Long form blogs is live in profile. The update brought back your blog.
Check it out.
I didnt see anything noticeable in the wallet though.
Long form blogs is live in profile. The update brought back your blog.
Check it out.
I didnt see anything noticeable in the wallet though.
Thats a good development. Hopefully we can edit and schedule our posts now
Yeah. I havent checked out the posting capabilities yet. Just noticed it was on my profile.
mine is not loading yet. i would wait till later in the day to check again.
I did not see an edit button on the long form content. That doesnt mean I didnt miss it but I couldnt find it.
Wow, that's awesome! Let me check it out, I hope it is visible on phones too 😌
That's awesome! Thanks for the heads up. No need to go anywhere to check on them then. Hope the wallet updates come next.
Without a doubt. The key is to keep people in the site. This is just another way to do it.
Yes, the wallet is empty :)
And long blogs are a matter of taste