We heard from the @leofinance account for the first time in a while. Anyone who is associated with Leo knows there is a lot of stuff in the works, announcements that we are eagerly awaiting.
Sadly, the latest post did not give us any details regarding ProjectBlank or the expected time frame on that. Thus we all are left awaiting for it to come out.
That said, there were some informative tidbits in the post that are worthy of mentioning.

The first starts with the intention of the team. In the announcement, the number of signups since LeoInfra went live are charted. Each month, we are seeing an increase. We also are going to, in the next update, see Facebook and Google sign ups.
That said, what is important, is something contained in this paragraph.
The goal is not to onboard 10 million ghost accounts. Our aim is to onboard 1 million real people to this blockchain and LeoInfra is the path to doing so. Our focus over the coming months with new updates to LeoFinance.io will introduce more dynamics for making it easier than ever to use the site with additions like tooltips, etc.
"Our aim is to onboard 1 million real people to this blockchain..."
Over the years, we heard a lot of numbers tossed about. However, here we see what the thinking is for the team. 1 million users, real people, who are active on the blockchain through the different Leofinance applications.
This is vital. Applications require users for the Network Effect to take hold. It is one thing to focus upon the financial aspect to cryptocurrency. However, the future wealth is in kicking off the Network Effect since social media is becoming financialized.
If Leofinance and the associated future apps can push 1 million real users here, that will be huge.
Considering that Hive based applications, for the most part, are a bit complex, simplifying things is vital.
We see this piece tossed out.
One of our newest projects which is set to launch in less than a week will also take marketing and onboarding to a new level. Attracting a certain crowd of DeFi users to a new application we've built and slowly educating them about LeoFinance.io and how they can talk about all their crypto activities and earn rewards for it on the blockchain.
So within a week, we are going to see marketing and onboarding taken to another level. This is NOT ProjectBlank since that was briefly mentioned earlier in the post.
That said, it appears more users are expected and that an outreach project is about to be laid. One of the keys is to keep attracting people to this platform, getting them interested in one aspect while learning about Leofinance and Hive, and then letting them find out about other opportunities within the ecosystem.
This is obviously tied to this concept that was also put out.
More recently, we've started building a new application on the Binance Smart Chain which will not only handle bLEO but will introduce an entirely new aspect to LeoFi which will put the LeoFinance project directly in front of major DeFi users.
It appears the intention is to move Leofinance into the major DeFi realm. The Binance Side Chain (BSC) is rapidly becoming a viable player next to Ethereum. The fees associated with the later are hindering the progress along with network congestion.
BSC looks to take some of the load off Ethereum by tossing its hat into the DeFi ring. Obviously, with the creation of bLEO along with some other aspects, we are going to see Leofinance looking to enter mainstream DeFi.
Then we have this point:
The contracts are being deployed to testnet as we speak, auditing companies have been contacted to check out our new contracts and the bLEO bridge is being constructed to tie it all directly into LeoFinance, the LEO token economy and wLEO as well.
This is open to a great deal of speculation. What exactly is being audited? The contracts for what? Since we do not have the details, we can only offer guesses at what is taking place.
However, the idea of a bLEO bridge to both Leofinance AND wLEO is very interesting. Essentially we are seeing the combination of 3 blockchains being integrated in; Ethereum, BCS, and Hive. Interoperability will only increase the value of the entire ecosystem.
The key is the potential to funnel in more users to Leofinance and, ultimately, Hive. Many are interested in the topics that Leofinance presents and we could uncover some content creators who are serious authors looking to expand their brand. Leofinance is the ideal environment for this.
To read full announcement post:
A big takeaway is how quickly things appear to be moving. The general tone of this post is that things are going rapidly on the back end. It is evident new projects keep popping up. We also are learning that the number of developers employed is also mounting. What was once 1 or 2 now looks like it is 7 or 8.
The world of cryptocurrency is moving rapidly. Each week there are new ideas being presented. Having a project that is adaptable is vital in an environment like this.
We can presume that the scope of Leofinance is expanding on a regular basis. Thus, whatever is set down is apt to change in a few weeks time. While this might seem counterintuitive, the fast approach to adding more will eventually provide much greater value to Leofinance.
The goal is to ultimately build an ecosystem that is worth $1 billion. This will include a variety of tokens, many which are airdropped to the LEO token holders. Thus far, we know about a couple tokens that are promised to be sent to token holders (blank and governance).
Speaking of airdrops, we see this from the end of the post.

So there you have it. The better question is when will we see the airdrop?
Things are starting to get very interesting.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The news about exposure to another exchange is good news overall for HIVE. We need to be interacting with them so exposure to LEO can be found. This means we could potentially have quite a few new users. I hope they find the idea that blogging and interacting can earn them LEO/HIVE enticing.
As for the microblogging, this means we probably have a few more weeks to go before it is announced. I do want a good well-tested product compared to something rushed. It works better to retain the new users we want to onboard to the block chain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exposure is certainly a great thing and much needed. Everything Leo is doing, albeit with hype and not much rolling out, is with the intention of growing. However, at some point, we are going to see the floodgates open with applications/projects hitting the market. I have a feeling once it starts, it will not stop.
Thus, it is just a matter of getting there. The good thing is that when people do start to arrive, they will have lots of options.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leo, WLeo and future tokens.IS it possible for #leofinance to be worth more than #hive while using the same blockchain ? I am asking about the whole #leofinance token system
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It certainly is possible for the entire system to be worth more than Hive. If they keep adding different components to the ecosystem, especially those on other blockchains, then the totality could exceed Hive.
Of course, if Hive achieves a few success cases like Leo, which are all pulling in users, then that might be mitigated.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
user quality is essential, a big taskfor curators, that we come to be all the members of the ecosystem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Numerous airdrops, more network usage, diversification of the platform, microblogging... MOON soon
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The way I see it is more wealth for those involved in Leo, not necessarily the LEO token mooning, although that is likely.
I view it in terms of an entire ecosystem, actually moving to an economy. This will allow for a much broader platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's an exciting claim. I've never been into a project this early, so I'm kind of all over the place with my excitement. If this is the early stages of a future economy, the next few days will be massively important groundwork for that future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The potential of the Leo economy is really exciting and, to be honest, virtually unlimited. If the pace of development/progress that was set the last year, we will be very happy in 5 years. The ability (and desire) to keep expanding the tentacles of the platform offer major prospects.
Each new development can be further tokenized to generate even more wealth and funding for other projects.
As it grows, the ability to grow even more accelerates.
The feedback system being created is amazing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're a great ambassador for the platform. I find myself agreeing with your takes and hoping that you are right on a regular basis. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LeoFi will be really very interesting, if we could get the opportunity to be featured on Pancakeswap it would be a really good advertisement for us 😍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a feeling it is much bigger than just being on Pancakeswap. There is a line in the announcement that says things are being approached differently.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A bold and very informed vision that benefits the larger ecosystem and super fast and proper execution. This is what makes me pay close attention to Leo.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Onboarding real users is super important.
It is easy to flood networks with an army of bots, but real users with real desire for engagement is key to growth.
I am super bullish on what LEO brings to the chain.
They are the fast growing part of the chain right now, but what will help all of us will be when other parts of the chain start to grow.
The recent price hike was nice but it is coming back down to normal levels.
I feel HIVE should be around $0.25 USD and Leo around a 1:4 (LEO at $1) Level at the current amount of engagement on the chain.
Can't wait for the microblogging to see how that affects things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
See Tron and EOS to prove this point.
Estimates that are hard to dispute. They make sense based upon where we are. So basically we have HIVE priced properly and LEO undervalued at the moment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You gotta think BIG with LEO
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The tease is getting old, thanks for breaking it down for us. It just seems like blank gets pushed back again. I guess we just have to keep the faith that this is the best way to do it. So far everything has been great!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agreed it is getting a bit tiresome but I also have confidence that once something starts to rollout, we will see a great deal more happening. It is the spigot, once it opens, it will flow hard and fast.
I was disappointed to see blank barely mentioned, telling me it is pushed back for some reason. Alas, that is the way development is sometimes. Things that expect to take weeks require months.
Hopefully we will get something in the next few days to clarify the situation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is most likely a code audit by external parties. To assure smart contracts and the entire process have no exploitable bugs or loopholes like it was the case with wLeo in its initial phase.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes @gadrian.
But code for what is the question? What are they up to?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I believe the previous paragraph than the one you quoted gives some more hints, but still not enough:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah still fuzzy. Hints without details still leads to a lot of guessing and speculating.
I guess we will know in 4 or 5 days if they hit their target release date of next week...whatever the project truly is.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm not sure about LeoFi, but very likely the microblogging app won't be released on March 1st. According to the plan, it should be the announcement pre-airdrop about a week before.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
400 % capacity increase seems promising indicating lot of sweet surprises ahead !!
So much things happening on LEO, and I am excited what's next. I am also looking forward of ProjectBlank. For sure it won't be long for its launch.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sadly, I was saying that a month ago. We will see when it finally sees daylight.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really need to get my hands on some BNB so I can get into this. I have been waiting for some funds to move over from one of my accounts but Bittrex is being a pain in the butt. Thanks for recapping all of this. Great information. That is really awesome the comment about not wanting to onboard 10 million ghost accounts. We saw way too much of that in the past. I remember when I was getting about 100 bot/ghost accounts following me per day.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not sure BNB is required other than for the slight transaction fees.
I think you can get that through metamask since it is truly an Ethereum based chain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will check it out.
I was so excited when I saw this in the morning that I said: better to be late 5 mins for work than miss out on the Leo news :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hard to tell whether we should be excited or disappointed by the news.
Projectblank appears to be delayed but there is something new (additioal) in the works.
We will have to see what it all evolves into. If it can bring in more users to Leofinance, that will be great.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They certainly are. One thing I'm wondering about . . . will LEOFinance's DeFi project be in competition to Hive-Engine's pooling stuff or will they be doing different things?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I guess it depends upon what you think competition is.
Are Hive.blog and Peakd competing? They offer different things to different people.
I am not exactly sure what LeoFi will have compared to Hive-Engine so it is hard to answer. That said, I am sure there will be overlap yet LeoFi is a core piece of the Leofinance platform. Thus, it is going to cater, from what I can tell, to the Leo community. What other platforms on Hive do is up to them.
We also could see Hive-Engine offering some different things as compared to LeoFi.
It is unlikely that both will mirror each other.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
tokens.I have said the post by leofinance and I am glad things are moving in the right direction. About onboarding 1million real users, I think that is achievable in the next 1-2years giving the right marketing strategy. I doubt there up to 500k people who have heard about leofinance so we need to get the word out there while we develop. This has been the problem of the blockchain whereby we create amazing products and give them little exposure, then a new blockchain comes up with something similar, and boom! It moons. So I am hoping we do things differently here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I doubt there are 50K people who heard about Leofinance.
In fact, outside Hive, I am sure there are not even 5,000 people who are aware of it.
So there is an enormous upside in that regard. Projectblank will help to bring a lot of people in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm glad I wasn't they only one super excited to see a new post and then got deflated lol
I fully agree about the on boarding process. One dedicated great content creator that engages, buys and sells on the market is worth 100000000 junk accounts that just show up one time and leave.
Getting people on boarded and understanding how it all works and the benefits of doing so is critical. Heck I believe in many cases the payout here on Leo is far higher then they earn on youtube etc. However with that being said we don't want people on here that just want to cash out every post either.
For me it's keep stacking that LEO! and from what I hear both unstaked and staked will take part in the airdrops.
From what I know, the airdrops are slated for wLEO, Leo Power, and staked miners.
I could be mistaken on that but I didnt think unstaked, non wLEO was participating.
Either way, just keep stacking LEO no matter what one does with it. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This twitter post might shed some light on that all :)
This is crazy, stake them or don't. So now people are going to power down based on a tweet? Jeeze!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@taskmaster4450le the project will bring more traffic to the platform and that would make them them achieve whatever they want to achieve....but I am more interested in seeing good contents as always and not just about the population...
I love this idea,I pray it works ,it should though....@taskmaster4450le
Definitely excited if LeoFinance bridge with BSC, not hating on ETH, but can't afford.
Throwing a finance related game and NFT, Leo will have it all within the ecosystem..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ethereum fees are hard to take, especially if you arent playing with huge dollar amounts. It simply becomes cost prohibitive for people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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