We hear a lot of buzzwords tossed around to the point where they mean nothing. It is something we see with the word Metaverse and now we are seeing it with Web 3.0. While it makes sense in the former case since that is down the road, the latter is happening now and will make a major difference over the next couple years.
Of course, do not tell that to Elon Musk who is still searching for it. Musk's tweet aside, there is some validity to the viewpoint. He is right to the extent that Web 3.0 is still a work in progress. It is not fully here.
The point is that, when it does arrive, people are going to be shocked.
Web 3.0 is going to be a lot bigger than people think. It also will be completely revolutionary.

Attack On The Authoritarian State
This might seem like an overstatement but those who are in power do not realize what is coming.
Web 3.0 is viewed by many as a way to take applications and tokenizing them. Hence, we have the idea of tokenized social media or gaming assets. While this is a part of it, we will see there is a great deal more.
To fully understand what is going to take place, we need to delve to the basic level. At the core is blockchain. This is the revolutionary technology, not cryptocurrency. In fact, we could look at cryptocurrency as the first widescale application. It is similar to email and the Internet.
Blockchain is basically a distributed ledger. Permissionless blockchains are ledgers that anyone is free to engage with. Nobody is in control, therefore activity cannot be stopped except in extreme circumstances. If this is undertaken, risk of losing the confidence of the users accelerates. Thus it is going to be avoided wherever possible.
Right now, everything is transparent. We can see all data, including the user. Naturally, there is semi-autonomy since it is not individuals personal information. Nevertheless, that can be uncovered with a bit of detective work.
That is not the future. Down the road, we are going to see the data be transparent yet the user have full privacy. At some point, Digital ID systems will be constructed. The reason for this is because we are going to see more data operating in this realm. As blockchain is more widely accepted, the need for privacy increases.
Of course, being open-source in nature, this is something that users can demand. It is also a move that developers are free to provide. Remember, nobody is in control, including governments.
Many are already forecasting the different industries that are going to utilize blockchain in the future. Everything from real estate to healthcare to banking. The ability to own one's own data as compared to a corporation is alluring. It is also something developers can make a reality at some point.
We also have to keep in mind that not everything will be public. Blockchain is going to be the integration of both public and private systems. Some data might end up on the chain while other aspects of the health information, as an example, is retained in a private database.
Either way, any entity that is "in control" today of some aspect of our lives is under attack. The second we introduce permissionless into the equation, we see how the power structure can start to breakdown. Layer-by-layer this will happen.

Empowered Individuals
Obviously is the entities that are in power are threatened, this means individuals are empowered. It is exactly what is taking place.
Let us take the simple example of a digital wallet tied to a permissionless blockchain. The reason why politicians point to the fact that cryptocurrency can be used for illegal activities is because they have little recourse.
A digital wallet is basically an unregulated, permissionless bank. It offers the ability to send, receive, and store money. With the introduction of truly Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications, we can see how an entirely new network is being constructed. All of this empowers individuals. Unfortunately, freedom means that both the innocent and nefarious can utilize it.
Naturally, most people are not criminals. This is nothing more than an counter-attack by the establishment in an effort to hold onto something that is waning.
The horizontal structure of open-source means that control from the top is impossible. With the renewed focus upon security and privacy by the likes of David Chaum, we can see how the development community has some powerful players. Much of what they create will end up be a part of Web 3.0.
This will end up putting a great deal more control back in people's hands. In the digital world, this starts with metadata. Here is where much of surveillance capitalism comes from. If that is wrestled away from the major tech companies as people shift their allegiances, we see an entirely new world opening up. This means that if the user wants someone to know where he or she was, that entity will have to get permission.
Of course, with cryptocurrency, that most likely comes at a cost. In other words, payment will be required. No longer can these entities simply mine the data of its users. This is going to radically change the advertising industry which is dominated by Facebook and Google.

Currency And Ownership
We are entering a realm where the gatekeepers are the world are under attack. Think of all the corporations that exist simply to facilitate something. With Web 3.0, there is no need for many of them. Obviously, a lot of them realize this and are trying to remain relevant. Over the next half decade, we will see this power struggle continue.
This is a common transition. For example, Netflix evolved to the point with streaming where Blockbuster stores were no longer required for video rental. Instead, the subscription-based model took over. Of course, this is evolving where broadcast entities are taking their libraries direct to consumers, as opposed to selling it to Netflix. This might be another step in removing the "middleman".
NFTs are the rage right now. There is good reason for this which is based upon potential. A NFT is a new ownership model. It does not depend upon anything outside oneself (and the blockchain it is built upon).
If we fast forward this concept a decade down the road, consider the industries that are going to be affected. Another way of putting it is ponder all that we register in some way. Each those entities are going to take a hit. There is no need for some entity to maintain an ownership trail when we have blockchain. Anything in the physical world could have a digital counterpart that is moved at the time of sale.
When we add in smart contract capability, even the law is upended. Consider how much of the legal profession, along with its tentacles, are built around this idea. Everything from the creation to dispute settlement involves millions of individuals. Of course, since we are dealing with people, there is the opportunity for corruption. It is a point many feel we are at.
Not your keys, not your coins.
This is a standard for the cryptocurrency industry. How about expanding it to "not your keys, not your property". This could equally apply to automobiles, stock, real estate, diplomas, and your entire digital profile. All of it will be in the hands of the individual.
How do we know the person owns it? Because the blockchain says so. If one has the keys to the wallet, it opens the golden kingdom. Nothing to dispute.

Ultimately, our relationship to just about everything is going to change due to Web 3.0. This is the next iteration of the Internet yet we are at a time in history when our technical capabilities are very powerful. This means we can embark upon massive change for all of humanity within a couple decades. That really was never seen before.
It is also why people are underestimating how big Web 3.0 is going to be. Whereas Web 2.0 caused a massive shift, placing social media and digital communication as a significant part of our lives, the next generation carries even greater impact.
The world changed a great deal over the last 20 years. We are dealing with a much different baseline as compared to when we started the process toward Web 2.0. A lot was already digitized meaning that its advancement can happen with a few keystrokes on a computer.
Web 3.0 is not a marketing term or a moniker that people are throwing out there. It is going to be a powerful advancement of the Internet. Millions are involved with building this mechanism out. The innovation is just getting started.
If we go back to 1995, we truly had no idea how big "social media" was to become. Talking to people at that time likely would have yielded an underestimation of what was possible.
The same is true today. What we are projecting over the next couple decades will end up, in many ways, being an underestimation of what will unfold. This is simply how we deal with technology.
Web 3.0 is going to alter most aspects of society. The shift towards blockchain is only just beginning. By 2040, all databases will be tied to this in some way.
Consider the reach that it will have. This is a lot more than just tokenizing social media.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It reminds me of when I was a kid. I think it was back when I was playing Runescape that I thought that the world was going to be digital. I was playing with people from half way around the world and I could get membership (fiat conversion) by trading gold with others. Now we are all talking to each other outside of games and it takes only a few seconds for anyone to see it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Govements know that there house of cards is crambling. Their economics are founded on scacity and control. When blockchain is giving freedom and abundance for all. This technology is like the transforming robots of transformers in the movie..while Goverments are focusing on crypto whats going to hit them is something else
Governments cant even stop the illegal download of music so I laugh when they talk about going after cryptocurrency.
Our government system simply isnt designed in this realm.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm not entirely sure that the true power is trying to hold onto this particular government system we have in the US. I think some people within it are, but sometimes I think it's being at least partially intentionally imploded. I'm sure some people have other ideas in mind. We must keep at what we have going here so that we're not in the hands of something more sinister in the future.
Some times I find my self worrying and thinking the government is plotting something that could crush all this. Its news like senators conveting their salaries into bitcoin that shows how much hope there is on here
Everyone keeps talking about the Metaverse without realizing how stupid that idea is without Web 3.0
Since you mentioned Netflix, I'm curious on your thoughts on copyright ownership in the future. If we look at Splinterlands for example, card rentals are a natural evolution for trading card games yet no one came up with a simple solution until Splinterlands came along.
What if we took that same model to the extreme? I create a movie that I don't want to sell to Netflix but I also don't have money to advertise it. Taskmaster comes along and says "let me rent the rights to that move for a week at a fixed price". Taskmaster then proceeds to sell "watching rights" to people, also at a fixed price, ending up with a net profit after 7 days of distribution.
If we can pack the video material along with the copyright on the same NFT I see no reason why this won't work.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ownership is going to change and people are going to get very creative.
I also feel that a lot of what we do is going to be open sourced to a degree. Like with this, I post on Hive but it is basically out there. It is on blockchain and monetized but only for a certain period. NFTs will help with ownership and distribution.
IP is going to be very interesting. How do we deal with it? Hard to say. What happens over time is things get demonetized as technology expands.
What about if a movie is totally developed by AI? What then? And how about the DAO as an ownership model? Perhaps you incentivize the viewers with some type of token ownership.
A lot of interesting ideas can come from this thought exercise.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Whenever I have a hard time conceptualizing Web 3.0, I try to focus on, "What would business be like without any of the middleman services?" For better or worse, Web 3.0 seems likes it wants to push responsibility back into the hands of the individual in exchange for personalized rewards.
There is significant risk involved in this transition like the inability for a single person to really be protected against the lawlessness that pervades crypto communities, but the first step is getting people there. Once the system has shifted, I can see people coming together to create security measures that both support personal privacy and provide safeguards against criminal elements.
Criminal elements will always thrive in some way. However, I would rather deal with them than the legalized ones called government who legally pillage and steal.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Who's gonna be the first big company to make the jump to web 3.0??? What I can see from here is that twitter is doomed, I don´t see them doing the jump.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is difficult for a company to make the jump since that completely upends their business model. We will see a resistance until some end up tying in out of necessity, like the banks. In that instance, they simply are nothing more than frontends.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The capacity of blockchain technology is yet to be fully tapped into. I believe that in the future, most sectors will indulge blockchain technology. Certainly, web3 will be revolutionary and a welcomed development.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We are going to need a lot more capacity to handle all the volume of traffic that is going to come at us. We are going to see many industries start to embrace what is taking place.
For this reason, expansion is required. We just have to keep building.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Meaning, more knowledge and skills are important to be acquired in order to help build capacity.
On building, if you can't build then support those who build useful products.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
right now the open door for mass people are the gaming world, we hope in the time when people know about this, they will come here, and they would be part of this, specially a lot of development men that until our days, do not know about this or have secure employees and do not have the necesity to be a freelancers,
well we hope this give and launch us to the our great and lovely freedom financial that we need and want forever.
Best regard.
by the way the imf said us we need to stop btc as a legal tender i hope this never happens.
That is because the IMF cannot control El Salvador if it uses BTC. Also, with what is being planned, there is a chance El Salvador pays back the loan, getting it out from under the IMF's control.
It is a power thing, exactly what I am writing about here. What need is there for the IMF if a Treasury could be filled with BTC, as an example, and ultimately collateralized, if needed? Loans could be taken out against that asset and avoid the slavery structure of the IMF.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The IMF doesn't see controlling El Salvador as detrimental to their national interest. In their eyes, using BTC as legal tender has "large risks" "on financial stability, financial integrity, and consumer protection, as well as the associated fiscal contingent liabilities.”
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of course not. The IMF sees things as fine if it can control poorer nations that are indebted to it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am rooting for El Salvador--and all other people who want to be free.
The music industry is about to experience a MAJOR shift. The major labels will die out along with all the middle men. Goodbye Spotify. Artists will regain the power to actually go direct to their fans. (The key will be finding those fans.....)
I agree with you ultimately. However, I think something like Spotify sticks around a while.
The removal of middlemen is going to happen in stages. Isn't it ironic that we have rentseeker built on top of rentseekers. You have the music labels, spotify, and either apple or google just in the example of music on your phone.
Not all will go at once but in the long run they will. The record labels seem like the first to fall.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
With the advent of more Blockchain music DAOs and their ability to share music through NFTS and eventually their own streaming that actually pays artists I believe it will happen sooner than later. Keep an eye on @Blocktunes 👀
There are a lot of projects that is for sure. However, keep in mind how people tend not to embrace change. Look at all that are still using Facebook in spite of their antics.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are not wrong. BUT I would rather be there at the beginning and welcome the late followers. 💰
I already think it's going to be insanely huge 😝
I will be in my 70's and hope things speed up long before then.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep. A lot of us are going to miss the real fireworks unless we get some radical life extension stuff.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So blockchain is the base and “cryptocurrency as the first widescale application.” This is a great way of describing the relationship between these two entities. Just like me before, I assume many are still confused thinking that they are the same.
In Web 3, “nobody is in control, including governments.” This is good news!
I envy a banker for so long due to their unfair advantage, but now that I am banker, what shall I do with this power?
It’s payback time!
If that’s the case, I think I have to keep collecting as early as this time.
As expected, great content! Thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Enrich yourself and others.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good break down, nice to see the general coverage in this article. Left no stone or section unturned.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is what we have to do.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You say 2040 all databases will be tied to the blockchain in some way or another, this shows how long it takes people to understand and start to apply this new system, but a question I have is this what should people that are working in this field be doing now or people that want to enter this field of work do now to help the blockchain?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are people already working on things. However, security is always a major aspect to this and that is only trusted after testing (ie time). Also, we have regulation which obviously is much slower. Finally, control is always a factor.
Look how long it took for IT people to trust cloud. I still recall in 2013 trying to explain to people who a cloud server from Google was likely safer than a server in the office run by a small local IT company.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think that internet will reach its major establishment purpose thanks to Web 3.0, a real freedom.
This is an absolute certainty, web 3.0 would be bigger.
Sure it's far from where we want it to be but it's farther than how it is perceived, the certainty of getting involved right now paves way for the time when there would be an explosion.
No one would understand when it hits them.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
It is hard for our minds to envision what can happen since exponential growth is not something we are accustomed to.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I like the concept of "Creator" and "Player" in metaverse and web3.0 I hope this concept pays out people and that way they can have job as an alternative and not forced to work on jobs they hate. I have strong hopes on new web3 for that.
It is going to be a world of developers. This will certainly end up helping people enormously.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
🙋🏼♂️ I really like your visionary view on this whole Web 3.0 topic Very good analysis on where we stand now and where this might all lead to. Fingers crossed Hive will play a mayor part in this whole development.
I think it is safe to say that Hive will be a major part in all this. It is a blockchain that has the proper foundation and we keep expanding. The idea is to keep providing opportunities to people. That is vital for the path forward.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's correct, Web 3.0 is going to be the new sensation. Nicely penned!
For me I think the most revolutionary and powerful thing about blockchain/crypto and this move to what people are calling web3 is restoring power back to people as individuals and less and less on corporations.
When you think about it you spend time and money building content that you then post on social networks for others to find it and then try and make a penny on the back end. However these mega corps are now charging you money to be able to have people see your content, shadow banning you if they don't like it and limiting your reach even though your the one doing all the heavy lifting. Imagine doing all that work and investing that money and then being asked to pay more money so your followers can see your content. Talk about one overly abusive system! A system I feel many people are tired of.
This move towards providing value back to each person based on a number of factors such as quality of content, engagement etc are so powerful against what has become an abusive and mega corp focused economy we live in today.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
To take your thought process one step further, picture how the DAO will fit into what you stated.
Not only is the control in the hands of the individual, projects are DAOs, or at least distributed ownership which means that one is happy to give over content since he or she has a stake in the platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True and DAOs will most likely be a HUGE thing this year in terms of popularity and people getting involved with them.
Three plus years into mainly using "web3" and I have no complaints! So much of this post is spot on and I have been saying much of it for years now to folks.
Nice to read it all laid out so well in a single post! Especially this part:
Imagine if eXode or Splinterland cards had a physical counterpart! That would be such an awesome and even useful example!
The key is going to take the physical counterpart and digitize it. Going the other way, other than as a collectible, is not required.
We are getting more digitizes each day.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's a little sad to think I am not going to be able to see as much of this as I would like to in the future. It's possible by the time things really start picking up I will be too old to appreciate it. Maybe not. I hope not anyway.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I might be to dead. Personally, I have to root for some longevity breakthroughs.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm right there with you!
The implications of web 3.0 is beyond what most of us can imagine as of now, just as it was with web 2.0 but even worse. Every aspect of our lives is likely to be upended
Life will not be the same. We see how much Twitter and Facebook inserted themselves into the daily lives of people and many different industries.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting. Many of us indeed are seeing web3 as a mere tokenized social media when that goes beyond this realm. I honestly wouldn't be too excited about every form of ownership being digitized as this situation will come at a cost. What we have so far with WEB3 and NFTs is so far the best form of digital ownership we've had.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is costly now. Always a fee to register whatever, cars, deeds to houses, titles to boats.
Absolutely ridiculous what they bilk out of us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One thing I use to synonymize with web3.0 is true ownership. Everything you've comprehensively talked about is the dynamism of the web and it can systematically become owned by the participants of the internet. people can further own and monetize the most important aspect of the internet. Sincerely there will be opposition from centralized entities.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ownership is a big part of Web 3.0. It is very interesting to see how all of this unfolds. We are going to see a completely new world that we operate within.
In a decade, this will be as different as total is from 1995.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope that we can actually own our land. As it is now we do not since if we do not pay property tax, the government takes it. To me, the government owns it and we get the privilege of renting it I guess. Either that, or no land ownership whatsoever. That would be a big transition for our society that's hard for me to imagine, but philosophically it's something I understand. Government and banks owning our houses and land is one of my biggest complaints, and I will be glad if this is done away with.
It's crazy how I get excited about the future of the digital world when at the same time everything in the real world is collapsing 😂
Deep changes are coming in society and I'm all for giving back power/freedom to the hands of people.
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I don't know why I'm so sure this is true 😌.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is so true, I remember back when Paramount placed a Star Trek Insurrection trailer on Yahoo, with the broadband at the time the trailer only took about 9 minutes to download and play, this was back in 1999.
I did not know it at the time, but I had a gut feeling that the combo of broadband and video would change everything... 6 years in 2005 Youtube was launched and started to attract 30,000 visitors daily.
Now I am looking at BlockChain Tech knowing the world will never be the same.