
There goes all our developer jobs.... lol jk

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AI isn't ready for memes, though. Developers can move into Meme Hub.

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Memes are a growing part of life.

They might be the foundation of the Metaverse.

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Just because of the unpredicability of memes, real people are still needed to generate them and to handle them. As powerful as AI is and will be in the future, AI is merely supercompetent; memes need the human touch.

Besides, there are memes where we find ourselves asking "How crazy is that?" What we don't need is a crazy AI.

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Now you are presuming that AI lacks creativity which has been shown to be false. We will see how things advance but I am willing to be that AI will be able to generate memes that are just as good as humans.

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You arent far off. Many developers have told me they expect to be out of work at some point.

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It can write existing code and update but at this early stage it won't be able to think of new things. Eventually it probably will which is scary

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Facebook, I believe, had a couple of AI systems that developed a completely new language between the two of them.

So I am not sure we are far away from the last part you described.

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Oh chit that is scary. I wonder how much of the unknown we don't know and how much we do know.

Is it even possible for us to know what we don't know?

There could be stuff taking place and we have no clue that it is happening. Of course, that was true throughout humanity's existence.

What is taking place in the universe that we are oblivious to?

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I once held this belief but I had a discussion with someone that was much older and wiser than me, sadly he is not here anymore and he painted the picture that humans already knew everything and if they don't they just don't know it yet.

Everything the mind has conceived has become true. He pointed to famous people of the past such as Einstein, Thomas Edission, Tesla etc. See they never really thought of the things they did, many before did but they made it happen because someone else deemed it.

Steem engines were first invented in Greece, a toy for amusement and then they became power generators.

Popular films captivated audiences of space travel and space ships, then we did it.

So, do we know the unknowns?

AI's fighting humans seems like a known unknown. How does one know what an AI will do once it becomes conscious enough to think.

We've thought it, we're just not at the stage of it occuring.

I thought time travel would be proof of not all is true but that too is false. See in order to travel through time you need a machine. A starting point. That start point would also be your end point as you would only be able to travel back and forward in time to the point that the machine was made.

But who knows, that could be wrong too and there could be a time machine we just don't know it. Also if there was then there would be a multiverse and we would just be one of those many time lines. So to us nothing would be different.

Oh man mind blown.

Skynet is here

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Been here for a while. It is just growing up some.

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That's truly incredible. And we're still very early in that game. Imagine what it's going to be able to do in a few years.

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It is incredible and also a bit scary. We are seeing a rapid advancement down a road we cannot truly say that we know where it ends up.

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That IS actually a little scary. But, as you say, it could lead to some amazing development and innovations. What it all comes down to will be asking the right questions. If there is a code that can just keep re-writing itself until it finds a solution, never tiring, never sleeping, the possibilities really become endless.

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Well I am not really surprised. With all the packages and stuff people have created, writing programs isn't as tough. But the debug process is probably still just as bad.

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