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RE: Leo Talk 6/30/21 - Come Join Our Chat

How long until the mainstream media starts to pick up on the renewable energy waste problem? This is something that is ignored but will become a major issue by the end of the decade.

For example, NPR (not exactly a right wing organization) published a piece some time ago how wind power is going to generate 720K ton of blade material that will go in landfills over the next 20 years. And that is without the newer structures being created.

Then there is the toxins from solar panels. While Musk and others are trying to solar panel the world, what happens when these end their useful life? Some believe the waste will be 4 times that is expected and since solar panels break easily, the toxins are released into the open. It is likely that when this comes into focus, regulation will be put in, meaning it will require hazardous material transport.

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That's very true, and recycling those panels is a bitch.

Recycling in general is a pain in the ass... there is money to be made there, but it's very complicated so not many want to invest in it.

I'm not sure what's the future of wind, because is something I don't follow very closely, but for solar, I see two paths:
1- Better panels, possibly with organic compounds (might take a while)
2- More investment in concentrated solar power, which will reduce the demand for panels (already in motion)

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I have a feeling nuclear will start to take off. Also I am optimistic about geo-thermal. I think the time has come for that.

Problem with recycling solar panels is there isnt much worthwhile in them. A bit of silver and that is all. Most of it is glass.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree. Nuclear is looking good for take off and geo-thermal was abandoned for a while but it's been revisited recently

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Geo-thermal was just not cost effective 30 years ago. With the progress drilling made, I have a feeling it can be.

We will have to watch to see what is being done in that area.

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