By the way, one thing Khal did mention on the show today, we could see a SPS-BNB (I believe that was the pair) LP on Cubfinance.
That will provide another place for people to park there SPS as well as getting a return. Since they are already on Cakefinance, I guess it is easy to do.
No word on time frame on that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well people can already get like 100% returns on Splinterlands for staking SPS. So would it be like a kingdom where its CubFinance staking the SPS for us?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Would the SPS in the pool count towards anything as far as the airdrop goes? I'm guessing probably not, right? So you would have to choose between using the SPS to earn CUB or staking it in the game to earn more SPS?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta