We all like to dream big. It is easy in cryptocurrency to fall victim to the senseless dreaming which most likely will not materialize. However, like the lottery, there is always a chance.
Most are aware that I bleed Leo. It is no mistake that my activity on here is full-tilt. It was that way for quite a while. Many wonder why I do this.
Before getting into that, it is best to state that I saw the vision, albeit an evolving one, with Leo early on. What started as the idea of Seeking Alpha on Hive quickly expanded. Next up was Yahoo or Google Finance on Hive. Then we had the vision of CNBC. Of course, here we sit a number of years later with Leo going in 10 different directions at one time.
It is no secret I value development and activity. That is my main barometer for judging a project. How many did we see over the years, both on and off Hive, that are now dead? What happened between the period of initial excitement (pump?) and now? Basically nothing. Therein lies the problem.
Long before the initial jump in LEO, I was all in. In fact, I kept buying on the way down, all the way to 4 cents. Of course, I looked like a genius when it ran up to $1.21. Nothing like a 30X. Now, my intelligence is questioned since I rode it back down to the present 20 cent level.
When it comes to LEO, I am a HODLer.

Is 1000X Realistic?
It is best if we cite where this number came from before answering it. This is not my idea but, rather, the Leo AMA guys. It was a discussion between Khal and Cat about the potential of Hive. They decided to do a little on-air math.
The key is that Khal did not flinch at that multiple. He feels it is possible. Why is this important? Obviously because he knows what is in the damn White Book. He is fully aware of what is taking place.
And this is the reason why I am so committed to Leo.
There are a few times in life when we encounter an opportunity that will truly change everything. When it comes to our finances, there are some assets that we get into which are revolutionary. The early Bitcoin HODLers are a prime example. Same with those who got into Ethereum in 2015 or 2016. If they still have those tokens, they are worth a fortune.
Now for the question: is 1000X realistic?
With Leo, at the core we are dealing with a Proof-of-Brain token. So the answer is certainly. How can this be the case?
To illustrate let us consider the fact that right now, I am upvoting comments at 4%. This allows me, if I wanted, to do 250 of them per day. The value of the upvote, in LEO, is .91. We will use .90 for easy math.
This means that upvoting a comment pays both myself and the author of the comment .45 LEO. At the present 20 cents per LEO, that is 9 cents.
Not very impressive to say the least.
However, here is where math is fun comes into play. What happens if the price of LEO does a 10X? Then the price of the comment payout is 90 cents. Now we are getting somewhere.
To take it one step further, if we achieve a 20x from the present levels, now we are dealing with a payout of $1.80. Can you imagine getting paid $1.80 for a comment?
Of course, there are times I do upvote at 10%, meaning the present LEO payout is 1.15 or 23 cents. If we 10X that we get $2.30 and a 20X is $4.60.
The reason why I mentioned the comment payouts and not blog posts is because I issue more than 100 comment upvotes a day. Can you imagine if they are worth a couple bucks apiece?
What ends up happening is the allure becomes too great. Word starts to spread. Even now, we have people commenting on posts that rank as Trending, many because I (and others) are giving out upvotes. It is a way for people to start pulling in some decent rewards.
The point being that we will see a mad rush. Keep in mind we only did a 20X or roughly $4 LEO. With the current token distribution, we are talking about a $40 million platform. That wouldn't even put it the major players' radar.
Ultimately, FOMO is kicked off in terms of activity as people will be scurrying for upvotes. The key is that I am not the sole player in this game. Not only are there others who have large accounts, we have plenty of people who are giving out similar value in upvotes albeit not as many.
Enhancing My Return By The Network Effect
Anyone who follows technological platforms understands how much of the value is derived by the network effect. This is something that Raoul Pal latched onto and talks about regularly.
Leo is not only a passive opportunity. We can assist in the return we derive. Not only does activity result in rewards, enhancing our holdings, we are helping to kick off the network effect. This is another way of saying expanding the community.
With a platform such as Leofinace.io, we can see how crucial activity is. Naturally, the site will hold little appeal for newer people if there is no activity. For this to happen, we each have to step up to the plate and get busy. This is why I am fully committed to what is taking place.
Will I have enormous wealth if some of these higher numbers are hit? Absolutely. That is the goal. When presented with a glorious opportunity, it is best to go all in. While my financial resources might be rather limited, my ability to engage is not as restricted. Here is where I can help my the assets I am holding.
It is imperative for all LEO holders to know they can do the same thing.
Does this mean we will see a 1000X in the price of LEO? I have no idea, especially since I have not seen the White Book. However, we all know there is a lot taking place, from development-to-marketing-to general outreach.
Much of what is being designed is to be a feeder system into Leofinance.io.
Of course, what is a Leo post without mentioning #ProjectBlank. The more I think about it, this could be the "Killer DApp" crypto is waiting for. The sign-up is easy and the learning curve almost non-existent.
What happens if this application can geta couple million people? That might sound outrageous but is it? Twitter on the Blockchain could have great appeal to many. Hell, Twitter banned more than that just in the last two years. We know there are a lot of people displaced.
Blank token, upvotes on that application could also payout in LEO (as well as HIVE). Imagine what happens when people start learning about that entails.#ProjectBlank solves that. It is another feeder system into Leofinance. One hand washes the outer. While there will be the
Many people spend years, actually decades, in jobs or careers that take them nowhere. After 30 years, they are still barely scraping by. Leofinance is obviously something different. Does that mean it is guaranteed to do a 10X? Or 20X? Or 1000X? Of course not. However, the chances are greater of that happening if 500 people are committed to working in that direction.
At this point, we know the development team is all in, hacking away at code. Now it is up to the rest of us to do our part. The idea of community is that a lot of people can step up and create results of greater collective impact. The sum does indeed exceed all the parts.
I am resolute in my belief that LEO Will have a much higher future price. It might take 5-10 years but eventually all of this will come together.
The vision is there along with the development. In return, I am doing my part to provide the activity. Fortunately, there are others like me who are equally as committed. Over time, that can become infectious.
So my advice (not financial blah blah blah) is to get busy and amass as much LEO as you can. To start, it will be compounded by the airdrop of Blank when that takes place. Also, if there are higher multiples like discussed here, you will wish you have added more when you had the chance. Even without money, activity is a great way to fill your bags.
Commit to Leo and you might find, at some point, your financial life changed completely.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is where I think all the massive upvotes to the HBD Stabilizer posts / comments are a bit misguided. I mean, I get where those folks are coming from. However, I don't see much meaningful ecosystem-expanding activity emanating from the DHF. So, either start spending some of those DHF funds creatively, or do something better with those upvotes.
If each of those whale accounts focused a bit of their upvote power on intentionally 'over-rewarding' select, well-written posts and comments, and if they spread it around (as in, not 'over-rewarding' the same authors time and again), then news would spread. As long as they were intent on making sure that only high-quality posts and high-quality engagement received those rare but lofty rewards, enthusiasm would grow and people would 'spread the word' to their friends and family.
However, my fear is that some of the other HIVE whales would disapprove and begin to massively downvote those forward-thinking upvoters, thus negating any possible positive PR that might arise, and turning it negative.
The potential for massively-negative PR because of whale accounts hellbent on downvoting content they disagree with or view as 'over-rewarded' is huge. That is one of the reasons I created VYB as a downvote-free zone. Yes, more vigilance is required to combat plagiarism and spam and other forms of abuse (without the help of DVs), but we have an excellent anti-abuse team actively working on that and we are actively engaging the community in the moderation process (and will continue to expand the community involvement in that process).
Part of my vision for VYB is [1] to have a sleek on-boarding process, like Leo's twitter process (I cannot put words to how harrowing and discouraging it has been trying to onboard my students the past 3 semesters using HiveOnboard and Ecency, both of which have failed to deliver an even remotely desirable experience for my students) and [2] to create an environment that is equally inviting both to content-creators and investors (and also to genuine curators, like @onealfa, who is indeed a rare breed (and a bit rough around the edges, imho) -- a diamond in the rough).
Been going on since the beginning. But then that is where the different tokens enter. Few Hive whales are big in other tribes. Right now, a lot are focusing upon the base layer, especially those of us who are here a long time.
However, as we can see from these numbers, there are people with LEO who could be, in USD terms, bigger than most on Hive if the numbers we are discussing hit.
As always the solution to a lot of Hive problems is more people. Leofinance aims to do that. I think #ProjectBlank will bring in tens of thousands of new users in a few months, ones that actually post to chain and not just custom JSONs.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very good comment. Agreed
Thanks for the great read @taskmaster4450le. I love reading your posts and watching your videos on 3Speak. I really respect your full commitment to LeoFinace and HIVE, it is so great to have an ambassador like yourself showing others how it is done and putting in the hard work like you do.
The game I am playing is not quite at the same level of financial commitment, but I am fully committed to the proof of brain approach. Currently I am trading my time to write interesting content for niche communities that I have knowledge of or enjoy writing about. This has been my bread 'n butter up until this point.
However, my strategy for 2022 is to expand my reach to a broader audience and to write about broader, more popular topics. These broader topic areas are obviously more competitive and with well established voices, who are great at writing, it is going to be challenging to get noticed in this space, but I am up for the challenge. I know that if I can expand my reach to these broader audiences the up side potential is a lot higher.
Once again, thank you for being such an inspiration to so many and for always leading by example, it is great to witness.
I, too believe that the future potential for LeoFinance and HIVE are amazing, but as you said now is the time to lay down the foundations that will provide the launching pad for when the price of $LEO and $HIVE take off. I am on this journey for the long haul, so short term market down turns, although frustrating, will not deter me from my commitment to both @LeoFinance and @HIVE.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hard when the market crashes but that is where the consistency and dedication come in. We show up each day, regardless of what the market is doing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I missed the boat early on and starting my stack late. I do like being able to delegate and earn with the @leo.voter account. It's the best way to stack up the LEOs.
I’ve gotta check the leo voter out! I haven’t t heard about that one before. I really want to grow my leo account though…
just delegate Hive Power to the @leo.voter account and you earn like 16% APR I think is what it is
Nice! Sounds easy
Yes it can help a great deal. If you have Hive Power, you can delegate it to that account and each day you will be paid in LEO.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is still early. Maybe not as early as it was but still in the infantile stage.
A good time to be adding to your stack.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes it is. Just trying to stack what we earn here right now, not much but it’s growing.
Time and activity = success
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Interesting, never heard of LEO before.
Wow , after reading this about ♌ leo finance , it seems as if the #leofinance has the highest future in #hive community . @nevies you need to read this
Yea, man, Leofinance is one of the powerhouses here. Everybody who has been here for up to a year knows 😎
It is a strong community and one that is only going to get stronger.
Dive right in and join us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It really is such a promising project! I am really looking forward to what the future will bring to us and to LeoFinance itself!
If we want to bring more people to HIVE and the LEO network, we need to address the on boarding and new user issues. These platforms need to be more user friendly. https://hive.blog/hive/@titusfrost/make-onboarding-new-people-to-hive-great-again
This. This. This. This.
I think people are so focused on developing the aspects of Hive for people that are already members that they've forgotten to look at the joining process. It's an absolute state.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Already done on the mobile app. LeoInfra allows for access via twitter, fb, and google accounts.
That will help the onboarding a great deal.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Never heard of "LeoInfra" can you reply with a link to that?
You got me thinking about what it would be like to be on "twitter" with millions of people that twitter felt the need to ban. I'm pretty sure that would not be good for my mental health lol.
The math you present is very interesting though.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well I cant speak to your mental health although watching your wallet grow might help to alleviate some of that.
It is an interesting thought process. We simply need to each do our part to bring things to fruition.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We all like to dream big...this is the reason we wake up and do the things we have to do.
The vision is there along with the development...
being able to visualize and see the development is gratifying and when the dream becomes a reality it is indeed fulfilling.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just always remember to ask yourself, why does the LEO token have value?
Why would anyone be continuing to buy LEO off the market when this potential influx of people earning money from commenting becomes a reality?
If you can answer this, then buy and stake all of the LEO you can get your hands on.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is obvious. This is also the two pillars that we need to focus upon. Development is one and network effect via community is the others.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The money comes out of thin air. Remember, this is all magical internet money that we make ourselves.
But the question you need to be asking isn't where the money comes from. It's why the money that we're creating out of thin air has value?
The most basic reason being that it gives your content influence inside an extremely targeted, niche community that generates a lot of hits.
Why are we so focused on making crypto something you spend on every day items?
That is not and never will be the role of HIVE or LEO.
There are numerous, simple ways to now move your HIVE and Hive layer-2 tokens into fiat to be spent on literally anything in the world, if you want to.
This is not an issue.
Focus on building demand for these tokens for use within our network.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's fair enough.
I'm just asking the questions that investors need to answer before blindly loading up.
Some may answer them differently to you though.
The important thing is that they have an answer before buying, or dumping like you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep, Hive is trapped in an echo chamber and lots of people don't understand why HIVE or LEO has has value.
Right now, there's no denying you're right about how small and niche the blogging aspect is.
But it's an extremely simple and most importantly scalable aspect of the business.
Like you said, I encourage people to DYOR, come to a conclusion from that and invest accordingly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I believe many that joined leo finance Early has gained more but there's alot of opportunity in leo finance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LEO definitely has the potential but a 1000x would be quite amazing. I could probably earn more than what I get from a job and it would be quite amazing. I have been watching some Tim Pool lately and he had the CEOs of Gab and Gettr on. Both of which have their downsides but Gettr was quite horrible. None of them are fully decentralized and they have full control to kick people off their platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is true. I am not sure how much control #ProjectBlank will have. Ultimately, I would like to the code become open source so we could have numerous front ends if required.
Nonetheless, the accounts can be closed. Perhaps banning from using frontend but the data is on blockchain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Read how this all have started with Toruk
Last November, I had no idea about LEO. After reading @empoderat's article, I wrote in one of my posts that Leo would be included in my 2022 crypto goals after studying it. The last article you published about LEO reminded me of my goal. I think I now found a new coin to be included in my list. Thanks!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I dont think that will be a mistake but then I am just some bald guy in sunglasses posting on the Internet.
Take that for what it is.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have often read beautiful posts in which people speak with heart and soul, but this is certainly one of those gems that radiates the love for LEO. The fire in this post is contagious…
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hopefully the fire spreads and people get a lot more active on Leo.
This is what is needed. It is the "community" aspect of the equation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Anything is possible and not out of reach as long as the community stays committed to the idea of growing. Development can take it so far and it is up to each and every one to stay active.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We are the compliment to that. It is time for the masses to understand that. The greater the commitment from the larger number of people, the more we can kick that network effect into gear.
It might not happen overnight but it will happen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's amazing the mathematics he uses, I've never seen it like that. But if you do the proper publicity leo can easily make an X10 very soon, I will try to take any opportunity to make a publicity on Facebook or Twitter.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The publicity is important yet if there is nothing on Leofinance, then people are going to come...and go.
We need to ensure their experience here is top-notch. This means us doing our part to carry things forward.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What's even more awesome is everything is crashing! Yep, I'm weird like that because that means Fiat to crypto is now cheaper than ever and goals are so much easier to reach for the next rally. I welcome flash crashes like this which means more LEO and more CUB to back it up
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I wouldnt say that is weird. To me, that is understanding the ebbs and flows of markets. It is refreshing. People complain about market pullbacks like they are something that should not take place. They are as natural as runs.
For those who are long term players and understand how to play the dips, it is a way to achieve ones goals in a shorter period of time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Stacking mine too, but seems you have a fridge stacked with Leo blood bank, since you bleed Leo.
That I do. I am going to ride this to the greatest of heights, or the total collapse. Whatever the future of Leo, I am all in.
No letting up for any reason. Go big or go home as they say.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I’m currently behind you with my baby 👶 steps
Babies have a way of getting bigger with time. The same thing is true about your Leo wallet.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sorry for my only 5x $LEO post haha !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Got to start somewhere and I dont think anyone will complain about a 5X move.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We could see 50X in the next 6 months. It is a very exciting time to be involved in LEO. I am certainly working towards whale-ing up my LEO holdings at these lows. Once whitebook and Poly-Cub are dropped in close succession... it is likely on the way up.
Always hard to tell what takes place with the markets. Of course, if the bear is emerging, hard for much to move.
That said, things can change quickly. The first task is to get the White Book out. Once that is done, we can start to discuss and "market" what is in there.
I foresee some buying pressure on LEO going forward after that is published.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leo is a fantastic project and will continue to do well. Let's keep building and moving forward!
That is the responsibility of the community. The development team that Khal assembled is hard at work.
It is up to the rest of us to step and mirror that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I 100% agree. I keep trying to think of ways to bring value in. But there is only one real way. Grow the community fingers crossed that I can play my part.
Part of growing the community, in my opinion, is to have an active base when new people show up. This is what helps newer people to get involved rather quickly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is true too. I have just let my VP regenerate I suck at trying to keep it up. I'm now following your vote trail. What's the best way to optimise it I.e. what should I set my vote at I have it at 99% and when it dips under 99% it pauses until it reaches it again.
Will this enable me to constantly upvote the regen? I got no idea if that made sense.
I love the Leo spirit.
It's okay to have finances be part of the motive and the more successful you are, the more successful I am, and more successful the noobies will be too.
Let's do this!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is the attitude. The key is for everyone to realize how much we can improve the direction of things around here.
It is time for people who are truly committed to Leo to kick their activities into overdrive. That is where the network effect kicks off.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
is Leo only for Financial and Crypto posts or are there other categories here ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Those are the main areas of focus. You can also indulge in business, markets, or strategies related to that. Leofinance is a specific community, not general purpose like Peakd.
#ProjectBlank will be a general purpose application open to all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I could see $40 LEO for sure in the near term but 1000x is absolutely possible in the long term.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A move to $40 is a 200X from this level. That is really going to set the stage for higher levels. It really just keeps building upon each other.
I believe there is a certain point that we cannot help but to head much higher. It is like we will go from $10 to $100. The challenge will be getting to the $10 level.
Once the momentum starts and words gets spreading, things can take off. We just need to get to the point.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh yeah, once the resistance is broken and the euphoria hits.. The sky is the limit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It ends up feeding upon itself. With so few tokens out there, and a lot locked up already, we are seeing how liquidity becomes an issue.
This happened in the run up to over $1 with LEO and can easily happen again.
We will have to see what the White Book release does, if anything, to the price of the token.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Should I just say it seems to be like the future we are talking about then it right here now and that is Leo.
So it makes it Very easier to be committed to
It is the chicken or the egg. Hard for people to be committed without some success and hard to have success without people committed.
So we need to do all we can to foster whatever levels of success we can that are in front of us. Together is how we make things grow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Brother I should say you calculated everything right, But want to say. Leo is like longterm investment. It will go 10x - 20x but slow and steady. Growth is steady unlike other meme coins.
Well I cant speak to the speed since markets do some strange things, on their own timeline.
However, Leo advancement will come as a result of development and community. We are not going to see just hype pushing prices up. It will because of breakthroughs that really interest and attract people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Delegation to @leo.voter is the right man ve boss in order to earn more on the Leo token as well as growing your account in the leofinace world.
A good way to do things.
It is a fantastic starting point for those with HP but want to get more LEO flowing into their accounts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
(1/4) gave you LUV.
View or trade
Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.1000X is realistic for $LEO but might not be so soon. Whether 1000X or 100X, $LEO is sure to give investors and hodlers a good run for their money, time, patience and activities.
We see that they're lots and lots of developments around #LeoFinance in each passing day. Recently, it's been announced that LEO is live on Thorchain; that's another major expansion there. So, we see that it's not a dormant project hence, there's a high possibility that it'll soar in the future.
What we have to do now is support the movement in any way possible. And just like you keep stressing, activity in the community is key to the project's growth.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This current dip is making Leo look very attractive to me. The $1.20 ATH is giving me a lot of confidence that it can surpass that with the improvements that are on their way.
I feel like $1 is a comfortable level for a token with utility like Leo and Hive, so buying some Leo now is a total no brainer.
As for 1000X I'm not convinced. But I don't need to be, I'm confident about a 4X so I already packing my bags. 1000X would just be an amazing bonus.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not going to pretend to have a clue about what makes crypto rise and fall. When tokens fall in price that is just another opportunity to buy more. Hive is back to sub dollar level and I am going to try and buy as much as possible.
The same with Leo now that it is at a nice affordable level I need to buy more before it jumps back up in price especially when Leo jumps back up to where it belongs in price.
1000X would be so crazy, and everyone will be having a crazy return. I can see the team is doing a lot of effort and definitely optimistic about the project and the platform, and definitely this kind of effort will be rewarded soon, the team will be harvesting the fruits of their labor and 1000X is definitely a possibility it can happen to memes/shitcoins, it can definitely happen to a project with real utility and a team who is restless in making development a priority.
I am involved in some utility myself with oneup:leo though I don't have much tokens I am accumulating them little by little, and trying to set a goal of around maybe 500-1000 Leo in Q1 of this year.
I really see Leo as a long time investment, and I would be happy to accumulate more along the way. Though I will still to have more research about #ProjectBlank, I have not started doing some work about it yet due to my workload, but looking to read information about it soon.
I had a good idea in your post and it made me more optimistic about Leo. Thanks!
You have received a 1UP from @ivarbjorn!
@leo-curator, @ctp-curator, @neoxag-curator, @pob-curator, @vyb-curator
And look, they brought !PIZZA 🍕 The following @oneup-cartel family members upvoted your post:
Delegate your tribe tokens to our Cartel curation accounts and earn daily rewards. Join the family on Discord.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(3/20) @curation-cartel tipped @taskmaster4450le (x1)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
Exactly, this is what I like about Leofinance projects. I haven't accumulated much of the LEO so far but this post has motivated me to do so.
and, no doubt, impressive math, gives different angles to think about whole echo system revenue-wise.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta