas that distributing content could be appealing. Again, going direct from the application increase the number of times this happens.
One of the key points is that most of the content we see was created by other people. Thus, distributing it means we are gaining exposure for other content creators. Why would an individual do this?
To start, people love to share content they find interesting or informative. Look at the links shared on Twitter. Most of that is citing the work of others.
That said, there is a big advantage on Hive. Any exposure received by another is putting Hive applications in front of different people. Hence, by sharing the content of another author, the reader will end up seeing PeakD,, Leofinance, or CTPTalk. This is a great way for communities to start to gain more exposure by marketing their favorite articles out to others.
Hive's Evolution
There is no doubt that Hive has content creation covered. This is only going to increase as the social media offerings expand. In addition to long form content creation there is Liketu, Threads, DBuzz, and 3Speak.
We now have the first step in content discovery. Veews brings a traditional Web 2.0 idea to Hive. There is now a way to find content that is much easier than it was 24 hours ago.
Implementing a few simple tools to Veews would then make it the go-to hub for content distribution. Thousands of people on Hive could share dozens of articles in an easy manner.
As we can see the possibilities are tremendous. This is a huge addition to Hive and the evolution that it is undergoing.
It is also why the long-term vision is always required. We are still in the early stages of development yet more pieces are falling into place.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great tool! Thanks for the heads up, I've just started using it..
This will be very handy indeed!
I find it enjoyable (and addicting). Hopefully we get hundreds, if not thousands, using it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Veews is looking great for an early release. I'm sure they will get plenty of feedback. I have reported a couple of issues already.
We could do with more ways to reward old posts. We can leave tips in peakd, but that requires having liquid $HIVE. There are also the various tipping tokens, but they are not worth much. Passing the vote to a more recent post by the author is another option if they have a current one. I'm sure people will come up with more ideas and I hope Veews will incorporate some of them.
That's just it, some writers only do like one post a month. I would definitely reward them with an upvote if I could :)
It will be interesting to see the tokenomics they come out with. I have no idea what they will pertain to or how it will be structured. Heck they might phase in the tokenomics ie start with one way of doing something and then add later.
Just spitballing here since I have no inside 411. But there are a lot of possibilities.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
While I applaud the efforts put into Veews development and I agree about its importance and influence on Hive, I have to point one piece of information that is missing.
Google knows a lot about you. It might f.e. know that you frequent fast food restaurants and you prefer Burger King over McDonalds, so when you are in new city and looking for food on Google Maps, it will point you to proper place and you will be happy. You benefit from existence of such personal assistant. However it is still Google's AI personalized on your data, not your AI assistant. It works for Google, not you. How is it in case of Veews?
I mean, even if it is like Google, it is still important piece of software, but I'd prefer it worked for me :o)
The only thing we (Veews) are tracking is what you press on the Veewer, if you like something in Veews it tells the platform that is content you want to see more of. If you dislike it, tells us you don't want to see more of it. That's it :)
Yes, yes. I understand the concept, however there is a world of difference between information on my preferences being only accessible by me vs by Veews server vs by anyone. There are also vast differences and considerations on technical side. F.e. if information were to remain private, it would need to be all collected client side, sharing it between different devices I might be using would require some communication and storage (encrypted custom json?). All that trouble disappears when it is Veews server that collects the data and it should be considerably cheaper to operate that way. Some functions are either not feasible or not possible at all in "privacy model". F.e. it might be ok to run some AI data collector on a smartphone, however it would never be possible to implement something that requires big-data crunch, and not just because smartphone is too weak to handle the data, but because you wouldn't even have access to other people's data in such model (example: "other people like you were also interested in..." requires access to info on other people).
I'm not saying "privacy model" is superior to "centralized entity model" or "public model". After all the first one is least efficient but offers best privacy, centralized one is most efficient but offers only pseudo-privacy and is most susceptible to interruptions, while public model offers best accessibility at total expense of privacy.
I think it is important for users to know the difference and to know what kind of model is implemented with the tools they are using. Yeah, it sounds strange when we are talking about Hive, where very sensitive financial information is out in the open and you can already profile people based on public information on what they write and vote for, who they follow or blacklist etc. :o)
There is zero financial information at all gathered by Veews, again, we literally...Take the input you give it by saying if you like something or not and then feed you content you like.
It is not proclaiming to be an AI assistant. It is going to take what you input and deliver the content that it thinks you want to see. That is all. If you think that is working for you, then fine; if not, then so be it.
The engine doesnt do anything other than react to your input. If you dont upvote anything it will not feed back anything legitimate to you. It isnt watching your browsing history or anything.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really great addition! Still a bit slow, but I can see the potential. I'd love to see some sort of implementation in some of the front-ends like @peakd which would make it even easier to use it
Not sure how it could be in the front end of peakd. Two separate projects.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
well I could see it as another "feed" option. Just how we can sort post by payout and views, peakd could have a page that uses the data from veews but makes its own site for it. IMO it's always better to try and have most apps on one site rather than having to have 20 different bookmarks for different apps
This is a node issue, and we're going to give users today the option to choose which node they use. Currently, it's auto picking which one, so if people get to choose their own node, it'll speed things up :)
I like your review of veews and am reblogging this. In the marketing field this when ready to use on scale would be a great marketing tool for onboarding ppl to Hive. That's my 2 cents.
It has a lot of potential. Still in the very early stages. We will see how the app looks in a month or two.
They already added more to it with the first update. It is going to be fun to watch things evolve.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I love it, works very well so far. I cannot wait to see what posts it starts to recommend to me once it has learned more specifically what it is I want to see.
Yeah. It will be interesting when things open up to the genesis block. See people who use to post yet are long gone.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The idea of a Content Delivery System is quite great considering the amount of information thrown everywhere on the Hive blockchain. Content creators are pushing diverse content and while it is good to check a feed with the followers, is better to get a feed with only the topics of interest. For example, I would life to filter out all the content from the Hive blockchain and get only ThorChain posts to strengthen my knowledge and peak opportunities in that ecosystem alone.
That is the idea behind the communities on Leofinance. They want to isolate the content in that manner.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have login on Veews and liked what I saw, I just wasn't sure whether to give a thumbs up to a content I like but written in a language I don't understand.
Other than that I am liking the concept.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The like/dislike at the top of the page is for your profile engine. It is to train what you want to see, not your approval of the content of the post. So if you dont want to see more of a foreign language, then dislike it (downthumb it).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is awesome for me, both as someone who wants to support the quality work of unknown authors, and as someone with way too many stories that I feel might not have been read by many, when I first got started on Hive. What an amazing development 🙌 Who do I thank???
This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
This is the work of the #CTP team.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice :) I've been trying it out, and already discovered a few good posts!
If we will be able to find old contest years ago, it is great look at our blog in past ;)
And some of the people who were posting back then who are long forgotten.
It will be a trip when that is added to the application.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This looks great, but I would want the ability to open posts using Ecency.
I can't login or use this from my phone?
Yes, you can use this flawlessly with the Hive Keychain mobile browser. Works great on mobile :)
But does not take me to Ecency.
It's a front end, just like Ecency. You can use it with the Keychain mobile browser. Just like you would use Ecency.
Great for browsing, but if I want to open a post and comment or vote I have no choices except peakd?
You can post or comment from both.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will when it takes me to Ecency!
Right now on mobile, have to use the browser within Keychain. That is something that will be fixed in the future. From there, you can use it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hope Hivesigner and Ecency will be added soon!
Can change the article opening in settings now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bravo!!!! Thank you so much!
I'm really looking forward to dig into this. I have had it open on my desktop all morning, but I am still in the process of getting some other stuff out of the way. Perhaps one day I will be replying to your posts from within Veews.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The commenting is in the app. No post creation but commenting and Hive upvoting are there.
Of course, the key from the user point is use the like/dislike buttons at the top. That is what feeds the ML engine.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For sure! I am going to have to dig into it a bit more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Veews is really a great project that will greatly help in personalizing how we consume content based on our preferences. Will it be possible to later implement it on other frontends?
This is something CTP built. It is not a blockchain feature so I am not sure it can go into other front ends.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
~~~ embed:1597597257737687043 twitter metadata:NzQyODc2NTI5NzU2MTEwODQ4fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tLzc0Mjg3NjUyOTc1NjExMDg0OC9zdGF0dXMvMTU5NzU5NzI1NzczNzY4NzA0M3w= ~~~
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I really liked the article. I think that Views will help a lot to find articles of our preference, a task that is a bit difficult to do in Hive.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
I think from the point of view from a reader, Veews looks like the best choice. After all, they don't have that much time and they would prefer to get content they would like. I think it's a perfect solution to some of those who don't have as much time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
O this epic, I have said for well the last 3 years hive needs a way to find old content and different content as some days I feel I see the same post over and over.
Going to check this out and maybe leave some feedback
There is no doubt that Hive has content creation covered. This is only going to increase as the social media offerings expand. In addition to long form content creation there is Liketu, Threads, DBuzz, and 3Speak.
This is great news. Thanks for sharing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is such a cool idea. We've got lots of cool ideas on Hive actually..... it's just they are not integrated well. Imagine share to Threads or D.Buzz button on front ends for long form content !LUV !PIZZA
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