The Greek legends about Daedalus and his achievements (the construction of the Labyrinth, the robot Talos, and the flying device/wings) enhance this notion. The Greeks showed great respect for the Minoan technology although they seemed relieved when they got rid of them!
The lack of deciphered scripts (apart from an interesting metric system) doesn’t allow us to make solid conclusions about their scientific knowledge.
Let’s sum it up till now; the Minoans are (for sure) olive skin and dark-haired people, travelers, merchants, craftsmen, and probably primitive scientists. This was the easy part, as all the above facts came directly from excavation findings or lab analysis.
The discussion of topics such as the Minoan regime, religion, and society are tricky, because the lack of written texts and references can’t be replaced by archaeology.
However, there are two commonly believed assumptions that archaeology has debunked.