
Do you mean people linking leoglossary in their posts, or people who update new stuff into the glossary?

I think its people who update new stuff, new words in the Bank of words.

damn frens. get it!

I want to support the project, how can I support it, can I get any benefit? 🥰 #leo #leoglossary #threads

Awesome more power to the #LeoGlossary

The team is growing

@iskafan I sight you oooooooo 😁

Lol. Thanks darling.

Welcome aboard @ifarmgirl! I already welcomed Iska, she's done a great job with the debt super page.

Thank you Adrian. Great to join and learn from you guys. Yay, it's awesome that Iska is onboard too❤️

Thank you lots, glad to be joining you guys 😉