
I suspect that files, once released, will not contain anything particularly shocking or groundbreaking. I think that Trump's failure to release files in his first term had less to do with the actual content and more with Pompeo and Deep State trying to show who had the last word.

The deep state has not gone anywhere. I have a feeling there are still a lot within the Pentagon and CIA.

there’s already a lot of noise from people asking for Epstein files to come out

That is going to get a lot more powerful people in trouble, or at least embarrass them. I doubt that happens.

I doubt it too. I guess a lot of people hold onto his “drain the swamp” comments and assign their own meaning to what that means or should mean

haha pretty much 😂

or like the Pentagon on 911, a “plane” will hit the side of the building where the records are kept. Then they won’t find any evidence of a plane… in the Pentagon’s case, it was the accounting offices a day after announcing they LOST over 2 trillion dollars…

Have to wait and see. Will atleast create some hype for now

A friend who is former Fire Chief would say it was mysterious that warehouse fires seemed to occur after bad produce seasons. I'm sure the feds have mysterious fires all the time.