Rugby is a game for the brute. Football is much more intelligent and strategic.
Lol, I'm just kidding because I played both in college but I had a bad experience with the rugby team and a great experience with the football team so I just trash talk rugby whenever I can lol
Lol , got it :p
For many years I thought Rugby and American football was same and Football meant soccer .
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Footballs is for tough guys.
Rugby is for guys who are just plain crazy. It is nothing more than a legal barroom brawl.
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Lol I'm not familiar with the rules of either of them. I love soccer though.
But yeah I have seen couple of rugby plays on YouTube where they clash and bleed. Crazy
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Rugby is a game for the brute. Football is much more intelligent and strategic.
Lol, I'm just kidding because I played both in college but I had a bad experience with the rugby team and a great experience with the football team so I just trash talk rugby whenever I can lol
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LOL take that up with your therapist.
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