Leo Marketing: The USP That Has To Be Promoted

in LeoFinance9 months ago

We had the LEO marketing call today. It went on for about two hours and there are some things that I noticed.

The idea of marketing follows some principles. It doesn't matter whether it is the digital age, or dealing with a product versus a service.

Everything boils down to one question: what makes you different?

In the past, this was call the Unique Service Proposition (USP). Essentially, it was "why should anyone consider you over the options"?

This is true for everything.

The challenge was, as I was listening, the answer was not there. Nothing that was said over the two hours even remotely came close to answering this question.

Why was this?

Leo Has Nothing

Bear in mind that Leo is no different than Hive. We hear all the time about Hive marketing and how people need to be out on social media promoting Hive. After 7 years, what is the definition of insanity?

Leo, unfortunately, is no different.

Let us take a look at Tesla. What is the USP there? The overriding goal is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. That, however, is not the USP.

What makes Tesla unique is the entire ecosystem that is built around this goal. It was never done before in the automotive industry. Most of the supply chain is vertically integrated to the point where Tesla have the ability to, over time, drive down costs.

This is done through an atmosphere of innovation. The company adjusts on the fly, implementing design changes weekly. It also have a horizontal management structure which puts everyone in control of their own outcomes.

To say it is much different than traditional entities is an understatement.

Obviously, having great products is an asset. That said, there are lots of companies that went bankrupt that make great products. That is not enough.

What makes Leo unique?

It is not Threads. As I stated, a large number of people are not going to leave X to come to threads. Why would they? What does threads offer? There is very little compared to a site with 500 million users, posting information that covers the entire spectrum.

In fact, even if someone came over to Leo, they will not know what is going on in the world. For that, they would have to head back to X to get their news.

So do not believe that threads is a sellable item. It is not.

Neither is blogging. We know the "blogging for money" is a failed concept. If someone doesnt get a million dollars off their posts, they get upset and leave. Couple this with the fact that Hive content ranks poorly with Google, and there is little there.

LeoDex is a recent addition and does have some potential. However, it is nothing compared to Binance and Coinbase. Sure some care about no KYC but not the masses.

All of this reverts to Leo having nothing.

Or does it? Maybe there is a diamond in the rough that is not talked about enough.


The Leo USP

The answer to this entire situation lies in this graphic.

Did anyone think to ask what is the difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0? It is actually something many of us have heard. The concept of read-write-own is nothing new.

Evidently the reality is hidden in plain sight.

What makes Leo unique?

Simple. It is the ownership.

Has anyone heard this discussed? I do not make things up just to fill space on the blockchain. There is a reason why I state stuff like we need owners.

Web 2.0 has users; Web 3.0 has owners.

Look at the graphic again: isn't that exactly what it says?

You can read and write on Web 2.0 but you do not own anything. Nothing you do is yours. In this age of learning models, all your data is going to feed Big Tech, likely earning some of them a trillion dollars in extra market cap over time.

So what makes Leo different? Ownership.

Who owns X? Other than Elon, we might not know the investor but we can be sure it isn't us. The same is true for the Facebook family of applications. YouTube? Unless you are one of the Google Boys, or as shareholder, you got nothing.

A Platform of Owned Services

Think of it from this position.


A microblogging platform in the style of X that one owns. It allows for the entering of short form content.

Video (Coming shortly):

When video uploading is released, people can enter long videos similar to YouTube. There will also be the ability to enter shorts, similar to TikTok through threads.

Blog Posts

This is similar to Medium where long form articles on any topic can be written. Comment sections allow for engagement.

LeoAI Chatbot (Coming Soon)

Due for release in a month or so, this will have the ability to prompt similar to ChatGPT. There will be a page dedicated to this service which is going to be a part of the Leo Premium subscription. In addition to AI generation it will likely replace a significant portion of search engine activity all without leaving the platform.

LeoAI Co-Pilot (Coming Soon)

The model is trained on the data from Hive. This will serve as a search of the entire database, pulling information that is personalized to those who on active on chain. It will take this information and enhance the writings by offering suggestions for improvement.


A decentralized exchange that is tied to the Maya Protocol which allows for the swapping of any token that is listed on there. This allows for entry and exit with the Hive blockchain. Down the road, it will also offer collateralized loans using the LEO token.

So what? There are better options in each of those areas.

That is true and why all has failed. When you try to compare to technologies that are dominant, you best be orders of magnitude better. There is a reason why Facebook, in spite of how people feel about Zuckerberg is still dominant. Even a Rumble, which has achieved a great deal of success is laughable compared to YouTube or TikTok.

The issue for anything outside the leaders lies in the fact that companies are trying to beat Web 2.0 companies by being a better version of Web 2.0.

Obviously, that is doomed to fail.

Image generated by Ideogram

Yet, when it comes to marketing, that is exactly what we see with Web 3.0 for the most part. We cater our message around being a decentralized, immutable alternative to that which is popular.

In reality, the masses do not care. It falls on deaf ears. Many years of "marketing" have proven that is like pissing into the wind.

So what makes Leo different? Ownership.

This should be at the core of every Leo message. Anything that is done outside of Leo is likely to enrich someone else. When it comes to the services offered, each wallet that has LEO in it is an owner.

That is the story to tell.

After all, this is the basis of Web 3.0. It is the separator between the silos that dominant the Internet today.

A marketing plan without a clearly defined USP is doomed to fail. So far, it seems we have seen this. Perhaps it is time to talk about what makes Leo different.

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I guess we need people to consider the power of ownership. A regular user upon hearing it won't really care much. But talking about ownership to twitter accounts that were banned, or to Youtube accounts that were unjustly demonetized or had their videos taken down, and they will get more appreciation for the power of ownership.

It is more than just owning the account. It is owning the platform.

Indeed marketing rests upon differentiation as it seems that the product will have an edge over others which then becomes value, through your analysis (before I got to the end), I was wondering really if Leo didn't stand a chance after all that has been said and projects put in place, the leo coin has a lot of steps laid down for it's growth, watching it grow is really amazing.

In all the LEOAI CO-Pilot is the project I'm so excited to be launched as it will be a game changer for, a personal tutor that understands market trends which I can follow or try to be more creative. Thanks for sharing ownership mentality is all we need, and it's the core principle of being an investor.

LeoAI will give many different things that people will latch onto. Some will love the co-pilot idea while others are want the search.

To me, it is a matter of getting into the game and building on top of it.

I think when it comes to Facebook, Zuckerberg really did a great job in maintaining that perspective and to help Facebook penetrates in the heart of men

Ok, ownership!... What do I own and why does it matter. I see a talking point, but don't understand how it actually changes anything, is revolutionary or helps me.

So, I own my account and data. Does that stop it from being stolen, increase my privacy or control over my product? Since Hive is fully public, everyone has access to my data 24/7/365. Not just when a Central Entity who controls it on Web2 decides to use it how they want to profile me, show me ads, etc. All my data here can still be used against me, so I don't understand how ownership matters in the end?

I think if the model can really be strongly followed up and with rigid structure, it will help the Leo development and massive adoption