
We are going to rescue him with our UFO, let me message @coyotelation

He might have baby detail today.

Hahaha, please allow him..

You remember how we roll 😄😄😄.

Hehehe... for sure.

I thought Canada was good at welcoming people. LOL

Not with @bradleyarrow. Even they want rid of him. Maybe Ecuador will take him.

lol. We are really good at welcoming people @coyotelation Especially Newfoundland.

How many people are there?

In Newfoundland, about 520,000

Pretty big place.

It really is immense there. The curious thing is that there is much more land than there are people living on it.

We are the 16th largest island on the planet Earth. We could host millions of people if needed ;)

Good to know, there was a time when I researched a little about Canada when I was thinking about living outside Brazil.

But I hope one day to be able to visit this incredible place even if just as a tourist. I know it's very cold there. There are Brazilians who suffer a lot from the cold.

depends on what part of Canada, where I live the average winter is around -4 or -5 C. Night time can get colder, we only usually have a week or so in the -10s to -20s.

Wow! Quite cold. The coldest I witnessed in Brazil was 4°.

That is warm, lol, some places in Canada get A LOT colder ;)

Poor him, but you've already been to Ecuador to recommend this country, maybe you know it very well.

I have no idea. Never been to South America.

When you visit, don't forget to visit Brazil and try the barbecue here.

LOL you going to cook for me?

That's a good idea hehehe... I believe you will like it.

Leave that for the future. Who knows one day...