
Does that mean....>Cooks and Gilmore to Buffalo?

Sure why not.

@jimmy.adames might have a difference of opinion.

@taskmaster4450le I believe @lordshah is a bit behind or way behind but at least he’s trying

He is reading feeds from a couple weeks ago. Or months ago.

Months 🗓️

I'll take Cooks....But Gilmore can kick rocks.

LOL I dont even know who they are.

They are ill, but will play against Buffalo, yes.

That is a an old game. Today is the Super Bowl. Only two teams left and none of those teams are in it. You are tapping into the way back machine @lordshah

Yeah, ro, Jongo just said that. Oops.

Yeah that game was about.......2 months ago lol

They are out due to illness, but will play in their next game against Bills.