Leoshop feel down on the list of priorities but, from my understanding, it is still on the books to be addressed.
I think we see a stable coin at some point, tied to, most likely, the USD. I am not sure how that all would work out but it is possible.
Leo is building a foundation from which more can be built upon. It is exciting to see. The LBI project is the first one that I know which is being put together outside the core Leofinance team. Thus someone else is doing something on top/with leofinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I underlined some ideas of further development. Leoshop would be a pain to manage without a stable coin, or I might have a mind glitch.
For the LBI project I will be with 1k in, at least. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
very good.
I am going to put in a minimum of 5,000.
And yes to maximize Leoshop, we need something stable, or accept some stable coins.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta