Why the Roman Republic Failed and What It Means to Us - Part V (last in the series)
We have talked about the fall of the Republic and the reasons for it, but have not analyzed what it means to us. To find meaning, we have to consider the problems of Rome and see if they apply today.
As we have said in previous posts, the central revolutionary drivers in the Republic were poor governance leading to a power vacuum, class instability, and the army as a kingmaker. Which of these issues, if any, could destroy the American Political System? To answer this question, we have to squint into the future. The United States has only existed half as long as the Roman Republic so it could be stable for a long time yet. The fact that there are no serious problems now should not lead one to believe the coast is clear for the future, however. In another century or two the American Political System could die from fatigue like so many others have done in the past.