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RE: 10 Ways To Be Successful On Hive

Spoken like someone who was in the online game for a long time. You are well aware of what happens and how instant gratification is not there. Something like SEO can take years to develop.

Hive is no different than anything else. Patience, effort, and a lot of work is required.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sure you might get lucky with one of those crazy off set coins and rake in 5,000% but the chances of that are super slim. The chances of you making it big with continued effort, stacking and growing along with posting, commenting etc is a solid move and pays off. Even hive at $1 -$2 range in the long play to me are great deals.

That is true.

Also, it takes time to build a following, in any endeavor. The online world is really the epitome of that.

While there are overnight sensations, most build over the long term, adding one follower or email at a time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta