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RE: Leo Talk 6/30/21 - Come Join Our Chat

Many of the legacy automakers are cooked, they just do not realize it.

Do not be surprised if half of them are either in bankruptcy or near it by 2030. The only way some might avoid it is if their government's give them a bailout like GM got in 2009.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Indeed, I believe it might be overvalued in the short-term but Tesla changed the pereception of EV by customers for EVER. EV used to be some kind of weird ass car, very expensive and for ecology zealot.

Now, a Tesla is a RICH people car, showing that you have made it (as Audi, Mercedes.... in the past). This was a game changer. People do not want EV, they want a TESLA.

It always take an outsider to change a sectori I guess... Think about photography. Kodak invented the first numerical camera. It did not end well as they were trying to save their old business.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is very true @vlemon.

Another one: it was Netflix not Blockbuster that change the distribution model of video.

As for Tesla, now there are reports they are working on a $25K model. Like you said, it is not that people want an EV, they want a Tesla.

The brand is going to carry them to the top.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Feels good that you agree with me !

Indeed, Tesla has a very good brand image as a few other ocmpanies such as Apple or Google. They need to deliver and not f**k up and everything will eventually work out :D.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Like us in crypto, they just need to keep building.

I had Tesla stock the past 4 years now, off and on. Plus I follow them closely from a technology standpoint.

They are totally changing the automotive industry with electric and will seriously alter transportation with autonomous.

And, oh by the way, they build an exascale computer in the process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I was surprised that CNBC allowed the article to go out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Maybe they realize it is fruitless to keep attacking Tesla. They are able to keep growing and selling all they can make.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta