
Yes, that's right, from what I know, Chile also has earthquakes more frequently.

Having to live in places like this is quite complicated... I have no idea how much you pay for insurance there.

It took me a little time to understand why in the United States most houses are made with wood. Today I know that it is because of these natural events and wood is cheaper to rebuild the house.

And concrete cracks easily. LOL

And it's more expensive to rebuild... I can only imagine how much money the politicians would overinvoice and steal here.

Only here with the floods in Rio Grande do Sul after a while, we don't even talk about it anymore and the state is devastated... donations arrive, but people still have difficulty receiving them...

I have no idea. There does not seem to be much protection against an Earthquake.

You're right. I hope that where you live this doesn't happen so much.

I believe that not every region in the United States has earthquakes.

No it is pretty much California. The rest of country has other natural disasters.

I understand, unfortunately this is not the only earthquake that exists in the world.