Who Is Going To Carry All The Traffic? Hive Having A Boring Fork Which Will Bring Benefits

in LeoFinance4 years ago

The explosion of DeFi on Ethereum is a lesson of what is coming. We need to be honest here, as exciting as the growth rate is, it is a drop in the bucket. Overall, when we look at the transactions compared to the traditional financial system, this is nothing.

However, we are seeing extreme problems arising from this growth. The Ethereum network is having a tough time handling it. The gas fees have gone through the roof with little indication they will reverse course. It is now to the point where it is worse than things were during the ICO and CryptoKitty phase in 2017.

This was always a concern for Ethereum which is in the process of moving from Proof of Work to a Proof of Stake system. This will, in the developers' minds, help to alleviate the congestion that Ethereum suffered on a few different occasions.

Unfortunately, for that network, it seems that this upgrade is still a bit down the road. Each day, the entire cryptocurrency arena gets more attention, pulling in new participants. Most recently, Wall Street financial institutions are turning to Bitcoin. No longer is it fashionable for those type of companies to shame Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. They have realized that this is a legitimate industry that is not going away.


So far, the traffic is still slow. Whether we look at gaming, social media, or finance, the numbers simply do not compare. This is a good thing since it shows how big the opportunity is. There are billions of people and hundreds of trillions in transactions just waiting to be presented with a better alternative. Thus far, that presentation has not taken place.

Ethereum is both showing the potential and the drawbacks. One of the reason why many question Bitcoin as a transaction chain is simply the fact that the technology is old. The basis of the network has not changed since it was released more than a decade ago. This is why John McAfee called it "outdated". Being able to only handle a few transactions per second is a problem. At the same time, in the world today, waiting anywhere from 10 minutes to a couple hours for confirmation does not bode well either.

With the renewed interest in cryptocurrency, Ethereum is showing how many networks simply are not ready to make the transition to larger adoption. Even collectively, the PoW chains would have a tough time taking on anything but the smallest sliver of the general financial transactions that occur each day.

Which brings up the main question, who is going to carry all the traffic? As we see things evolve, and assets tokenized around the world, where is all this going to end up?

Certainly, centralized networks want to maintain their control. Also, since they tend to be more efficient, they do have the ability to process a lot in a short period of time. This is something that blockchain needs to get better with.

What is most interesting is that Hive is seeing some of this being put into action. In reading through what is going to take place in the next hard fork, we have to be honest in stating that, from a user perspective, it is a rather uninteresting upgrade. There are not many features being added which will enhance the end user's experience.

Instead, this could be termed an "infrastructure" fork. The main focus is upon how the data is processed and stored. Efficiency is the focus of this upgrade, something that was probably long overdue.


One of the key benefits to this is to reduce the cost of operating the network. As more data is processed, prices tend to increase. This only makes sense. The money spend by a small company to house its data is nothing compared to what Google lays out each month. Naturally, the amount of data is at two ends of the spectrum, emphasizing the need for efficiency for Google.

Hive is looking at things in a similar manner. While there is not a lot of traffic on the network, being able to handle massive inflows of data is vital. With the problems many other chains are experiencing, now is a good time to position things in such a way.

Infrastructure is boring for most of us. There is no doubt about that. Nevertheless, it is also crucial for all that is to follow. Operating a system based upon technology that is 4 years old is not a wise thing to do. Too many advancements are made in the digital world.

Does anyone really think that Facebook and Google are not continually upgrading their networks, implementing the latest and greatest software possible? This is a no-brainer. Of course they are doing that.

Yet, for most of Hive's (Steem's) existence, it just trudged along using whatever was available in 2016. Over the past few years, a few improvements were made but that was patchwork at best. Now, we are looking at things from the ground up.

Will Hive be the blockchain to handle all the traffic? That is the wrong question. A better way of looking at things is to understand that Hive is being positioned to be able to handle all the traffic it needs to. Wherever the potential growth comes from, that which ends up on Hive will be processed to offer the best user experience without the need for excessive fees.

This could take on much greater importance in the future as blockchain interoperability starts to take hold. Under that scenario, where data can be processed across many chains, we will find those with the ability to handle more traffic becoming increasingly popular. We know that people are unwilling to wait for, well, anything. If a transaction is not processed in a few seconds (at most), we get impatient.

Hive does offer 3 second transaction time. With the infrastructure in place to provide maximum efficiency, we could see this as an attractive option for many applications. Thus, while they are build elsewhere, a percentage of their user base could be directed to Hive to process the transactions. Of course, this will bring greater visibility to this ecosystem, enabling us to showcase the other attributes that we have.

Applications that captures users' attention is what everyone wants. However, this is the second time that Ethereum experienced difficulties. CryptoKittys and DeFi are certainly interesting and garnered a lot of support but it also crushed the entire network.

I bet some wished more attention was paid to how much the network could truly handle.

A network does not need to handle everything yet it should be able to handle what is thrown at it. Hopefully we see Hive positioning itself to do exactly this.

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gif by @doze


Posted Using LeoFinance


Hive will handle it all!

That is bold but I dont think it will have to.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Hive, Hive, Hive FTW. Here's to hoping anyway. Would sure love to see this coin moon. Great article as always!! ✌🎶😊

Together we all can moon hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Lol, yes!!! 😀

Funny how now bitcoin transactions are many times less expensive than ethereum transactions.

But, Hive is faster than both AND free 😍

Yes a fact overlooked by most. It is a point we need to keep repeating.

Posted Using LeoFinance

not only free as no fees, but free as promoting the freedom of speech

Infrastructure upgrades 'boring' - personally I think they're fascinating!

Posted using Dapplr

Hi, I am new to this... But feeling awesome... Bcz it's super-duper and fast... Also checking out more about it..

Welcome! Hope you find your way around. :)
It might be slightly overwhelming at first, but I'm sure you'll grow to love it.


You're right, Centralised entities are more efficient because they have just little to handle and because this is different with blockchain we still have some little glitches here and there. I believe this is one aspect blockchain can actually make a statement of that can be better at this.

It will improve over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Good article. It's interesting that one game, CryptoKitties, could have such an impact on a blockchain network. That makes it clear that steps really do need to be taken to handle large volumes of network traffic. Based on how Ethereum handled CrytpoKitties imagine how it would handle the traffic from just a moderately popular game or MMO which has exponentially more traffic and database access than something like CrytpoKitties did.

Well it appears the DeFi traffic is creating a situation similar to CryptoKitties.

The PoS shift will likely make a big difference but that appears to be some time off.

Posted Using LeoFinance

DiFi and Gaming, let's see that traffic baby!

We can all hope.

Lets see what comes over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance

https://blocktivity.info/ is one site I look often
to see the capacity for #Hive.
This blockchain needs to be put to the test.
I know we can support whatever comes.
Like you mention we may not see much different
in the front end.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Yes an interesting site and one that shows how much more we can handle.

The new upgrades could have even a greater impact.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Yeah you made some great points. Just like the big tech companies do as they grow, they improve their infrastructure, decentralized platforms like Hive have to learn to do the same. Especially as they continue to grow in user base.

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Great post! I always wonder what the future of BTC will hold. Everyone says it's outdated which is true for the reasons you laid out, but why does everyone keep buying it then? Is it just because for many it is the first name that comes to mind when thinking of crypto? How long do you think it will take for other more efficient chains to take the lead?

I though a "boring fork" will give me some coins to dump.

We are really in interesting phase of Hive.

Upgrades on infrastructure are amazing news! ^^

As someone who works as first-line support, I may not understand much from the dev side, but what mayhem can be caused by old infrastructure - that much I know.

Thank you for sharing.

Hugs & Coffee,

The current ETH gas fees are absurdly high, and we thought cryptokitties would break the chain back then already so to speak. Here we are again with DeFi, this can't go on man. Hive is the gem just being overlooked so it's time to present the obvious solution to the world more than ever. Hive is the solution so long live Hive, I'm a bee here now. And I will promote the Hive to the world. Just make the onboarding and password hurdle a bit easier for all my newbie friends, somehow. hat is the learning curve that is still too steep for many.

Well, sounds pretty good, so bring it on! :D haha