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RE: Leo Talk 3/08/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

I think you have to start with an image in mind. I often suggested that for SPORTS. Model yourself after ESPN but tokenized. That is a good starting point. After that, you can move onto other things and adapt but that gives a direction.

Sadly, it seems the direction is not there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, that's what I was thinking. There needs to be a "home page" where people can catch the headlines and then move to their particular areas of interest. Sports talk is obviously a massive market but, until you get some content that people care about, it's going to be difficult to draw eyeballs. The other challenge is that news is "old" in 24 hours. Unless you've got fresh, up to date, writing coming on, there's no reason to go there.
I mean, I have a hard time even finding three articles to curate some days. Unless some Actifit headline catches my eye for some reason, there really isn't much there. Like I said, hopefully as Leo blazes a trail and makes inroads into the mainstream, more people will onboard and it can get some development help. As with anything, if you can create a little excitement, that can go a long way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One of the overlooked features on all these tribes is as a data aggregator.

Give people a reason to return each day. With Sports, having standings, scores, and stats is vital. On Leo, I dont know why there arent stock and crypto quotes.

All of that drives traffic because the site becomes a reference point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a great idea. I'm sure it's probably heavy on bandwidth though, right? I guess I'm not sure how that all works but I would think it would be more labor/cost intensive than it looks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta