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Ho Hum. More of the token price means something bullshit.

When are people going to realize that markets are insane? They are fun to watch, trade if you have the skill, and have as a talking point. Yet, to make any decisions or look for validation from the markets is equally as insane. One is listening to a crazy entity, which is what markets are. They are driven by fear and greed. Does that sound like the basis for logical outcomes.

The market misprices everything. Now do not misunderstand, I am not saying to tell the market it is wrong. That is how you lose all your money. What I am saying is the price is either too high, or too low. There are bullish spurts, and bearish ones. What is right?

LEO is way undervalued based upon what the development says. However, we cannot tell the market that since it is the market. It is much bigger than any of us.

So you have a choice: believe the market which at one time said Yahoo was worth $475 a share or believe those who are watching things at the foundation.

The choice is yours.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta