
Feeding it through copy machines is an easy one comparing to using toilet papyrus without touching the dark side.

LOL I see what you did there. Pretty witty for the weekend. Your brain is still on high alert.

My brain's all hoppy as it is beer Saturday and I am sampling an ale that's really heavily hopped. Thanks for the compliment though ;)

That might help with the wittiness. Beer is a miracle drug....fixes a lot of what ails you.

It also manifests a great deal also, like scratches on car and prison cells.

Besides, it's our national beverage - we call it liquid bread in Czech. And in bars, it is cheaper than water. And I am not kidding this time, beer actually is cheaper in many places.

It is like rum on some of the islands. It is actually cheaper than sodas.

Sodas are overpriced (and often licensed) water loaded with sugar and some artificial dye. Water is still cheaper than rum there, isn't it? ;)

btw in Ancient Egypt, they combined copy machine and 3D printer into a single device.

Here's 3D printing of a pyramid:

Hi-tech for its day.

You should have seen the file cabinets in those days.

Except they didn't call it Hi-tech those day, rather Greetings-tech. Or Ave-tech, if there were Romans around.

Speaking about latin, did you know that "file" as a word comes from "filum", the latin word for a thread?

LOL no I didnt. The knowledge on Leo is intense.

Threading makes you smarter...enhances the file in my mind.