Over the next few years, the Goths became more powerful: Visigoths in Gaul and the Ostrogoths in the Balkans – the latter now separated from the remnant Hunnic Empire. The Hunnic nation broke apart as a result of the poor leadership and infighting between the sons of Attila. Ellac, the eldest son, lost his life in the battle of Netad. Dengisich, another brother, was killed by his slaves. The youngest brother, Irnac, who was smarter than his siblings, retired to lesser Scythia, only to be overrun by new hordes from the east.
Most unfortunate of the threads of this story was the assassination of Aetius, who was intrigued against by Valentinian’s favorite eunuch Heraclius. Jealous of his reputation and power, the emperor decided Aetius was a threat to the crown, and stabbed him during a palace visit on September 21st 454 A.D. Less than a year later the emperor would be assassinated by two of Aetius’ lieutenants.