
rushed to check out Bradley’s drip,only to find him talking about sex positions.

Do not forget to participate in the poll.

LOL well he is good at that.

@bradleyarrow is the president of the AdultLeo community.

Damn straight

I didnt say that like it was a bad thing.

Adult humor is exactly what we need.

See if I can find more of it.

I have confidence in you ability to find perverted stuff.

Have you ever checked you weekly drip of swap.hive from @bbhbot?

No. I dont know what I get.

You are the only drip I care about.

You been awfully nice to me lately. Should I worry? Lol

I would sleep with your back against the wall (and with one eye open).

i do. Comes from my military days.

LOL dont ask, dont tell.

And dont bend over to pick up the soap.