I think there are a lot of plans to make Ethereum truly a chain for big money players. This is Wall Street is going to reside. They honestly do not care about a $50 transaction fee since they play in tens of thousands of per transaction volume.
The little guy is shut out but we know the volume from retail is nothing compared to Wall Street.
Of course, with crypto this all can change if we keep growing our bags in a big way.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea I feel like ETH fees are nothing to Wall Street and they wouldn't break an eye if the fees were thousands of bucks. Because the volume they transact is huge. If you have taken a look at the dark pool prints, they are usually transacting in the value of tens of millions of dollars.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cuban revealed that he bought in years ago and has a lot of Ethereum.
Hmm, a bit of a misdirection over all those years. It seems the guy was bullish on crypto even when he was playing basher.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea maybe he just wanted to create his core position before revealing it. Plenty of the big investors tend to do that. By doing so, they don't lose anything and their followers can pump the price.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am sure he did but it seems like he got into Ethereum 5 years ago.
That is a long time to keep bashing things like he wasn't a crypto guy.
But you are right, if you want to load up, no point in telling the world.
I am sure a lot of corporations that aren't publicly traded are doing the same thing with BTC. Since they dont have to reveal it, they aren't. Why let the world know when you are trying to add.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh yea, I bet on that too
In fact, I was just reading yesterday about a company that has been secretly trading a lot of bitcoin. I'll see if I can find the article
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That would be interesting.
Of course, if it is in an article, then it isnt so secret anymore. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta