
How many foamy drinks ones will there be out there tonight....?

Will the glasses with bubbles win or the ones without bubbles...?

I think on the next one there will be a lot of drinks xd

I hope so @tsunsica 😅

Me dropping memes onto this threadcast today instead of taking it seriously:

hahahaha.... Jim is incredible...

just found this hahaha hi! Interesting to see people talking about other latin countries hehe


It is true. I am a peach.

Spread the word.

with all the issues aside , I'm living the dream living with crypto. If not paying with Hbd, paying with USDT so, still c

I'm also living a dream, for example, my savings and money are in USDT and HBD. They don't suffer from the aggressive inflation in my country, and it has allowed me to live better than if I didn't have cryptocurrencies.

found it :) Travelfeed is doing something right with SEO, can't really understand what. i seen it with some of my travel posts, and also with the latest WRC stuff.

you like to torture yourself xd but it is good. You know why a lot of people have not considered things like this? They have been bullied into thinking publishing things like that is abuse

Can confirm, I was there, one of the organizers and speakers hahaha and talked with starkerz a lot

That is really nice. I love to see projects like this because for onboarding is cool to say "you can be a part of this or do something like this" instead of just promising possibilities we are not even sure if they will work or not

Managed to catch the show LIVE even though I missed the first half. 🍿

I like that HIVE content is on so many different frontends.

It's going to take quite a lot of clicks to get InLeo content towards higher Google results. So far, I do sometimes see Leofinance links pop up, but not InLeo (yet).

Yeah the switch really put a hurting on search engine rankings. I wonder if that will just be a temporary measure.

The Hive-Engine nodes have been having persistent issues lately, what can be done to address them?

Pray for VSC to go live ASAP.

Looking forward to it.

Nuke 'em and start over

Haha! Get a bomb then 😂

Me considering turning #freecompliments into #paidcompliments now that subscriptions are in the process of being created:

.001 HBD apiece..minimum purchase of 10.

Gee whiz, my time's worth more than that! If I'm charging, it'll be far more than that. Quality-dependent options would be available, of course.

Like my mom always said, make it up in volume.

That one phrase has numerous meanings. Kudos to your mom. 👍

Hive and its nodes this week:

Hahahahaha yeah, I'm onboarding and I'm like

Bookmarked to not lose it 😊

There are just beasts in this video, the best of the best!

I think to take marketing where we want it to go, we need to act more as a true hive. I believe that adoption will be achieved when you use DApps without even realizing it, just like what happens with Web 2. Don't

That is true. We do need to get the apps to the point where people use them because of the features they offer.