That's so good, must feel very rewarding and you will probably work more now...
Isn't that the truth. I put in more hours on Hive than I ever did at my job. Yet I love doing it. So much fun and not a chore at all.
Of course, it is all my choice.
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8 hours on here is a joy, while 8 hours at a job is literal torture. Easy choice to make for me.
That is the truth. The 8 hours on Hive can pass very quickly.
In a job, each minute is like a drip of water on your forehead.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When I've had time off from my current job with annual leave, I found I work late in to the night on music projects, blogging and whatnot without it feeling like work at all.
As long as you feel you've made the right choice and are happy, you're winning really!
When you love what you do, it's not a job but a pleasure :)
For sure! And that's the best way to spend our limited time here!