
I tried this:

~~~ embed:1668338963436965888?t=cXRS-aovd5mkWKlSe5lUYA&s=19 twitter metadata:SWRrU2FtYWR8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSWRrU2FtYWQvc3RhdHVzLzE2NjgzMzg5NjM0MzY5NjU4ODh8 ~~~

I was kinda late when I found this Gensler news though we can jump into news like this :/ What do you think about it..

I wouldnt have put the poll on twitter. Might have sent the link and that was it.

But you got the link to Leothreads out there. Why not.

Hell the comment section on twitter is a good place for stuff.