“Admittedly I didn’t know who Kylie Perkins was before ya’ll tried to cancel her,” posted women’s sports activist Riley Gaines. “But now I do and I follow her.” Gaines’ video reached 3.6 million viewers.
Within 72 hours, Perkins had gained over a million new followers. Two weeks later, she’s up to 2.3 million.
The attempt to silence her did the exact opposite: It amplified her voice.
Now, Perkins is becoming an icon for creators sick of hiding their political beliefs for fear of being canceled.
“No one is going to Kylie Perkins me,” one declared. “I’m just going to let you know now — I voted for Trump!”
For years, conservative content creators on social media have carefully curated themselves online, knowing that even a hint of right-leaning views could bring backlash.