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RE: Hive Middle Class Developing

Stake weighted governance is an awful idea and user numbers show that

Really? So you dont think that people should have a say based upon their stake? Instead, just show up and you are counted the same as those who are involved, doing the work, and have an idea of what is going on.

We see this mindset all over the place and it is an awful ideology.

Not sure what you mean, but stake weighted power will only be popular with those who have the highest stakes

Yeah. Those without resources always want to have say over those that do have them. Sorry but I cant agree with this ideology or the support of it. This is nothing more than the proverbial class warfare. But now I see what you are saying about "earning fairly".


Really? So you dont think that people should have a say based upon their stake? Instead, just show up and you are counted the same as those who are involved, doing the work, and have an idea of what is going on.

At the very least, not for governance.