Why The Financial World Is About To Be Upended

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Innovation leads to progress. The last 4 decades shows us what is possible. Our journey into the digital world shows us the power of innovation when coders are able to experiment and tinker.

While Fintech made remarkable strides over the last 20 years, little was done in the way financial actually operates. Fintech was able to innovate in ways the banks were not, thus taking market share. However, if we look at the mortgage industry, as an example, there is little difference today as compared to a few decades ago. Other than the entity originating the loan and the application being done online, little else is much different.


That is about to change though. The one drawback to the world of finance is the barriers were erected in such a way that innovation is very difficult. There was no sandbox for coders to play in since the entire industry was managed and regulated. If the "big boys" didn't want it, it basically did not happen.

This is changing as DeFi is surging ahead. Certainly, the numbers are still small at this time, yet that is not the most important factor. What is truly revolutionary is the fact that massive amounts of experimentation can be done. On top of this, it is very inexpensive for groups to do this.

Contrast that with the present system which, if experimentation was to take place, it would require the involvement of the regulators. As we know, change is not something that is high on their list. They spend most of their time trying to maintain a system where they have control. Entering new parameters into the equation brings uncertainty, something they feel can be exploited by people looking to conduct illegal activities.

Presently, we see experimentation with outsized returns. This is something that people feel is unsustainable and, perhaps, it is. However, we are conditioned to believe that returns of a few percent is what is the norm and anything outside of that is impossible. DeFi, at least for now, is showing this is not the case. Naturally, we will have to see how things progress over a longer time period but who is to say that 25% or 50% returns cannot be achieved safely?

Finance is an area where exponential is not part of the normal conversation. Nevertheless, is it possible for exponential returns to be achieved as the world progresses further, also at an exponential rate? In fact, wouldn't it make sense that the returns will mirror, to some degree, the progress made overall?

Yet, it has not. Why is that? Could it be that the present system does not allow it? Perhaps if we see a great deal more experimentation, global returns will grow at exponential rates, providing financial resources to most everyone on the planet.


There is always a better way to do something. Innovation tells us this is a fact of life. What is the norm today tends to be completely different 10 or 20 years later when technological advancement is involved. For the most part, the financial world was exempt from this process. Sure there were some steps forward such as stocks being digitally represented as opposed to physical certificates. But, overall, we can say things were held back.

Ethereum is leading the charge but is far from the only game in town. The "gamificiation" of everything is really another way of saying extreme financial experimentation. A lot of ideas will end up in the trash bin. There will be, however, some that prove themselves to be valid and a marked improvement over what is presently taking place.

Every project has the ability to look at this. One does not need to be in the financial realm to toy with different ideas. Any project with a token, no matter what it is tied to, can experiment with different financial methods to see what works. Over time, the entire industry will see concepts that are being proven on multiple levels.

And this is where the exponential process takes over.

Once there is a base layer of ideas, others can come along and improve upon them. As more people start adding to what is already in place, the growth becomes accelerated. The hardest layers is the first one.

There are a couple things that happen when the Internet enters any industry. The first is that whatever is there gets obliterated if it does not rapidly change. Second, is the fact that things get very inexpensive. In other words, prices are forced down.

The financial arena was one that was able to avoid the full blown attack from the Internet. This is no longer the case. Blockchain and cryptocurrency are presenting an alternative that will likely be more agile, innovative, and spread further out. This means the existing companies are going to end up similar to the record companies of old. While some were able to change, they went through more than a decade of headaches adapting to the new world.

This is what we can foresee for the global financial system. By the end of this decade, things will be much different.

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gif by @doze


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


isee in resent decades we have lots of life-changing Innovation.
yeah welcome to future : i dont see there any more use of carrying cash now there so many payment option to tell you I don't use cash often I use credit card for shopping and most on people do the same

Every project has the ability to look at this. One does not need to be in the financial realm to toy with different ideas. Any project with a token, no matter what it is tied to, can experiment with different financial methods to see what works.

This is actually very true, when it becomes possible to diversify payment system, money system tokenizing sectors and having unique token that represents at least each project, it kills the monopoly of centralisation and overdependence on its system. Like you said, by the end of the decade we're likely to see a huge change.

Giving everyone on the planet (with an Internet connection) the ability to create their own currency is a game changer. Like you said it totally decentralizes things while allowing people to foster innovative ways ti use said currency.

We are still at the early stages of the experimentation process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's like having a peek into 2025 or let's say 2030, the government of many countries wouldn't be the only ones that can create wealth alone and it makes things totally different on a whole new level. Not everyone has access and imagine giving everyone access, it's like empowering everyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I wouldnt be surprised is many governments end up collapsing as their value wanes. It might not be in 10 years but as we forge a more digital world, the need for physical governments becomes less.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gamification makes everything thrilling and people get involved either when there is a hype in the crypto world or when there is full silence (smarter people entry at that point). Nevertheless there is so much space for growth that at this point in time everyone could get on green, just that some might need to wait longer than others. Seeing the developments in the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, understanding them and choosing those projects with deep roots - like Ethereum or Hive - will position you very well in the times that will follow.

And to avoid worlds like I've told you so, open your eyes and invest in your future!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The age of innovation was never easier. We all can innovate in our own ways even if we do it by being involved in something bigger than ourselves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I really enjoy all of your writing and this post is really nice; I especially liked this quote:

In fact, wouldn't it make sense that the returns will mirror, to some degree, the progress made overall?

I think we are closely approaching the point where things will start to show the progress being made - sort of a virtual "free the slaves" moment. Yet at this moment I don't think many of us can imagine a world where people are not doing menial tasks for their subsistence. Like any bad relationship that at least pays the "bills" we can't yet imagine the lifestyle of living in a truly free and democratic society. I believed this is eventually where we are headed if the trend towards decentralization continues.

Yes exponential thinking is not something that many of us do naturally. Hence, when looking at progress, it usually bypasses us. Yet, we see the results in the world of computation and what took place over the last 40 years.

This is now extending into many different areas of life. Another 5-10 years will be stunning for a lot of people who are not looking at these fields from this perspective.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When the people become their own “bank” it will be something to witness.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes along with the idea that there will be millions of "banks" to choose from. Some will be created by you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is what we can foresee for the global financial system. By the end of this decade, things will be much different.

Certainly! The financial sector will see a drastic change and already it has begun.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Truly, there is always a better way to do things. It applies to payments too, the world is evolving and cryptocurrency payment is becoming a norm.

We should start letting merchants know that we will prefer to make payments with bitcoin and the rest.

https://nowpayments.io/ payment gateway is succesfully used by a couple of merchants.

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I think gamification seems to me to be one of the most efficient ways to attract people into this new reality in the world of finance.

It's fun and tends to hook people's attention (especially those unfamiliar with this universe) in a less "aggressive" way.