We have some housekeeping to do.
As we progress into the new year, a lot of interesting stuff happening surrounding the Leofinanceaccount and check out some of the weekly AMAs that are taking place. There we get a great deal of information regarding some of the plans for the year. ecosystem. For those who are not familiar, just head over to the @leofinance
That said, it is up to the rest of us to do our part. This is a community which means active participation. Many want the result of the network effect yet appear not willing to put forth effort. Fortunately, over the last couple days we see many who are willing to kick things to another level.
It is a move that will serve all of us well.
For that reason, there are a few changes that are taking place in some of the projects that are better known.

Leofinance Trending Page
We do a fairly good job of putting quality content on the trending page. This is no surprise since there is a great deal of manual curation by many holding LEO stake.
Many find the trending page to be very important. To me, the use of this is for people on the outside of the ecosystem. Those of us involved know where to find the content we like. Our feeds are filled with our favorite authors. We also know who writes the stuff that we prefer to read.
People who are just finding Leofinance do not have that luxury. Hence, the trending page is vital to show the quality of information that is generated on here. In the area of cryptocurrency, we do have a lot of bright minds sharing content that is top notch.
As stated, we do well on this end.
Posting is only one part of the equation. When we open up an article, the information from the author is a piece of the "hivemind". The other can be found in the comment section.
Did you seriously think we were not going to discuss comments?
For this reason, I am going to encourage everyone to start commenting on the posts on the trending page. This is where we can really show people outside of Hive what community is all about.
Personally, I am spending more time in a number of the posts and leaving comments there. This is being done to help encourage engagement so outsiders see how involved we can be.
The sharing of knowledge and experience is what this is all about.
Of course, to aid in the encouragement we will turn to bribery.

The @lbi-token project is one of the larger LEO holders. It is designed to support LEO while being run by members from the Leofinance community.
Curation is very important from larger accounts. LBI, since it was formed, manually curates content.
Here is where the bribery is going to come in.
In addition to the regular curation, the LBI account will be visiting some of the trending posts, going in and upvoting comments. This is in addition to the comment upvotes that are being made out of this account (taskmaster4450le).
It needs to be said: the upvotes will go to those comments that are applicable to the article. Comments that are of the bullshit variety, "nice post, thank you" will be overlooked. These are the posts that are what outsiders see so put some effort into what we are doing here.
This is a great way for smaller accounts to get involved. Many find it difficult to get any recognition meaning their rewards are low. By involving oneself in the process of commenting, rewards can come as follows:
The @lbi-token account has a lot of LEO. Each comment upvote is worth more than 1 LEO, meaning the individual can get around .5 LEO per comment upvoted. This account doesn't have much HP so nothing will come on that end.
As for this account, the HP vote on comments is above the dust line so, in addition to LEO (each comment upvote is worth about .9 LEO), one will be receiving some HP. If you are a very small account, this will help both token balances to grow.

In going through the Leomarkettalk accounts, there are some payouts that which need to be put to use.
financeThe @leomarkettalk account was designed to be a place where people could come and discuss different topics relating to and cryptocurrency. Using the comment section, it was a preparation for the release of #ProjectBlank. Since Khal decided to go on vacation or was abducted by aliens for much of 2021, the project was delayed a bit. Hence, we keep plugging along with Leomarkettalk.
There are a number of people who show up each day and support it. One of those people is @jfang003. When it comes to one being a keyboard warrior, he fits the mold. He also is very engaging, posting comments all over the place. The guy truly gets it.
For that reason, we are giving a bit of delegation. It is a crime not to put what the LP and HP in Leomarkettalk to work. In the past we held a contest which resulted in the payout of some HBD and delegation of the HP. Now, we are going to alter things a bit.
There was some HBD which went into savings. We will let it earn the healthy 12% interest and decide what to do with it down the road. Perhaps we will make the interest part of another contest.
At the same time, the winner of the last contest appears to have some life issues and is not participating very often. For this reason the HP delegation is being undone. That is around 850 HP which we will figure out how to use in a week or so.
By the time this posts, roughly 1000 HP and 1900 of LP will be delegated to @jfang003. The guy is everywhere on Leofinance each day so we know he will put the delegation to use. It will help him to support those that he is interested in while growing his holdings a bit more. He mentioned in a post the other day that he wants to get to be a Dolphin in HP. Hopefully this will help a bit in that quest.
Hive and Leofinance to see what can happen.We will build up whatever rewards come in from the @leomarkettalk account. Who knows, there could be someone else who gets some HP or LP delegated to them in the future. Show loyalty to
For now, that is all. See everyone in the comment section.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I bought few SEED when it launched. Turned out to be a really good investment. It can make you feel bad about the folks who got duped into investing with Warren Buffet or some Wall Street hedge fund :)Don't forget SEED from @empoderat You can check out holdings here: https://cointracking.info/portfolio/seedtreasury
Doing exactly that here!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
$SEED is a project I am involved with. Another outstanding venture on Hive that is benefitting everyday people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
!PIZZAThat's nice to hear. I was really impressed with research & trading skills of @empoderat I'm pretty sure my funds are well invested in his hands ☘️
Comment, curate, and vote. Engage! I've only written like 10 articles on it in the past. lol When everything else seems to be going the wrong direction, just open up some articles, read, comment, and vote. You'll be amazed at how fast you can turn your attitude around and how much you can learn and connect with people by interacting.
Another great reminder here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Returning to the basics is the key to excellence in any endeavor. People often forget that. For most of us on Hive, what you state is our basics.
It is just like the developers. For them, it is to open up the computer and get hacking away, banging out more code.
We each have our roles and focus.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is very informative and what a way to build my Leo life.
It is really going on to be of more help to someone like me who is just getting to shift my attention to the leofinace community and even staked the token for a better opportunity
We are glad you decided to focus upon LEO. I might be biased but I think it a good choice.
Engagement is key in any endeavor in life. Few of us are able to succeed in a vacuum. That is certainly the case here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That’s one of our big initiatives as well is to go through and do just as much commenting as we do voting. It’s important to engage and I have had some amazing conversations in the comments. You also get other points of view. So I hear your challenge sir and know the HiveHustlers have your back!
Often there is as much knowledge to be garnered in the comment section as there is in the article itself. It is amazing the knowledge the community carries. Here is where it can be shared.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ah I will have to make sure to visit the trending section daily to see what I can add. Thanks for the delegation and I will try my best to spread out the tokens. I might also see if there are some good comments and upvote them on the trending page.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You earned the delegation, for sure. You've figured out how to strike a balance between commenting and posting, and it's across a wide range of posts. This is the path many of us need to take, including me. 👍👍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I still focus more on commenting and I don't post as much. Eventually I want to be able to post often without affecting my commenting either but time isn't very nice to me with work.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You never know. There might be one or two in there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You hit the nail on the head here as usual. Posting consistently is the very base. We need engagement for the community to thrive, though. I've been busy outside of Hive lately and have had limited time but I always make sure to drop comments when I can. If we treat commenting like we do posting, everyone will thrive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a great mindset, one I didnt think of.
Many make it their mission to post an article each day. How many, though, commit to making 10 comments regardless of how their day went?
Very few I would surmise.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very few for sure. We need to change that narrative.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree. It all starts with our own actions.
If people see the weekly commenting numbers, then we can keep promoting that.
The key is to increase the numbers all around.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just as important as making 10 comments a day is spreading out the 10 comments across several posts. I know this is where I need to make more effort, especially now that 2022 is just days old. Engagement is an all-around thing, not just limited to one post or thread.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is true, spreading things out is important. Of course, there is something to be said for filling up a few articles with a ton of comments, especially in the trending page.
Having articles for people to see with 50 or 60 comments really encourages engagement.
Ideally we have both taking place. For that end, we need a lot more commenters. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's not bribery, it's incentivisation!
Both using the LBI account to vote proper comments and delegating stake from the LMT account are great ideas.
When it comes to voting comments, you've just gotta make sure you're not incentivising the lazy commenters that are just there to pick up a few easy rewards.
Gotta be genuinely adding to the post or sparking a related conversation.
As for the delegation, it's certainly better off being used than just sitting there.
@jfang003 will hopefully use the stake to manually curate and earn curation rewards for spreading LEO wider.
Win/win :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I am trying to avoid the crap comments. The spammy ones that add little value are not worth an upvote, especially considering it is tossing close to half a Hive on each one.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Comment challenge accepted. I agree there should be more engagement on the trending posts. I just went ahead and powered up another 5000 $LEO today so I can reward my favorite authors a little more. I also sent in 1000 $LEO to Cublife to pick up $CL . Perhaps I should also consider $LBI. Do you have an opinion either way on $CL vs $LBI ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LBI gives you a bit wider exposure where CUBLIFE is more direct. The dividends from each is nice so I cant really comment on either.
Apples to oranges in my opinion although both full up your bags. If you dont have any CUB exposure, not a bad idea to do it through CL.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
ok great, I want to get more involved with CUBDEFI so think I made the right initial choice. Next round I'll pick up some $LBI
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Can someone tell me if the LeoFinance app on google play is real or not ?
Yes it is. The leofinance mobile went live in November I believe.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
thanks couldnt find anything on the website linking it so was not sure it was the real deal .. thanks <3
WoW this is great. I have two articles that are coming up that I know will do okish. I just finished an interview with a project setting up a Crypto Education Savings fund. It actually sounds really good.
The other article is for SYScoin and a small update but they have a massive community.
I can say that people are starting to know us out there, every time I join a Discord/Telegram Leo Finance is known. Makes life easier.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the feedback @melbournewest. That is pretty interesting to know.
We just need to keep spreading the word. Hopefully the new initiative of getting people to comment more is going to help.
Also, the White Book is something that we can start to spread all over the place. This is going to be a fun stretch for Leo.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hopefully, once more and more people are aware we can start recruiting more. It's actually quite challenging I have around 4000 direct followers in politics but I've managed to secure 4 people across. Mainstream still see crypto as scam or fake.
As it becomes more mainstream hopefully once people start looking for things Leo is what they see.
This is great news. I have been trying to think of practical and reasonable ways to grow my account. Thank you for the tips!
Commenting is engagement. It is a terrific way to get involved, which should help your account over time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will work on it! It is something I try to do, but I think I need more specific goals and then I can achieve better engagement. Thank you.
Reading this made me happy knowing that I am on the right track - the commenting job🤗.
We can't just sit back and only earn from the system without giving back. One of the ways to give back to LeoFinance as well as support is by engaging in the community via making quality comments and meaningful contributions on articles. I hope those that love incentives a lot now see reasons to began engaging.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Commenting is at the core of my activity. Yes I produce articles and videos. However, comments are content too.
Being a content creator comes in many forms. It all adds to the Leofinance platform and, in turn, the Hive ecosystem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I guess some people feel commenting doesn't bring just enough earnings as posting blog posts does. Which is why they focus more on just posting than commenting. But that's really not a good reason to not contribute on another person's work.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That might be true. The challenge with that is the same people who think that are usually the ones complaining about how low their rewards are.
For this reason, commenting is a great way to alter that especially when new.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Engaging indeed comes with many benefits asides from the money. You get to wider your network and learn from great minds as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is exactly what I have been doing (although limited due to my RC and being a 40 day old newbie) commenting, voting and since the weekend I delegated some tokens to 2 other accounts.
I started with crypto only last year and since I found Hive in December and the information on here available… I’m reading and reading so much posts. To learn and understand Hive, blockchain and crypto. I do understand, we are all together in it together and help each other grow.
Everyday I find out new things. And I am grateful with posts like this, as they send me in the right directions of where I want to go and to gather more information. It will help me with making decisions.
Thank you @taskmaster445ole
Let me know if you need a bit more HP. I will delegate 50 HP to you so that you can comment as you see fit.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That would be greatly appreciated @taskmaster4450le 🙏🏻😊 I’m down to 19% RC and it’s hard to get it up more and interact. I did gain another 30HP in the last few days on top of my 100HP so still growing steadily 😉 reaching for the 250 you said.
Just sent you another 50 HP.
That should help carry you through.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you so much @taskmaster4450le 😊 I use it wisely.
To this day I'm grateful for the 50 HP you delegated to me so that I could get out of RC Jail and begin contributing to Hive and to LeoFinance as I had intended from the start. I will always remember this, and I want to be in a position some day when I can help a new Hiver and Leo in that way.
I'm at a point where RCs are no longer a concern for me. It's OK if you want to reclaim the delegated 50 HP plus the interest it had earned. Thanks again for helping me in a time of need.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No problem. That is what we do around here. I have delegated a lot over the years, few took advantage of it. I am glad you found it helpful.
I will keep that in mind the next time I revamp my delegations. Until they, it gives you a bit of breathing room and maybe you can earn a few more HP off it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just last night I was wondering why I see many post lately without comments , I was like is that people read and refused to comment or DNT read post all , the more we go to each other's post the more we grow the hive community
I think commenting, across social media is not that highly valued. When I look at a YouTube video, sure there are some with 900 comments. Yet those are the ones with millions of views (granted probably a fake number).
Another problem I noticed on Leofinance is that a lot of articles leave little room to comment. When someone is posting something that is 100 words, there is little given.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is good to support and help others build,especially those with genuine intentions. Engagement is everything on this platform wish we build right attitude towards it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great insight on three pillars of the Leo Finance community. Things that are gluing the community and capture attention on hot topics!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Without attention people lose focus. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I had already noticed that LBI was doing that, I saw it in a comment I made. It is good that all participation is rewarded, not just creations, interactions are also part of the equation.
What to say about @jfang003 is fantastic and I will highlight that not only is he everywhere commenting, he also votes on the publications, which is something very important for the authors.
Yes he is a foundation for Leofinance. We need a lot more people like that.
I like to use him as an example because he is one who came in and simply got busy. A little less than a year and a half in, he is starting to see things grow a great deal.
That is what it takes: activity and time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@jfang003 is very deserving of the delgation. Good job. One of my goals for this year is to read as much this year on LEO but comment way more. This post was a great jumpstart to recognizing that goal.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is also a map of where I will be.
But, shhh, it is a secret.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Smart. It's safe with me.
Really great to see @jfang003 getting the recognition he deserves. He is really all over the place and I seem to find his comment in every comment section.
Also, about this.
Bring the daily thread back to trending and then we can talk. I still see no reason why it shouldn't be there all the time. We need a place to start random discussions but that place should also be obvious to outsiders that may come from Reddit or similar places that are used to daily thread discussions.
I personally find it more useful than any post (no offence to anyone) because it provides a ground for informed discussions that would be even more productive if everyone knew where they are taking place.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That might be true. The challenge is A) whether it is worthy of rewards and B) we didnt get a lot of people in there when it was on trending.
Sadly, those who are involved in Leomarkettalk is a small subset of the entire Leofinance community. When you look at how few actually post in there regularly, it is less than a dozen. We both wish it was more.
As for @jfang003, I couldnt agree more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Noob question: the trending posts on ecency and leofinance.io are not the same right?
No they are not. Ecency is like Peakd, it reads from the Hive tally. So when someone votes on a post, it is their HP that is totaled up.
On Leofinance, the upvote is dependent upon one's Leo Power (for ranking on trending). As you can see the Leofinance trending shows the LEO totals.
All are registered on the blockchain though.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@jfang003 deserves the delegation because he has been very active not just on the Leomarkettalk thread but in most threads. At times I think he is a bot
He is AI, you just dont know it.
It is hidden from view.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In all this ,I like leo market talk because it give me opportunity to discuss and comment any were I want.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leo Market Talk (now Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog, but still "@"leomarkettalk), is an awesome place to raise your profile and engage. Just beware that it can be a black hole where all commenting is done, not leaving time to comment on other Leo's posts. That's been my mistake-- don't make it!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is a great initiative to support small members of community when they comment, It will encourage people to read articles and engage in it rather than just "thank you" nice article.
Also doing delegation is an awesome Idea, new members really suffers from the resource credits and delegating will be a huge favor which he/she will never forget and keeps reminding of LBI-Token whenever used.
Yes. We need to encourage engagement and that is what all should aim to do. Newer accounts that have RC issues just need to speak up. If truly interested in adding to Leofinance, many of us are willing to delegate HP to carry then through.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I know the problem , I am also new and suffered earlier, One kind man delegated 50HP which is more than enough for me.
I saw you also delegated some new accounts, which is blessing to them and they won't forget you for
we grow together ❤️
Anytime someone needs 50 HP or so to get active, I am more than willing to delegate that. You are right, this is an "us" situation.
If I can help someone to have enough RC to engage, that only helps all of us.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think you are doing a great job on a daily bases. Especially with people who are giving quality conversation on the comments sections
Thank you but it is not all about me. This is something that any of us can do. As I stated above, comments are content too.
We all have a role to play within these communities. Those who get involved seriously help with the network effect.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
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good idea
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have posted quite frequently on Leofinance and Hive for quite some time now but recently decided to up my game here quite substantially. I can see the enormous potential at hand... and to be honest, my gut instinct is also very persuasive of late.
Thanks for always keeping the right spirit burning on Hive/Leofinance. It helps more than you may think.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a great lesson. I have never paid much attention to the trending page but will going forward.
Congratulations to @jfang003
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta