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RE: LeoThread 2024-10-28 03:27

in LeoFinance4 months ago

From Reddit:

I often think about this. Soon the majority of jobs will likely be redundant (including mine). What are your plans/tips for how to prepare, and what to do when it happens?

Hopefully there are many years before this happens, but want to start preparing now, just in case it happens sooner.


A question many should start to think about at least to be a little prepared.

I would love to work somehow with a project on Hive.

This is the future. People need to get in the mindset of asset accumulation.

Then work on building the value of it.

Do you think Hive is actually a stepping stone into the mindset to accumulate assets?
Hive is kinda center around building and maintaing your account.

Do you think Hive is actually a stepping stone into the mindset to accumulate assets?

No. It has nothing to do with Hive. It is dependent upon the mindset that people choose to have. We see few on Hive who have this mindset.

Hive is a tool and for those who have the mindset, it is a way to start accumulating assets.

But few take ownership. They are not in Web 3.0.

Right I get its just a tool, but its not in very many places you can get these opportunities in irl for many people.

Sure they can start own businesses, but that might come with big financial risks. Here you only loose time, which can be important to ofc.

There is a huge opportunity on Hive but few realize it. Of course, most do not want to work so it is not surprising.

They keep punting on the opportunity.

To start becoming more self reliant isnt such a bad idea either. Growing crops and learn the basic skills to survive with the government.

There is a major portion of people with that mindset. We will see how it unfolds.

What do you see yourself doing on Hive, do you have something in mind?

Yeah I have 2 projects I would love to build someday. Dont wanna share the ideas yet though

looking forward to hear more!

Good luck building them, hope we will know when you launch them.

The earlier the preparation the better. I have been looking into the business world to spot sectors that AI will work with rather than rival out.
#freecompliments #gmfrens

I purchased some land and am building a homestead. Between solar, animals, fruit trees and a huge garden I plan on being as self sufficient as possible. Because the rich sure as shit aren't going to help those that lose their jobs to technology.

People are so generationally brainwashed by the way society /civilization is structured presently that they can’t even imagine what life could be without being a labor force … it’s kinda sad to me that people are more afraid of NOT HAVING A JOB and less excited about possibilities of FINALLY HAVING A FULL UNINHIBITED LIFE . When society restructures, money , politics, status, materialism will also all have to change … we’ll hit a new era , similar to the ways we have in the past for thousands of years. We will all find the new normal and have a hand in creating that.

The global turmoil and unrest presently is the beginning of these changes, it will all be gradual , but I believe that one day everyone will just have what they need and live how they wish within the rules of the new society. Then humanity will finally be free to figure their true purpose, to ponder higher thoughts , to begin to evolve our intellect and spiritual beings in ways we have never been able to before free from the shackles of the rat race , the stress of work , the hardship of bills etc - personally I’d rather focus on the that potential rather than “what am I ever going to do”

My personal plans? I'm hoping to be retired by then and live a comfortable if frugal lifestyle off my pension and savings.

My job is absolutely one that can likely be easily automated in the next five or ten years, so I'm fortunate in my timing to (hopefully) get out while the getting is still good.

Start growing your own food, and collecting rainwater, and power… hopefully human needs will be made human rights without a fight, but I wouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Fattening myself up so they choose to keep me as a battery

I think we might have to worry about pensions and savings (and, really, a lot of things that we take for "normal" right now) if the transition to automation is disruptive to the economy. (And wouldn't it have to be?)

It already happened to me, so I got a new job. Retraining from scratch. And I guess that's the game until my back gives out and they toss me down a hole.

Unfortunately, this is out of reach for most people due to costs and limited income.
The price of land, a house, solar etc are rapidly growing.
Add substantial land for farming, grazing, barn, storage. Some farming equipment + storage. Land plots that size alone are at 300-500k already.

Eve if i chose a countryside location, I'd be looking at a 1+ million € for a functional self-sufficient living. I won't save that much before I'm way too old and i'm at a high paid job.

I wouldn’t prepare for that and get used to the idea of having to keep going to work. Jobs will change but technology won’t make a majority of unemployed.

Technology replaces jobs all the time. It just makes people more efficient. One person can do the job it used to take 2, 3, or 10. But more jobs became available. Like you said, there are 8.2 billion people now. And now there are billions of jobs. But there were only 4.8 billion people 50 years ago. So half as many jobs (roughly). And look at all the technology that came into place in those 50 years, making people more efficient, yet still there are twice as many jobs now (roughly)

The trick is to be useful and always be willing to learn the new stuff. Don't get stuck in a rut saying things like "we never needed computers back when I was working in " those people get replaced because they refuse to be fluid.

Haven't you heard? It's going to be utopia where basic income will let us do what we want. /s

Well, there is a point to UBI.

Right now, we have the system set up where the majority of people work to live.

That means your average person's ability to consume goods, spend money, and be an overall contributor to the economy depends on them being employed the majority of the time.

If you break that connection, you could have major issues. The numbers can't go up if people can't buy things. So, if entire sectors automate rapidly, that could get... interesting.

It's not a problem with technology, but rather that we created a lot of "filler" jobs for the rapidly increasing population.

It was a job inflation. We printed more jobs just to have more jobs. Not that these jobs were actually needed and important.

And since they are so basic, technology can now completely take over all of them at low cost. Technology is bursting that bubble.

I worked for 18 years on the copper telephone network, people who really know the work are increasingly rare. I'm taking advantage of my layoff to try to move into electricity and fiber

Save money to buy ai robots and start your full automated bakery or something like that.

Hard to say, sometime in the past the ones that had the job of "knocker upper" was replace by alarm clocks, My guess is that they got dispersed back into the job market the same way we all will be now, biggest difference, there are no more jobs, or maybe there are new jobs that we do not know about now.

in every automated work process, there is a human, making it happen. evolve with the technology, to control the technology.

i know that the vision of a utopian society has humanity running around being care free beings, following our dreams and desires BUT...

capitalism will never allow it.

that being said, the world will be a used up ball of dust, before robots replace humans. take self driving cars, for example. there will never be a safe self drive system until ALL vehicles are on the same closed network. nostalgia, competition, and the loss in capitol funds will never see it happen in our lifetime.

Learn how to maintain the robots that take your job

Unfortunately, it is going to get very rough for a lot of people because the Gov is going to drag their feet for a while before coming up with a mid-tier or lesser plan and implement it. So I would suggest doing the following now while you have income coming in: Pay off debts, have diverse investments in physical and paper assets, save money, figure out something you can do to make income if you lose your job.

Tech replacing jobs is nothing new - it has been happening throughout history. Guys making stone axes were put out of work by the bronze axe makers. Saddlers and farriers became a niche industry when the motor car became popular.

I work in graphics and I trained before PCs became widely used. Everything I learned is completely irrelevant now. The PCs I use and the software changes completely every 5 years. I keep learning. Now we're supposed to be scared of AI taking our jobs. Guess what - I'm learning how to use AI. It's just a new tool like so many new technologies. I've never been out of a job in 45 years.

It happens periodically. I had a job as a security guard years ago (circa 2008) and one of the older guys I worked with lost his job years before due to digital photography. There was no demand for people who can develop film anymore so he retrained to be armed security. Funny enough, developing film has become a niche market now so maybe he’s back to doing it on the side again.

Point is, specific jobs disappear but human labor is a very long way from becoming obsolete.

Governments and experts will have to radically transform how our economies currently work. It's already straining under this transition. Automation stopped being a boon for the economy 50 years ago. We will soon be at the breaking point... much like climate change however folks won't seriously consider it (including the citizens) until we are in crisis. No personal planning can avoid economic crisis. Being a hermit/prepper I guess, but majority of folks don't have that option even if they wanted it.

The argument against this is the lump of labor fallacy

The cost of a good is a function of its scarcity. Once AI makes most things cheap, we will find new shiny baubles to chase after, and the fact that they are expensive will be what makes us want them more (their high cost allows us to parade our social stature in front of others as we try to climb the social hierarchy). Since humans remain the rate limiting factor in much production, things that are authentically made by humans, even if they are not necessary, will be what we value and spend money on to maintain our sense of prestige. It’s frankly absurd, but it keeps us on the hamster wheel. Just look around you-how much of the junk you have do you REALLY need? We’ll just find new things we think we need as the the things we have get abundant and cheap due to AI

You are severely overestimating technology and underestimating how useful you are in your job. “Soon,” no. “Majority of jobs,” no.

You’re wasting your time with doomsday prep. But if you want to prepare, invest for retirement and pursue higher education. The higher skilled you are, the more irreplaceable you are.

Most likely, soon… blah blah. I have no doubt you will get left behind. Go read a book

Learn to code. Provided that AI doesn’t become our overlords (in which case we will have worse problems) then knowing how to write code to leverage AI will set you apart. The world is changing…similar to what happened with the dot com boom the people most capable of adapting will be the ones who secure their future. Unfortunately, not everyone can do this.

I think this is getting blown out of proportion. Keep in mind, assuming all/most jobs were replaced, there would be no one to buy said products. If no one is buying, then no one is making either.

I feel like the small business won’t be able to afford that stuff until it becomes much widely available.

They won't replace all jobs. Robots don't pay taxes. Retrain and do something else. I'm planning on being a robot cuddler 4 pay.

It won't replace our jobs it will make our jobs more productive

Lot of jobs will be created to support those new techology.

You need people to create and assemble robots, assembly lines and other stuff like that.

You need people to create good AI.

I told this to people before who have such a concern about AI and automation replacing their job.

Unfortunately, hiding for the past where people could work at honest days worth of work and go home at the end of the day as quickly disappearing. It’s very dystopian, but we’re not going to go back to that. Unless of course, there’s some kind of catastrophe that completely destroys modern living.

Unfortunately, you have to look at it like a machine would, evolve and skill up or become obsolete. Inflation is going up at such a rate that you will quickly be priced out of affordability and end up in poverty, if you do not do anything about it.

I’m almost 40 and I have had my living made entirely in customer service, things have changed drastically in the past 20 years that I have been working in this field. There is now a lot of AI and automation and scripts being used for basic customer service and technical support needs that they have slashed the pay rate in half for my level of expertise.

I have went back to school to diversify my skill set to remain relevant. Not exactly what I wanted to do, but it is what it is. I tell the same thing to a friend of mine who makes his living as a loader. All he does is pick up a load from somewhere and move it to another place. He is hoping to retire from the concrete factory that works, but he’s got another almost 30 years. I told him he should not be so certain that his job will continue to be there, but he has blown me off really. it would be all too easy for them to make a machine that does his job.

I too wanted a simple job that I could go to, put in my 8 to 12 hours, and then go home without giving it any further thought and be able to afford living, but that is not the case. So until the economy and the government evolves to Support the basic public with something like a more universal welfare program, you were going to be out of luck if you don’t try to stay above the wave now.

In the past, technology hasn't simply removed jobs, but created more. The sewing machine put small seemstresses out of work but created factory jobs. The mechanization of farm equipment removed the need for so many farmers so people flocked to cities to work for new industries. Generally, technology takes the jobs we hate to do and gives us the freedom to do the jobs we like to do, like problem solving and services and travel industries and art and entertainment. Sure, AI may be a good resource in the classroom, but are parents really going to be ok with there being no human teachers to foster social connectionand developemyn? Who will make sure the machines are running properly and fix any bugs or errors? I think humans will always be needed in the age of technology, and if not we will desire to do work that flourishes our communities.

Technology has been replacing jobs for hundreds of years and yet somehow everyone still has jobs.

Sure you need to be aware of advances that may impact you / your particular job but people can re-train or switch in that scenario if they've got a bit of a financial buffer or have been proactive about learning other skills etc.

Become as adaptable as possible. This is how evolution works and what makes mankind so great

honestly if mechanized labor replaced human labor, you'd think that humans could all live like we were meant to, without having to debase ourselves for money to survive. somehow though in this timeline it seems likely that the billionaires would try to keep everyone in poverty even harder than they already do... at a certain point, it's like, they still live on earth, you know? like they have an address

A job is just an area of responsibility and a collection of associated tasks. AI will start to make several tasks easier, and let one person have responsibility over more of those tasks, but certainly won't be eliminated entirely.

Use AI to get better at your job, and you'll probably be safe. If not, then use AI to retrain and upskill for a better job.

This is an age of massive opportunity, but only for those who act accordingly.

Look for where the new ones come from. They asked the same question as the industrial revolution started to throw people off the farms and into the factories. And again, the world was ending with the steam age, the motor car, computers, the internet and now AI. If you want a job, you will get one, just keep learning

Retrain or start a company controlling the AI bots to do your old job, you focus on the human elements of it like getting suppliers or signing up customers. It really depends where you came from and where you want to go in your work life.

We become more like the Grey's portrayal. Since we will not be burdened by physical work, or wars. Then our brains will start growing in size as we work the mind, and spirit. Then some of us will have discovered time travel and come back to see our warring ways and accidentally trigger God stories and area 51.

Maybe the great flood was the result of time travel triggering a new time line... who knows hahaha.

tech is movin wayyy faster than any of us expected. one way to prep is to focus on skills that machines aren’t great at yet: creative stuff, humancentered work like counseling or social work, and stuff that needs realworld adaptability. also think about learning how to work with tech, like getting into AI tools or automation so you're the one managing the robots instead of gettin replaced by ‘em

New opportunities are coming when the older jobs get replaced

Don’t worry with AI robots, drones, it’s not like we aren’t going to face an extinction level threat, you know climate change would be the kinder death

Becoming more close with nature. Self sufficiency is probably becoming more important and culture as well (personally speaking). I don't like it completely but when finally all or most jobs become redundant we may get into conflict of harmonize each other, how that phase goes will probably decide how humanity progresses