Actually centralization will not really affect the price in my opinion. Wall Street can push things up and if the major players start putting #bitcoin in the treasury, centralization is no matter to them.
Unfortunately, but then at that stage some people will eventually attack things (if centralization increases) and then its a matter of forking decision and monopolized mining pools. Which I don't think it will ever occur at the rate we are heading... but I was speaking from the perspective of protecting the network as a limitation (being price would not even matter), and not so much as an influence of price.
So, yeah, in a sense I agree with you.
But what I am saying, hopefully humans are not going to make technology useless, by not using it the right way (aka for example, doing all the hashing in a quantum computer in 10 years time and leaving it like that because its supper energy efficient). Hopefully by then the value of mining is way higher and the cost of hashing supper low compared with today's ASICs.
That could be in the year 2050.
If $BTC takes off, I have a feeling it will be before that.
If it is still under by the 2035 period, it will not be shooting up. Something else took over.
Do you mean we can have another asset become more powerful than Bitcoin?
Something else will have caught the attention of the investing and sovereign community.
My guess is if we make a trek to $1M, it will be before that.
BTW I found your latest threadcast and dove in. I didnt realize you had made another. Glad you tagged me.
Yeah I did. I'm following the 12-hour routine.
That is excellent. I like that. @coyotelation started to talk about doing the same thing. Let make that work.
I believe we have to use all tools and strategies to our advantage.
If I'm going to do it this way, I think it will be about a story threadcast.
When I read the context of the phrase, it didn't take me long to understand what "BTW" means. My English is progressing. LOL
The funny thing is that in Brazil, the meaning of this is just a word called "aliás".
Well, besides that it can also mean "a propósito".
Maybe if, successful, we can push @khaleelkazi into making the time of threadcasts up lengthened to 24 hours.
Or at least have that option.
That will be fine too. But it looked like all threadcast went off. This one is not yet 12 hours.
eventually... if the network maintains decentralization...
Actually centralization will not really affect the price in my opinion. Wall Street can push things up and if the major players start putting #bitcoin in the treasury, centralization is no matter to them.
Unfortunately, but then at that stage some people will eventually attack things (if centralization increases) and then its a matter of forking decision and monopolized mining pools. Which I don't think it will ever occur at the rate we are heading... but I was speaking from the perspective of protecting the network as a limitation (being price would not even matter), and not so much as an influence of price.
So, yeah, in a sense I agree with you.
But what I am saying, hopefully humans are not going to make technology useless, by not using it the right way (aka for example, doing all the hashing in a quantum computer in 10 years time and leaving it like that because its supper energy efficient). Hopefully by then the value of mining is way higher and the cost of hashing supper low compared with today's ASICs.
Yes. By 12-31-2032 ;-)
That isnt the craziest of time frames.
Definitely, but when is difficult to say.
Do i?
Not even smallest doubt !