You did the right thing. If nothing else comes of this, you have eliminated something that is a noose around your financial neck. Paying off the debt is freedom of the highest magnitude.
There is still time to add more to the crypto stake. We are going to have more bull markets in the future. So solid projects that are being scaled into will likely pay off in a large manner.
And yes the lottery winning is a sexier story. People do not get excited over you telling them you made 30% annually for 10 years to build wealth. But that is an important component.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha, yeah, ain't that the truth! I hope that is definitely the case about the bull markets thing. I want to do a better job of building my slower growth pools. That's my biggest regret about how I handled things just about a year ago now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Dont beat yourself up too bad. The industry was all speculation until just recently. We are at the beginning of the transition to yield. That is a big step.
Just keep adding some HBD or pHBD to your holdings. That will help establish some stability while generating a return.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks, I will do that. I was thinking PHBD, but I might not now, I haven't read your post yet to see why!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta