We are already seeing governments in trouble. Venezuela is in rough shape and the oil crisis is putting the Saudi Royal family in a bind.
In the US, a city like New York is likely headed to bankruptcy court. States like Illinois and Kentucky, where the pension crisis is the worst, will end up giving them the retirees haircuts while increasing the amount existing workers have to pay in.
Those that are efficient, have money, and are able to take on new roles will be what excels and that is why I pointed to the mega tech companies. Watch how the likes of Amazon and Apple start to spread their wings.
Posted Using LeoFinance
All great points again. They idealist in me hopes the births a new economy that drives people to crypto realizing existing financial markets are so broken.
I think people will not be lured into crypto because they realize the financial markets are broken. I think they end up here because they have little choice.
People will likely do it out of desperation.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Well either way as an early adopter we should benefit.