
10 HBD to receive all services on inleo?! Where can we find info about it?! !BEER

The premium button on the left menu.

I see! I'll check it out. I'm new here, thanks a lot!! 😆👏 !BEER

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Ah, so I was doing it right, I needed to be Premium... that makes sense.

Don't worry friend, I'll try to sell some DEC and get these 10 HBD. I will do that and thanks again for your help.

If you dont have it liquid, I will send it to you and you can return it when you get the HBD liquid.

I just sent 10 HBD to @leopool. I believe that I will be able to complete my signature by tomorrow.

Thank you for your support Task, you've already helped me a lot, you don't need to send it to me.

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.