
Well, what can I say

Well you are much better looking that my other stalker, @bradleyarrow.

Oh, didn't know there's another one.
Better looking and appealing too. 😉

You versus @bradleyarrow in the looks department.

You win hands down.

Although I hear he has nice legs so he might beat you there.

need to shave them before pics.

No one asked for the pics. 😅

He is so giving, no request is required. He simply offers them up.

Why? Just tell them you are French-Canadian.

That look is in I hear.

I could do that. Oui Oui

He can't beat me even if he has nice legs. Mine is alluring 😅

Yeah but he is willing to wrap them around guys.

He is such a slut sometimes.

Huh, I'm sure he doesn't.