“The breakthrough in the exploration of Paleozoic granite buried hills reveals the vast exploration prospects of the buried hills in the Beibu Gulf Basin. It will also provide guidance for exploration in similar fields offshore China,” Xu added.
Zhou Xinhuai, the CEO of CNOOC, said, “In recent years, the Company has made large and medium-sized oil and gas discoveries in various types of buried hills offshore China, which have been further expanding the Company’s oil and gas resource base.”
“The discovery in the Beibu Gulf Basin will help to stabilize energy supply and continuously contribute to the economic and social development.”
Past breakthroughs from CNOOC
In February 2025, CNOOC had announced the start of production from Bozhong 26-6 Oilfield Development Project (Phase I) in central Bohai Bay.
The project is expected to achieve a peak production of approximately 22,300 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2025. The oil property is light crude.